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Trying to install using the latest iso and networking has failed on:
1. KVM
The VM is able to get an ip, able to ping outside network ( but unable to ping hostname with "Name or service not known"
resolve.conf is set to
2. Bare metal install
Install target is a laptop. wifi-menu is unable to connect to access point with "Connection Failed"
Update: Previous iso archlinux-2020.05.01-x86_64.iso works without issue.
Last edited by peace885 (2020-06-02 22:10:04)
The ISO switched from dhcpcd to systemd-networkd, kind of at the last minute (last few days). I'm not surprised if a few issues come up.
resolve.conf or resolv.conf?
I dont know about the issue.
But I believe there was a bug report about switching ArchISO from dhcpcd to systemd-networkd but that was on hold from long time for some reason. I can not find that bug report though. But it could be the reason for this issue.
Found it. It was not a bug report but some patches on arch-relang mailing list
It was halted because DHCPv6 was not supported. … 03369.html
Full thread begins here: … 03365.html
thanks for breaking the installer, now it throws a sad "smiley face" at me and neither ethernet nor wifi works (what a sad arch installer), at first i thought that was intel again, like for the 100th time this year
Last edited by サクラさん (2020-06-06 11:00:34)
A sad smiley face? Sounds like gnome, what are you actually trying to run?
Sounds like the exit status indicator from the installation media's zsh config to me.
If that's the case, it's from a command in the interactive shell, so the question still works.
hi again, so i installed the system with the installer from may and everything worked as its supposed to, enjoying the system since then. i didnt try to run gnome or anything, that was before i even started actually installing the system, i boot into live cd, issuing wifi-menu, successfully connecting to my spot, but then it shows like sad emoji face but in symbols ":(" thats so hilarious, then i tried to use phone tethering, but the installer was still sad and kept throwing sad faces after "ping". i felt so sad for the poor thing, just month ago it was a happy installer PS my card is intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168NGW (i3 7020u)
Last edited by サクラさん (2020-06-08 17:37:57)
Last edited by withgoody7 (2020-06-09 11:41:44)
Last edited by withgoody7 (2020-06-09 11:42:13)
I did a fresh install with the June ISO yesterday and after some tinkering I got the WiFi via wifi-menu working. I'm an Arch newbie so please excuse any incorrect use of terminology and/or faulty assumptions as to the reasons below (please correct me so I can learn though), but this is how i got wifi-menu working and connected to my local wifi in the end.
The Problem: Systemd starts a service on you on your wireless interface. So when you add a new connection with wifi-menu, instead of connecting it will throw an error "The interface of network profile "Name of you WiFi profile" is already up.
You can confirm this if you run the command
ip link
It will output something like this,
3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000
The UP after MULTICAST confirms it's already in use and as such netctl can not make use of it and connect to your local Wifi.
The Solution: After booting up to the Arch install. The first thing you do before using wifi-menu to try and connect is type this command:
ip link
and confirm the name of your wifi network device, in my case it is wlan0 as seen above.
Then you run this command:
ip link set wlan0 down
Replce wlan0 with the name of your wifi network device, after that connect to your wifi using wifi-menu like normal.
If you've already gone through wifi-link and got the CONNECTION FAILED message. Either just reboot and do the commands above before starting wifi-menu again. Alternativly follow the steps above and at the end type in
systemctl restart netctl@HelloWorld.service
where HelloWorld is the name of the WiFi profile name you chose.
I wound up rebuilding the ISO without systemd-networkd and went back to dchpcd. Hopefully next month's ISO will correct this problem.