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One of my Linux systems (last updated in April) has the following issue:
pacman-key --refresh-keys :(
gpg: refreshing 117 keys from hkps://
gpg: keyserver refresh failed: Server indicated a failure
Just to exclude my network I ran it on another Linux server where it runs fine.
I tried port 80 and 443 nonetheless.
I also did:
gpg --debug-level guru --keyserver hkp:// --search-keys abcdefghij
gpg: enabled debug flags: packet mpi crypto filter iobuf memory cache memstat trust hashing ipc clock lookup extprog
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] start
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Home: /root/.gnupg
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Config: [none]
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK Dirmngr 2.2.20 at your service
gpg: DBG: connection to the dirmngr established
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> GETINFO version
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- D 2.2.20
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KEYSERVER --clear hkp://
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KS_SEARCH -- abcdefghij
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- ERR 219 Server indicated a failure <Unspecified source>
gpg: error searching keyserver: Server indicated a failure
gpg: keyserver search failed: Server indicated a failure
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> BYE
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] stop
gpg: keydb: handles=0 locks=0 parse=0 get=0
gpg: build=0 update=0 insert=0 delete=0
gpg: reset=0 found=0 not=0 cache=0 not=0
gpg: kid_not_found_cache: count=0 peak=0 flushes=0
gpg: sig_cache: total=0 cached=0 good=0 bad=0
gpg: random usage: poolsize=600 mixed=0 polls=0/0 added=0/0
outmix=0 getlvl1=0/0 getlvl2=0/0
gpg: rndjent stat: collector=0x0000000000000000 calls=0 bytes=0
gpg: secmem usage: 0/32768 bytes in 0 blocks
The problem stops me from updating since I get this on the upgrade:
(142/142) checking keys in keyring [#######################################################] 100%
downloading required keys...
:: Import PGP key 3B94A80E50A477C7, "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>"? [Y/n] Y
error: key "3B94A80E50A477C7" could not be looked up remotely
I update gnupg, keyutils and pacman-keyring to see if it would help, but no luck there...
Can anybody help me out?
Last edited by Orionis (2020-06-17 15:27:04)
Please search before posting...
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
That may say something about the heftig key, but not about the general issue of not being able to reach any keyserver. Which is why I was reluctant to include it in my post.
Please read my entire post before telling me I didn't just spend two hours on Google trying to figure it out for myself and failing.
I'm sorry, but that reply bites after two hours.
EDIT: I already had the thread you referred me to open to troubleshoot that as well. But I am bound to run into issues if gpg can no longer get to the keys.
EDIT2: The system where "refresh-keys" works was last updated on May 2nd, so I figured maybe it was an aoutdated package. Which is why I usually run "refresh-keys" before upgrading, I've had issues with outdated keys in the the middle of an update.
Last edited by Orionis (2020-06-17 15:41:38)
Is your system date correct and is dirmngr set up correctly?
How about
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
(142/142) checking keys in keyring [#######################################################] 100%
downloading required keys...
:: Import PGP key 3B94A80E50A477C7, "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>"? [Y/n] Y
error: key "3B94A80E50A477C7" could not be looked up remotely
What command produce this output and what is the full output of the command?
I got the same error when install meson on a fresh new system
8/8) checking keys in keyring [##############################################] 100%
downloading required keys...
:: Import PGP key 3B94A80E50A477C7, "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>"? [Y/n] y
error: key "3B94A80E50A477C7" could not be looked up remotely
error: required key missing from keyring
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Then I tried the following:
gpg --search-keys --batch 3B94A80E50A477C7
gpg: directory '/home/mpiuser/.gnupg' created
gpg: keybox '/home/mpiuser/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: error searching keyserver: Server indicated a failure
gpg: keyserver search failed: Server indicated a failure
gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr
> keyserver --resolve hkp://
S # hkps:// resolve failed: Server indicated a failure
@fisherjf That key was included the 20200603-1 release archlinux-keyring by the commit … a6efb2150c
@loqs Yeh, I just missed. I used 20200601 iso to setup the new system. After update the keyring, problem solved. Thanks.
I know this is several months later, but I think I have the same issue when trying to receive graysky's key...
# pacman-key -r 5EE46C4C --keyserver hkp://
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure
==> ERROR Remote key not fetched correctly from keyserver
I think I tried about 10 different key servers, in the course of 8 hours of frustrating research. I don't havve access to that machine anymore, so sorry for not providing the journal log. It was a fresh install from the 2020-11 archiso, fully up-to-date. Timezone was set correctly, NTP was active. There were no particular or obvious errors in the journal. I re-populated the keyring a few times, re-installed gnupg, cleared the pacman cache, re-started dirmgr a few times, and I inspected the keyring with gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg ... to no avail.
I ended up manually importing the key by:
finding out that his key should be available at by following his wiki key lookup link (this would timeout, or not respond at all)
manually searching for the key with w3m
waiting a few times for minutes ( contacted. Waiting for reply...) before hitting the message: The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /pks/lookup.
installing a graphical environment with firefox, repeating the search, again with loooong waits and little luck, until I was finally able to follow the search result link to his key (again, waiting a looong time for that to show up) at … 865EE46C4C
I then copy-pasted the public key to a plaintext file, and added it with pacman-key --add keyfile, signed it ...
then I went on removing the graphical environment, firefox etc. because I had no use for that.
Sorry about the rant, but maybe it's useful for someone.
edit grrr... does this have anything to do with keyserver misuse?
Last edited by sharethewisdom (2021-01-02 20:55:46)
Pages: 1