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#1 2020-09-08 23:33:30

Registered: 2015-04-26
Posts: 3

[Solved] duplicate gnupg layout in both pacman.d and pacman.d/gnupg

This Arch installation dated back 2018-09-23, and is updated as now (2020-09-09 UTC+8)

There are those files and folders that represents general gnupg installation, such as pubring.gpg, secrings, gpg.conf, trustdb.gpg and socket files etc. in both /etc/pacman.d/ and /etc/pacman.d/gnupg

I noticed that the last modified date of those under /etc/pacman.d is in 2018, while those in -/gnupg looks more updated to 2020-09, can I safely remove those in /etc/pacman.d?

Last edited by brli7848 (2020-09-14 17:03:14)


#2 2020-09-09 02:08:13

Registered: 2018-10-30
Posts: 259

Re: [Solved] duplicate gnupg layout in both pacman.d and pacman.d/gnupg

brli7848 wrote:

can I safely remove those in /etc/pacman.d?

I would think so.  If you want to be safe, move them to a temp directory in your $HOME, and if you have no issues after a couple of updates, then you can delete them.

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#3 2020-09-09 02:12:25

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: [Solved] duplicate gnupg layout in both pacman.d and pacman.d/gnupg

It sounds like once you used the --gpgdir command-line option or GPGDir pacman.conf setting to make /etc/pacman.d your gpgdir. This is messy and also apparently no longer the case. Now you have two sets of files, one of which is messily mixed into /etc/pacman.d and is not actually used.

You can freely remove the unused files. smile

(You may verify which ones you actually need, by running `pacman-conf GPGDir` to see the current required location.)

Last edited by eschwartz (2020-09-09 02:13:33)

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#4 2020-09-14 17:03:33

Registered: 2015-04-26
Posts: 3

Re: [Solved] duplicate gnupg layout in both pacman.d and pacman.d/gnupg

Must be the case, would remove them all.


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