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I help maintain an Arch box for a friend and fully updated her system last week (it became more up to date than my own box!) and found that mplayer-plugin in firefox would not work. On returning home I checked my system and it worked fine. However, I have just run an update on my own system and now have mplayer-plugin-3.31.1 and it does not work I can only assume that there is some issue with the most recent version? I have just run
locate mplayer-plugin
hoping that the old version would still be around somewhere, but it is not. How do I obtain a copy of the previous package so that I can test whether it is the new package causing the problem? Or, get the new package working?
However, I have just run an update on my own system and now have mplayer-plugin-3.31.1 and it does not work I can only assume that there is some issue with the most recent version?
Dunno, works here. If she just upgraded, she might have to close/reopen firefox or logout/login of her user. I think there might've been a path change associated with mplayer at one point.
I am a gated community.
It does not work here, either- dunno why. However the old 3.25-3 is working.
You can run ABS as root, pick from /var/abs/extra/multimedia/mplayer-plugin the full contents, cp them at some folder at your home dir, and replacing the PKGBUILD with the old one:
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.29 2006/06/27 17:37:28 alexander Exp $
# Mantainer: Alexander Baldeck <alexander>
pkgdesc="mplayerplug-in is a browser plugin that uses mplayer to play videos from websites."
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=(gcc mozilla-common mplayer libxi libxt libxpm)
makedepends=(xulrunner pkgconfig)
build() {
[ -z "${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}" ] && . /etc/profile.d/
cd ${startdir}/src/mplayerplug-in
sed -e 's/mozilla-plugin/xulrunner-plugin/g'
-i configure
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-faad --enable-gtk2 --enable-wmp
--enable-qt --enable-rm --enable-gmp
make LDFLAGS="" || return 1
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}
install -m755 mplayerplug-in*so ${startdir}/pkg/${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}
install -m755 mplayerplug-in*xpt ${startdir}/pkg/${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}
mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/etc
install -m644 ${startdir}/src/mplayerplug-in.conf ${startdir}/pkg/etc/mplayerplug-in.conf
md5sums=('fb99a2efeacd5aed8b92ae0bb33c708a' 'a4b9d00153f3794feda4332662cc795e')
Now run makepkg and you'll soon have the old, working package.
Still curious why the new version does not work, though...
Microshaft delenda est
It does not work here, either- dunno why. However the old 3.25-3 is working.
You can run ABS as root, pick from /var/abs/extra/multimedia/mplayer-plugin the full contents...
This path does not exist on my box. It goes as far as /var/abs/local.
Interesting that you are having the same problem. I recall a thread somewhere, I think it was related to CUPS, where it was necessary to revert to an older version and someome posted a link. I know what I will do - run a search on CUPS and find that link. I'll post it back here if successfull
I found I had:
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mlpayer-plugin-3.25-3.pkg.tar.gz
I have removed the new version and added the old and everything works fine now
I am puzzled why 'locate' did not give the file path. I ran 'updatedb' but it appears that /var is not in the path. Is this normal behaviour?
I am puzzled why 'locate' did not give the file path. I ran 'updatedb' but it appears that /var is not in the path. Is this normal behaviour?
Updatedb omits the directories listed in /etc/updatedb.conf. Arch seems to omit /var/cache by default.