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I want to install Spline on my system, but it is only available as a .deb package. So I thought of converting it to an arch package. Here's how i tried to do it:
1. I used debtap to convert it from .deb package to a .tar.zst package but I got a missing dependency "kde-runtime" which had no equivalent in arch packages
2. I tried to install the package anyways by doing
yay -U packagename.zst
3. I installed kdebase-runtime package and then ran the above command again but still the same error.
4. I also tried running
yay -U packagename.tar.zst --asdeps kdebase-runtime
but it says "could not find package kdebase-runtime"
Can anyone help me? This is the first package that I'm trying to make and I'm not very familiar with the process.
Last edited by kronaemmanuel (2020-12-30 07:26:28)
re-run debtap and when it reports the missing dependency choose one of the edit options and replace kde-runtime with kdebase-runtime .
One other thing :
Why are you using yay instead of pacman to install something you locally created ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I think writing a PKGBUILD is a much better solution. Below a very rough PKGBUILD as starting point. Some things to note:
I am not sure about the license; looks like it is MIT but the copyrights holder is github(?).
I couldn't find the sources... If they're available the pkgname must be spline-bin
The dependencies were detected by namcap(1). There could be others.
You may need to create a wrapper scrip which sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent solution) so the binary finds the bundled libraries
Obviously I didn't check much and there are likely mistakes or improvements
pkgdesc="FILL ME"
depends=('gtk3' 'nss')
prepare() {
bsdtar -xf "spline_${pkgver}_amd64.deb"
package() {
bsdtar -C "$pkgdir" -xf data.tar.xz
mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{doc,licenses}
I think writing a PKGBUILD is a much better solution. Below a very rough PKGBUILD as starting point. Some things to note:
I am not sure about the license; looks like it is MIT but the copyrights holder is github(?).
The copyright covers the bundled copy of electron.
This is insufficient to convey the permissions for using spline itself.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)