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Sebastian A. Liem
pauldonnelly wrote:Agent69 wrote:Can you guys using DMenu with DWM give me some kind of example of how you set this up?
My solution is to use Xbindkeys to run "$( ls $( echo $PATH | sed -e s/:/ /g ) | sed -e s/^.*://g | dmenu )"
I wasn't even aware that Xbindkeys existed. After reading some information on it, I don't think that I'll even worry about Dmenu.
Glad I could clue you in; it's really handy. I'm surprised it removes your need for Dmenu though. Will you bind a key for every program you want to run?
Glad I could clue you in; it's really handy. I'm surprised it removes your need for Dmenu though. Will you bind a key for every program you want to run?
It'll work for me because I don't normally install that many GUI programs anyway;)
BTW, Dwm 1.5 is out now. I compile it myself and I had no problems with it.
Agent69 wrote:Gustavo wrote:Nice, care to share your wallpaper?
I don't remember who did it but you can download it from As I recall, it was available in various resolutions.
Found it:
Nice site btw.
My new desktop:
Can you also post your .screenrc? Your status bar looks a lot cooler than mine, and I hate configuring that thing
Desktop: AMD Athlon64 3800+ Venice Core, 2GB PC3200, 2x160GB Maxtor DiamondMax 10, 2x320GB WD Caviar RE, Nvidia 6600GT 256MB
Laptop: Intel Pentium M, 512MB PC2700, 60GB IBM TravelStar, Nvidia 5200Go 64MB
term screen-256color
bind C screen -t "ncmpc" 0 ncmpc
bind i screen -t "irssi" irssi
bind t screen -t "torrent" rtorrent
bind T screen -t "top" sudo top
bind A screen -t 'mixer' alsamixer
bindkey "^[Oc" next
bindkey "^[Od" prev
backtick 50 0 0 hostname
vbell on
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= .y}[ %{R}%H %{y}][ %=%{w}%?%-Lw%?%{y}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{y})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{y}][%{B} %{R}%0c %{y}]"
sorendition +b .G
startup_message off
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=E]2;:fs=07:ds=E]2;screen07'
termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=E7E[?47l
defscrollback 10000
The 'hardstatus alwayslastline' line, is just one line. The forum probably breaks it into two or more lines.
The 'hardstatus alwayslastline' line, is just one line. The forum probably breaks it into two or more lines.
Cheers, loving it just now It's nice to have a clock on terminals
Desktop: AMD Athlon64 3800+ Venice Core, 2GB PC3200, 2x160GB Maxtor DiamondMax 10, 2x320GB WD Caviar RE, Nvidia 6600GT 256MB
Laptop: Intel Pentium M, 512MB PC2700, 60GB IBM TravelStar, Nvidia 5200Go 64MB
Gnome 2.16 get it here: … highlight=
term screen-256color bind C screen -t "ncmpc" 0 ncmpc bind i screen -t "irssi" irssi bind t screen -t "torrent" rtorrent bind T screen -t "top" sudo top bind A screen -t 'mixer' alsamixer bindkey "^[Oc" next bindkey "^[Od" prev backtick 50 0 0 hostname vbell on hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= .y}[ %{R}%H %{y}][ %=%{w}%?%-Lw%?%{y}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{y})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{y}][%{B} %{R}%0c %{y}]" sorendition +b .G startup_message off termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@ termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=E]2;:fs=07:ds=E]2;screen07' termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=E7E[?47l defscrollback 10000
The 'hardstatus alwayslastline' line, is just one line. The forum probably breaks it into two or more lines.
You should check out htop. htop is to top as fibre optics is to smoke signals.
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
[/URL] [URL=]
OpenBox w/ PyPanel & IPager
Wallpaper; The Threat of Oxygen on Mars by americanpyscho
Could you share your ob theme ?
The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead.