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Recently there has been an update to Python 3.9.
I.e. all Python 3 packages from the official repos have been rebuilt against this new version and simultaneously pushed to the stable repos.
Although following the arch-dev-public mailing list, I was not provided with a scheduled date for the release of Python 3.9 and its rebuilt packages.
There were some announcements regarding the Python 3.9 rebuild on 2020-11-09, 2020-11-15 and 2020-11-26.
But neither provided a date for the scheduled stable release.
Since I am using an own repository with python packages I also provide in the AUR, it would be nice to know when the rebuilt packages will be released to that I can schedule the rebuilds of my packages accordingly.
With the current state, I just regularly run pacman -Syu, then see "oh, they published the rebuilt Python packages", and only then can rebuild my own and have to Syu again.
tl;dr would it be possible to be notified about the release date of rebuilt Python packages beforehand, so that I can schedule the rebuild of my packages accordingly?
Last edited by schard (2021-06-23 08:25:56)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
(Disclaimer: I am not involved in Arch Linux development AT ALL.)
Would subscribing to the github page for the PKGBUILD file for the python package provide you with what you need? In this example, you would've been notified on November 9, which is when I assume it went into the testing repo.
(Disclaimer: I am not involved in Arch Linux development AT ALL.)
Would subscribing to the github page for the PKGBUILD file for the python package provide you with what you need? In this example, you would've been notified on November 9, which is when I assume it went into the testing repo.
Hey, what about RSS feeds?
You could hack together a RSS client that instead of using the whole feed, just reads and filters what you want, in this case, python, maybe automatize it so when it's an update it sends an email to ye.
Or use an already existing one that does the trick, it's feasible. (I think)
The commits mailing list could be filtered as well.
This goes far beyond python, though. You need it for every soname change in libraries you're using as well. All part of the hassle of maintaining binary packages.
Last edited by Scimmia (2020-12-03 18:34:48)
nvchecker, a popular program for scraping for upstream updates on project github pages, PyPI, etc., also has a source mapping to let you scrape for updates to an "archpkg". You could run nvchecker in cron+email, or manually.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)