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When we started Sylpheed in Archie it spews a Locale error - it works fine but it's annoying. So, I figure we need to fix that but generally we could use some better locale support in Archie.
I think this will fix the sylpheed error:
Uncomment the locale you desire in /etc/locale.gen.
Set the LOCALE variable in /etc/rc.conf (example below):LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8"
Run local-gen:
# locale-gen
But when to run local-gen? We use US defaults's a safe bet.
However, we can pass LOCALE arguements on the command line, or at least we can code that in. How do we want to do that though? I have never used locales so can we uncomment lots of locales in /etc/locale.gen and pass LOCALE= at startup?
Whoooo, yeah, thanks for all the tips!
OK, lets make it more simple. Which locales to enable in /etc/locales.gen?
I don't know which UTF8 locale people in Germany use for example, or people in Spain..or people in Russia - so volunteers, please!
en_US.UTF-8 for america. heh.
That's a start!
es_ES.utf8 in Spain
I just found this list of locales for latin america
alger: I don't want all of them, I could just uncomment the whole list - I just want to get the main ones
maybe look through CVS and find the old locales package which contained all of them? Then just update it, chuck it into the archie repo. If you havnt generated any locales on the CD, then it probably won't conflict filewise.
Oh, ok, then es_ES.utf8 could be used for spanish (although i'm spanish, probably someone from Argentina would tell you to use es_AR )
maybe look through CVS and find the old locales package which contained all of them? Then just update it, chuck it into the archie repo. If you havnt generated any locales on the CD, then it probably won't conflict filewise.
I'd rather generate them at build time to be honest, it's easy enough. I just want to get the main ones. We could just go with en_US and people would say fair enough but we may as well throw in a few more!
Personally I prefer en_DK on my box, allthough da_DK is usable too. Don't know if that's any help to you.
I made it long
as I lacked the time to make it short...
I use uk_UA.KOI8-U. Russian people use ru_RU.KOI8-R. Will Archie work with non-UTF8 locales? Or do you need some help to make non-UTF8 locales work?
to live is to die
I use uk_UA.KOI8-U. Russian people use ru_RU.KOI8-R. Will Archie work with non-UTF8 locales? Or do you need some help to make non-UTF8 locales work?
I thought UTF was preferred by everyone?!
I thought UTF was preferred by everyone?!
Not by people which use cyrillic alphabet. To make them happy you must ensure that console is working with cyrillic chars and fonts. Coreutils, mc, nano, ncurses should all have perfect support for UTF-8. In current situation they don't have it.
I'm very interested in getting correct locale support in Arch, including UTF-8. I was involved in fixing initscripts in 0.7.0 and 0.7.1 to provide good support for l10n & i18n. But there are still much work to do. At least mc, nano, coreutils and ncurses in current should be patched. There are some bug reports in Flyspray about this.
to live is to die
it_IT.utf8 it's fine for italians like me
"Software is like sex, it's better when it's free." L.T.
de_DE.UTF-8 in germany
But sylpheed doesn't work with that, so I have to use de_DE@euro.
nb_NO.UTF-8 for norwegian "bokmål" variant
nn_NO.UTF-8 for norwegian "nynorsk" variant
If user uses non-UTF8 locale and want to support filenames in GTK apps in different encoding than UTF-8 he/she should take a look at this: … nning.html
For example I have /etc/profile.d/
to live is to die
el_GR.UTF-8 for Greek.
pl_PL.utf8 for Polish
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