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Posted here(installation)since i think its the most relevant :
Recently i accidentaly formated my /home disk when i was playing around with fdisk,so I went to rescue reformated mkfs.ext4 /dev/homedisk and did genfstab again,now the problem is that I am unable to login,so i went to tty2,logged in and it said no home dir for user ME, and so i did mkdir /home/me ,but again I am not able to login through lighdm to any of my available DE, so I try to login as root to xfce,and it works,so at this point im lost...
fdisk -l :
/dev/sda1 2048 62916607 62914560 30G Linux root (x86-64) This is /
/dev/sda2 62916608 70729727 7813120 3.7G Linux swap This is swap
/dev/sda3 70729728 71778303 1048576 512M EFI System This is /boot
/dev/sda4 71778304 468862094 397083791 189.4G Linux filesystem This is /home
journalctl -b:
(well posting the entire journalctl through dogbin or pastebin is kind of hard atm,ask if needed)
Kind of confused of why this happens tho,i thought relavent files where created automatically ,and if not i wourld have thought it has somewthing to do with the window manager or desktop enviroment but neither of those is the problem,an explanation would be appreciated.
Last edited by Coalms (2020-07-09 03:24:09)
What are the permissions/uid/gid of /home/me ? Check/post
stat /home/me
See's_login_name_or_home_directory for how to properly generate a home dir. They should be 0755 and owned by your user and its relevant gid
i thought relavent files where created automatically
What do you mean "automatically"? They certainly aren't created by magic. Automaticity just refers to a process that does a munch of stuff for you. Several files are created "automatically" when you create a user as directed in the wiki, but if you don't run `useradd`, then there is no process to automatically do anything.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Coalms wrote:i thought relavent files where created automatically
What do you mean "automatically"? They certainly aren't created by magic. Automaticity just refers to a process that does a munch of stuff for you. Several files are created "automatically" when you create a user as directed in the wiki, but if you don't run `useradd`, then there is no process to automatically do anything.
Im sorry I might have unintentionally misinformed you in my post,the user and home and everything existed from before but formated,core settings and others that are saved in root are sll kept in another partition safe from the chaos of my destruction, what im trying to fix is the " relationship " of root and home partitions( or folders) ,the user exists,since I am able to login through tty2(when /home/coal does not exist I also get an error on login but everything runs fine, making a "coal" folder does solve the mesage but still cannot login through lightdm on any dm ) thats also why V1del's post seemed wierd to me since norhing changed on the disc or stracture of the folders at all not even /dev/sda4 naming everything is the same except with a new UUID since i re-formated with mkfs.ext4 after i "corrupted "(for luck of a better word) my partition
Things il probably when i get home and update you tomorrow:
stat /home/coal (maybe as V1del implies I have "locked"my user out of this folder due to lack of permissions)
also @V1del I think I have already tried
usermod -d /home/coal -m coal
(from the wiki) or something similar both when I had created or even before the making of /home/coal folder with a reply nothing chsnged or nothing done or something along those lines,will redo tonight,havent tried linking the folder tho ,but linking to itself wourld be impossible wouldn't it?
Last edited by Coalms (2020-07-08 19:29:21)
yeah turns out it was a permission problem,thanks to V1del for that once more
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