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I am trying to install Arch on an 8 year old netbook that does not have an UEFI enabled bios. The hard drive is formatted using GPT. I have installed both LVM and Luks on other machines but not on the root partition. I am using this machine as a test run before attempting to redo a more useful computer.
I was successful in installing a usable O/S including Openbox except that after rebooting I get the following message;
ERROR: Device /dev/mapper/aDrive-root Not Found.
I can boot into the O/S by using the Arch install disk and arch-chroot but that is not a practical solution.
The following is an edited version of the output from lsblk:
sda 8:0 0 298G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 100M 0 part Unformatted BIOS Boot Partition EF02
├─sda2 8:2 0 250M 0 part /boot Unenc. ext4 partition mounted at /boot
├─sda3 8:3 0 200G 0 part Encrypted luks1 partition
│ └─cryptlvm 254:0 0 200G 0 crypt Volume Group -> aDrive
│ ├─aDrive-swap 254:1 0 2G 0 lvm Logical Volume for swap
│ └─aDrive-root 254:2 0 35G 0 lvm / Logical Volume for root
└─sda4 8:4 0 97G 0 part Unformated sda storage
I have gone through the Wiki's and other relevant post to the point where I am suffering from a significant case of information overload resulting in a mental block:
Most of my efforts have been in trying to configure mkinitcpio and GRUB.
The hooks section of the mkinitcpio.conf is:
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck)
Relevant parts of : /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=dev/sda3:cryptlvm" # This is only one of many different attempts and might be the problem.
# Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
# Uncomment to enable booting from LUKS encrypted devices
After making changes I run both:
mkinitcpio -P
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
At this point I'm not concerned about having to enter the encryption key twice.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by ljshap (2020-10-03 02:31:15)
Live Free or Die !
cryptdevice is wrong, device name has to start with /
it's better to use the UUID=xyz of sda3 instead as it might end up sdb3 or sdc3 instead (depending on drive detection order)
same with the root disk, better to use the rootfs UUID as it might be /dev/mapper/x-y or /dev/x/y or /dev/dm-123
device names are not half as reliable as UUIDs
your sda1 bios grub partition is too large, 1M is plenty, but no harm (other than wasted space) in giving more
At this point I'm not concerned about having to enter the encryption key twice.
it should be only once, considering you have a single luks container and unencrypted boot
with unencrypted boot you don't need to enable cryptodisk in grub
Last edited by frostschutz (2020-10-03 01:51:54)
cryptdevice is wrong, device name has to start with /
it's better to use the UUID=xyz of sda3 instead as it might end up sdb3 or sdc3 instead (depending on drive detection order)
Dang: You beat me to it, I was in the process of marking this thread solved when I saw your post.
I took a long break but decided to give it another look when I noticed the typo. It worked after changing the grub file to:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=/dev/sda3:cryptlvm" # This is only one of many different attempts and might be the problem.
I called it a typo because it was such a careless mistake I usually wouldn't have made using Dos 1. In my defense I tried a lot of different things most of which did involve UUID numbers, so I was pretty punchy and frustrated. I purposely installed Openbox to make it easier to copy and post those freight train length numbers.
I think my problem was misunderstanding the following line in the Arch Wiki:
cryptdevice=UUID=device-UUID:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot
Now that that hurdle is passed I will try again using the UUID.
The next step is trying boot additional distro's as backup in the encrypted partition and possibly FreeBSD in the unencrypted partion.
You were right about only having to enter passphrase once.
Thanks a lot for your reply, but I wish I had beaten you.
Live Free or Die !
cryptdevice is wrong, device name has to start with /
it's better to use the UUID=xyz of sda3 instead as it might end up sdb3 or sdc3 instead (depending on drive detection order)
same with the root disk, better to use the rootfs UUID as it might be /dev/mapper/x-y or /dev/x/y or /dev/dm-123
I was able to use the UUID of /dev/sda3 with the following line:
The blkid command is more useful in matching UUID's with partitions and logical volumes than lsblk is, so maybe I kept using the wrong UUID.
I was only joking when I said I wanted to beat you to the solution (which I did), but I really did appreciate your help.
Thanks Again
Live Free or Die !