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I am currently trying to install archlinux on a computer I have. I follow the steps on … .C3.A9_USB and (I know it is the same thing but each one says things that the other doesn't).
I have completed everything good i think, i had no errors while following the steps. Now I am trying to install the bootloader. When I type :
bootctl --path=/boot/efi install
(I have to tell him the path because I had a previous problem where the installation was hanging),
I have first the message :
File system "/boot/efi" is not a FAT EFI System Partition (ESP) file system.
I knew I had formated under FAT32 so i did a quick lsblk, and all the partitions were not mounted, except the swap that was activated!
So I remounted them and I entred the command again.
Now here is my problem, I have a total unknown error to me, some help on the meaning of it and the way to solve it would be really appreciated:
File system "/dev/black/8:1" has wrong type for an EFI System Partition (ESP).
Good wishes
Last edited by Bestinbest (2020-11-29 18:35:46)
When you created the EFI partition, did you select type "EFI System"?
What do you mean by creating the partition? I have a sda1 partition i have formated with fat32, if it is what you are saying...
As a minimum, you need a root partition (which should NOT be formatted with a FAT32 file system) and an EFI partition. See … _the_disks.
I don't understand, i have the sda1, for /boot/efi , in fat32, the sda2 for the swap, a sda3 for my /home and the sda4 is the / , both in ext4. Is it correct to format the /boot/efi partition with fat32? and if no, please tell me which type of format i should use
sudo fdisk -l
and verify, that partition type is 'EFI System'
You are right, it says Linux filesystem. should I restart the installation from the scratch? And how can I format as a EFI system?
Delete and recreate partition should be enough.
Formating - FAT32
rerun bootctl install
Remark: read Installation guide on, French site can be outdated...
Ok thank you, i sure will now.