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Hi I'm seeking some clarification of the capabilities of systemd-boot since I really can't find a lot of good documentation for it (seriously).
I'm aware grub can load an iso image during boot by mounting it to an isoloop. Here is an example:
exec tail -n +3 $0
menuentry "SystemRescue (isoloop)" {
insmod gzio
insmod part_gpt
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --label boot --set=root
loopback loop /systemrescue.iso
echo 'Loading kernel ...'
linux (loop)/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz img_label=boot img_loop=/systemrescue.iso archisobasedir=sysresccd copytoram setkmap=us
echo 'Loading initramfs ...'
initrd (loop)/sysresccd/boot/x86_64/sysresccd.img
Can systemd-boot do something similar to: loopback loop <location of .iso image>?
No. systemd-boot's feature scope is pretty simple and well defined. Load another EFI file and pass arguments to it. Full stop. Anything else is out of scope
Last edited by V1del (2020-11-16 16:52:01)
You can, copy the files into the ESP, and launch with the same args.
In your system mount the iso and copy what you are calling now into your ESP. Cut the middle man.
Side note, why SystemRescueCD? archiso is more than enough for any rescue.
Hmm, they have arch-install-scripts integrated, since they are based on archiso now...I would prefer it to be distro-agnostic, yet that is ambitious.
It feels like archiso, with extra clutter.
Last edited by GaKu999 (2020-11-16 23:04:01)