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Keyboard, mouse, and audio drivers stop (I think) after waking up from sleep only in Wayland. I can't type password but when I take out and plugin again my keyboard and mouse it's good.Everything is fine in normal plasma but plasma Wayland is a little bit faster I think. How can I fix that problem? , I'm a newbie. Please help me....
I already installed
kdeplasma-addons 5.20.3-1
plasma-browser-integration 5.20.3-1
plasma-desktop 5.20.3-1
plasma-integration 5.20.3-1
plasma-nm 5.20.3-1
plasma-pa 5.20.3-1
plasma-sdk 5.20.3-1
plasma-thunderbolt 5.20.3-1
plasma-vault 5.20.3-1
plasma-wayland-session 5.20.3-1
plasma-workspace 5.20.3-1
plasma-workspace-wallpapers 5.20.3-1
sorry for English
Last edited by ZinKO (2020-12-04 17:38:12)