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#1 2020-06-16 18:52:10

Registered: 2014-03-06
Posts: 18,354

[SOLVED] Insecure RPATH in freeradius

While rebuilding freeradius 3.0.21-2 namcap detected an error:

freeradius E: Insecure RPATH '/usr/local/unixodbc/lib' in file ('usr/lib/freeradius/')

Full namcap output:

freeradius W: Directory (var/log/radius/radacct) is empty
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/certs) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/Makefile) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/README) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/bootstrap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/ca.cnf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/client.cnf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/inner-server.cnf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/server.cnf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/certs/xpextensions) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-available) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/README.rst) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/abfab_psk_sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/always) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/attr_filter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/cache) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/cache_eap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/chap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/couchbase) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/counter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/cui) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/date) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/detail) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/ does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/detail.log) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/dhcp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/dhcp_sqlippool) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/digest) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/dynamic_clients) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/eap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/echo) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/etc_group) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/exec) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/expiration) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/expr) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/files) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/idn) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/inner-eap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/ippool) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/krb5) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/ldap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/linelog) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/logintime) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/mac2ip) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/mac2vlan) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/moonshot-targeted-ids) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/mschap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/ntlm_auth) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/opendirectory) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/otp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/pam) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/pap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/passwd) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/perl) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/preprocess) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/python) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/python3) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/radutmp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/realm) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/redis) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/rediswho) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/replicate) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/rest) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/smbpasswd) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/smsotp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/soh) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/sometimes) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/sqlcounter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/sqlippool) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/sradutmp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/unbound) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/unix) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/unpack) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/utf8) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/wimax) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-available/yubikey) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/README.rst) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter/access_challenge) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter/accounting_response) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter/post-proxy) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/files) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/files) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/files/accounting) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/files/pre-proxy) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/perl) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/perl) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/perl/ does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/preprocess) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/preprocess) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/python) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/python) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql/dailycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql/expire_on_login.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql/monthlycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/mysql/noresetcounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql/dailycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql/expire_on_login.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql/monthlycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/postgresql/noresetcounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite/dailycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite/expire_on_login.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite/monthlycounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/counter/sqlite/noresetcounter.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/mysql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/mysql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/postgresql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/postgresql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/postgresql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/postgresql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/sqlite/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/cui/sqlite/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/oracle) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/oracle) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/oracle/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/oracle/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/sqlite/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/sqlite/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mongo) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mongo) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mongo/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql/procedure.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mssql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/procedure.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/mysql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/oracle) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/oracle) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/oracle/procedure.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/oracle/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/oracle/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/procedure.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/postgresql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/sqlite/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/ippool/sqlite/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mongo) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mongo) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mongo/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mssql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mssql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mssql/process-radacct.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mssql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mssql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras/wimax) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras/wimax) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras/wimax/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/extras/wimax/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/process-radacct.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/setup.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/ndb) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/ndb) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/ndb/README) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/ndb/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/ndb/setup.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/oracle) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/oracle) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/process-radacct.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/oracle/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/extras) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/extras) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/extras/cisco_h323_db_schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/extras/voip-postpaid.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/process-radacct.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/setup.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite/ does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite/process-radacct-schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/main/sqlite/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/mysql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/mysql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/mysql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/mysql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/postgresql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/postgresql) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/postgresql/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/postgresql/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/sqlite) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/sqlite) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/sqlite/queries.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/sql/moonshot-targeted-ids/sqlite/schema.sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/unbound) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/unbound) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/mods-config/unbound/default.conf) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/mods-enabled) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/policy.d) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/abfab-tr) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/accounting) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/canonicalization) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/control) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/cui) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/debug) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/dhcp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/eap) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/filter) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/moonshot-targeted-ids) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/operator-name) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/policy.d/rfc7542) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/sites-available) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/README) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/abfab-tls) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/abfab-tr-idp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/buffered-sql) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/challenge) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/channel_bindings) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/check-eap-tls) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/coa) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/coa-relay) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/control-socket) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/copy-acct-to-home-server) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/decoupled-accounting) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/default) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/dhcp) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/dhcp.relay) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/dynamic-clients) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/example) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/inner-tunnel) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/originate-coa) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/proxy-inner-tunnel) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/robust-proxy-accounting) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/soh) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/status) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/tls) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/ does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: File (etc/raddb.default/sites-available/vmps) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (etc/raddb.default/sites-enabled) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (var/log/radius) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (var/log/radius) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius W: File (var/log/radius/radacct) does not have the world readable bit set.
freeradius W: Directory (var/log/radius/radacct) does not have the world executable bit set.
freeradius E: Insecure RPATH '/usr/local/unixodbc/lib' in file ('usr/lib/freeradius/')
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library 'usr/lib/freeradius/' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library 'usr/lib/freeradius/' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library 'usr/lib/freeradius/' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library 'usr/lib/freeradius/' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Referenced library '' is an uninstalled dependency
freeradius W: Unused shared library '/usr/lib/' by file ('usr/lib/freeradius/')
freeradius E: Dependency python2 detected and not included (programs ['python2'] needed in scripts ['etc/raddb.default/mods-config/python/', 'etc/raddb.default/mods-config/python/'])
freeradius W: Dependency curl detected but optional (libraries ['usr/lib/'] needed in files ['usr/lib/freeradius/'])
freeradius W: Dependency krb5 included but already satisfied
freeradius W: Dependency included and not needed ('pth')
freeradius W: Dependency included and not needed ('net-snmp')
freeradius W: Dependency included and not needed ('mariadb-libs')
freeradius W: Dependency talloc included but already satisfied
freeradius W: Dependency libpcap included but already satisfied
freeradius W: Dependency included and not needed ('smbclient')

Is the error a false positive?  When should an RPATH be removed?  Security#RPATH/RUNPATH notes the path needs to be under the attackers control.  /usr/local is only writable by root.
The path did not exist in the clean chroot used to build it but was appears to have been detected by the configure script as a required path.  It can be removed with the following change

+  sed -i 's/-Wl,-rpath,$try//' acinclude.m4
+  ./

Should this be reported as a bug?

Last edited by loqs (2020-06-17 10:24:13)


#2 2020-06-17 03:04:50

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: [SOLVED] Insecure RPATH in freeradius

namcap only whitelists:

allowed = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/lib32', '/lib', '$ORIGIN', '${ORIGIN}']

Anything else might or might not be exploitable, /usr/local should not be exploitable but is still rather silly of upstream. I wouldn't report a package bug, but I would report an upstream bug.

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