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I had this error some days ago so I was waiting some time to try it again. I already redownloaded the ISO-image again and again. The verification step of pacstrap stopping and tells me it has some invalid sigantures for packages like systemd or curl and so on. It is every time the same and I don't know what to do.
I also tried to get new keys with pacman --init; pacman --populate archlinux
Please help me with that.
Is the time on your system set properly?
If yes, whose signature fails? Provide the full error message. If you have no way to copy it, redirect the output to some file and upload it to some sane paste service, e.g.:
curl -F"file=@filename"
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
Let me guess, VirtualBox 6.1 on Windows 10 with HyperV? Yeah, that's a known issue.
Is the time on your system set properly?
If yes, whose signature fails? Provide the full error message. If you have no way to copy it, redirect the output to some file and upload it to some sane paste service, e.g.:
curl -F"file=@filename"
Thanks for a solution in this situation. Smart thing. Link is:
What do you say?
EDIT: The error messages contain the directory of each package in the next line. They weren't redirected with '2> filename' for whatever reason.
Last edited by scribble (2020-05-17 19:26:42)
Let me guess, VirtualBox 6.1 on Windows 10 with HyperV? Yeah, that's a known issue.
You are right. I am using VirtualBox 6.1.6 first, now upgraded to 6.1.8 with hope they fixed the bug if it is one. I will downgrade to 6.0 now and try it out. But there is one thing a don't understand. I use 6.1.6 before with Arch Linux and it worked, why shouln't it work after a while?
EDIT: Downgrading didn't work. Throwing me an Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED) where the internet told me to deactivate HyperV and any feature that is using the VT. Nothing is enabled in my case so I don't know how to fix this.
Last edited by scribble (2020-05-17 19:37:49)
If this is the issue described by Scimmia, I can’t help you.
If it is not, and only then (do not waste your and our time otherwise), consider checking if we’re seeing the same thing:
pacman-key --list-keys ''
Should produce, as of 2020-05-18:
pub rsa4096 2014-02-04 [SC] [expires: 2023-09-30]
uid [ full ] Anatol Pomozov <>
sub rsa4096 2014-02-04 [E] [expires: 2023-09-30]
Last edited by mpan (2020-05-18 17:34:12)
Sometimes I seem a bit harsh — don’t get offended too easily!
If this is the issue described by Scimmia, I can’t help you.
If it is not, and only then (do not waste your and our time otherwise), consider checking if we’re seeing the same thing:
pacman-key --list-keys ''
Should produce, as of 2020-05-18:
pub rsa4096 2014-02-04 [SC] [expires: 2023-09-30] 8E1992167465DB5FB045557CB02854ED753E0F1F uid [ full ] Anatol Pomozov <> sub rsa4096 2014-02-04 [E] [expires: 2023-09-30]
yes it is same! so what does that mean? Is it the case of scimmia?
Last edited by scribble (2020-05-18 17:45:43)
Pages: 1