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Pages: 1
hello. I have a usb external harddrive that I am attempting to mount. In /etc/fstab, I have entered:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb reiserfs rw,user,auto 0 0
I receive an error that says sda1 is not found, although I am pretty sure that is the where the partition is. In fact, on a previous arch installation (and in my current ubuntu partition), that worked just fine.
so, my question is, how can I find out the exact location? or what else should I do?
To find the device name, plug it in and then check your logs.
Better still, to make sure your device is always assigned the same user-friendly name e.g. /dev/usbdrive, have a look at this.
thanks. I figured it out. that wiki entry was helpful. should have looked there first
Pages: 1