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Hi i just have configured kde and kopete don't get online when it should
I'm sure that my MSN e mail account and the password are ok.. and i haven't select the Exclude all connection (i can't rember exactly what it says)
but that's it once my configuration is done nothing else happen :S
can anyone help me with this?
First make sure your net connection is alright, that nothing is blocked and so on.
Then browse the list archives, forums and what else is on for any current issues with MSN.
And last: did you make sure Kopete really tried to connect? Any error messages?
no errors messages it just don't get online :S
start from the command line and try to connect. See what error message it gives.
Hi, I'm also having similar problem, when kopete tries to connect to MSN, I got this error message:
The server is not available at the moment. Please try again later
In konsole I would see this:
kopete (msn): [virtual void MSNAccount::setOnlineStatus(const Kopete::OnlineStatus&, const QString&)] Online
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
kopete (nowlistening): AmaroK is not running!
kopete (nowlistening):
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [virtual void MSNSocket::slotReadyWrite()] Sending command: VER 0 MSNP11 MSNP10 CVR0
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [void MSNSocket::slotDataReceived()] VER 0 MSNP11 MSNP10 CVR0
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [virtual void MSNSocket::slotReadyWrite()] Sending command: CVR 1 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 7.0.0816 MSMSGS
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [void MSNSocket::slotDataReceived()] CVR 1 7.5.0324 7.5.0324 7.0.0777 … senger.exe
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [virtual void MSNSocket::slotReadyWrite()] Sending command: USR 2 TWN I
kopete (msn - raw protocol): [void MSNSocket::slotDataReceived()] 601 2
kopete (msn): [virtual void MSNNotifySocket::handleError(uint, uint)]
kopete (msn): [virtual void MSNSocket::handleError(uint, uint)]
kopete (msn): [void MSNAccount::slotErrorMessageReceived(int, const QString&)] The server is not available at the moment. Please try again later.
kopete (msn): WARNING: [void MSNSocket::slotSocketError(int)] Error: 17 (remote host closed connection)
kopete (msn): [void MSNSocket::slotSocketClosed()] Socket closed.
kopete (msn): [void MSNAccount::slotNotifySocketClosed()]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant: toString=]
libkopete: [virtual void Kopete::Account::disconnected(Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason)] 99
kopete (msn): [virtual MSNNotifySocket::~MSNNotifySocket()]
Strangely MSN is the only IM not working, Yahoo, Jabber and ICQ work just fine. And even worse Mercury works and kopete doesn't. I'm not sure what the problem is but kopete also works fine on my laptop (the problem happens on my desktop). I even tried creating a fresh new kopete config files and still the same problem.
Can anybody give me some hint?
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