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#1 2020-06-03 23:07:17

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

An error occurs while pushing to aur :-

Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 1.24 KiB | 1.24 MiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit
remote: error: 5bf2d0e808f267bea6560edb8db7f604d8227430:
remote: error: missing install file: deathnote.install
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To ssh://
! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'

Steps i performed:

1). git clone ssh://    ...........(cloned an empty git repository)
2). I copied PKGBUID & .SRCINFO in that repo.
4). git commit -m "Initial push."
5). git push     .................(and got the above error)

Can anyone help ?????


#2 2020-06-03 23:08:41

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 11,670

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

mayank_gite wrote:

remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit
remote: error: 5bf2d0e808f267bea6560edb8db7f604d8227430:
remote: error: missing install file: deathnote.install

Did you read the error?


#3 2020-06-03 23:17:57

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

Scimmia wrote:

Did you read the error?


Last edited by mayank_gite (2020-06-03 23:18:38)


#4 2020-06-03 23:19:55

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,685

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

.SRCINFO records deathnote-git using an install file deathnote.install which is not included in the git push so it was rejected.
what is deathnote.install intended to do?

pre_install() {
  sudo su


$op $*

Edit2: … thnote-git
You are also hosting the project in the AUR git but list for the project website.

Last edited by loqs (2020-06-03 23:41:43)


#5 2020-06-03 23:57:03

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

loqs wrote:

.SRCINFO records deathnote-git using an install file deathnote.install which is not included in the git push so it was rejected.
what is deathnote.install intended to do?

pre_install() {
  sudo su


$op $*

I disowned it by mistakely......can you help me to sort it out????
This was my first time for  publishing aur package

Last edited by mayank_gite (2020-06-04 00:00:43)


#6 2020-06-04 01:17:36

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

The PKGBUILD is complete garbage and it builds a vanity shellscript written by the uploader which runs pkill -9 -u $(whoami).

The pkgver() function reports the number of commits for the PKGBUILD repository:

pkgver() {
	cd ""
	printf "1.0.r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"

What is the purpose of this package? … submission

the rules wrote:

    Make sure the package you want to upload is useful. Will anyone else want to use this package? Is it extremely specialized? If more than a few people would find this package useful, it is appropriate for submission.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#7 2020-06-04 02:01:25

Registered: 2012-09-01
Posts: 11,670

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

mayank_gite wrote:
Scimmia wrote:

Did you read the error?


Go back and read it again, it tells you EXACTLY what the problem is. Please, think for yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.


#8 2020-06-04 03:47:17

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

eschwartz wrote:

The PKGBUILD is complete garbage and it builds a vanity shellscript written by the uploader which runs pkill -9 -u $(whoami).

The pkgver() function reports the number of commits for the PKGBUILD repository:

pkgver() {
	cd ""
	printf "1.0.r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"

What is the purpose of this package? … submission

the rules wrote:

    Make sure the package you want to upload is useful. Will anyone else want to use this package? Is it extremely specialized? If more than a few people would find this package useful, it is appropriate for submission.

That was just for automatic increment of version number during every update.

This can be used to kill processes rather than typing whole command.

Last edited by mayank_gite (2020-06-04 03:48:52)


#9 2020-06-04 03:50:54

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

Scimmia wrote:
mayank_gite wrote:
Scimmia wrote:

Did you read the error?


Go back and read it again, it tells you EXACTLY what the problem is. Please, think for yourself, don't expect others to do it for you.

I solved the error...this was my first time....and thank you very much sir/maam for helping me...and sorry for such stupidity.


#10 2020-06-04 11:58:42

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,685

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

The only advise you seem to have followed was to drop the use of an install file before creating with all the other issues remaining.


#11 2020-06-04 12:02:31

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

loqs wrote:

The only advise you seem to have followed was to drop the use of an install file before creating with all the other issues remaining.

You are absolutely correct....but i got it after making deleting that pkg will get delete as soon as request will get accept.


#12 2020-06-04 12:24:32

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

eschwartz wrote:

it builds a vanity shellscript written by the uploader which runs pkill -9 -u $(whoami).

eschwartz wrote:

What is the purpose of this package? … submission

the rules wrote:

    Make sure the package you want to upload is useful. Will anyone else want to use this package? Is it extremely specialized? If more than a few people would find this package useful, it is appropriate for submission.

Since you didn't listen to me, but went ahead and submitted a second copy of the exact same rules-violating package, I've now deleted both packages, and taken the further action of suspending your AUR account.

Please explain what you think you are doing by uploading malware with several other major issues.

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#13 2020-06-04 12:29:58

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

eschwartz wrote:
eschwartz wrote:

it builds a vanity shellscript written by the uploader which runs pkill -9 -u $(whoami).

eschwartz wrote:

What is the purpose of this package? … submission

the rules wrote:

    Make sure the package you want to upload is useful. Will anyone else want to use this package? Is it extremely specialized? If more than a few people would find this package useful, it is appropriate for submission.

Since you didn't listen to me, but went ahead and submitted a second copy of the exact same rules-violating package, I've now deleted both packages, and taken the further action of suspending your AUR account.

Please explain what you think you are doing by uploading malware with several other major issues.

But i got warning afterwards...and i uploaded another package before...and I got good responses on reddit.


#14 2020-06-04 12:45:58

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 17,685

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

@mayank_gite please compare the time of the initial push of deathnote shown below to the time of your post #6

commit 2a3f644b9906e71ffaa837a2d230af71c23a2f25
Author: mayankgite <>
Date:   Thu Jun 4 12:50:05 2020 +0530

    Initial push.


#15 2020-06-04 12:51:07

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

loqs wrote:

@mayank_gite please compare the time of the initial push of deathnote shown below to the time of your post #6

commit 2a3f644b9906e71ffaa837a2d230af71c23a2f25
Author: mayankgite <>
Date:   Thu Jun 4 12:50:05 2020 +0530

    Initial push.

But i received mail at 17:44 IST


#16 2020-06-04 14:42:51

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

mayank_gite wrote:

But i got warning afterwards...and i uploaded another package before...and I got good responses on reddit.

"I did nothing wrong".

Where did you get good responses on reddit, exactly? Some completely unofficial place that holds no binding power?

mayank_gite wrote:

But i received mail at 17:44 IST

That doesn't seem like something which should happen. The forum should mail you immediately, as it does for everyone else.

Whether this happened or not, isn't MY problem, though. You have:
- uploaded malware
- that violates the rules of submission
- and ignored the forum response where an AUR moderator warned you of the previous two points

It is a COURTESY to warn you before suspending you for uploading freaking malware. We are not required to wait until you acknowledge it. If you never posted on the forums again, and uploaded another 50 malware packages, would we be forbidden from taking action if you said you never got mail about it?

Leaving all this aside: do you understand what the problem with that package is?

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#17 2020-06-05 02:44:51

Registered: 2020-06-03
Posts: 9

Re: Error : "! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)"

eschwartz wrote:
mayank_gite wrote:

But i got warning afterwards...and i uploaded another package before...and I got good responses on reddit.

"I did nothing wrong".

Where did you get good responses on reddit, exactly? Some completely unofficial place that holds no binding power?

mayank_gite wrote:

But i received mail at 17:44 IST

That doesn't seem like something which should happen. The forum should mail you immediately, as it does for everyone else.

Whether this happened or not, isn't MY problem, though. You have:
- uploaded malware
- that violates the rules of submission
- and ignored the forum response where an AUR moderator warned you of the previous two points

It is a COURTESY to warn you before suspending you for uploading freaking malware. We are not required to wait until you acknowledge it. If you never posted on the forums again, and uploaded another 50 malware packages, would we be forbidden from taking action if you said you never got mail about it?

Leaving all this aside: do you understand what the problem with that package is?

Yes i know that it violated "usefulness" rule....this won't happen again.


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