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Hi Everybody;
I was an arch user, so I am trying to install my computer on this lovely distribution.
I need to install Arch on an encrypted partition which is divided into 2 LVM volumes.
I follow the officiel guide and another help … 81e390a400
After the installation I had the rescue Grub terminal, without ask my passphrase to decrypt my partition with error: disk 'lvmid/CDgH...' not found
With the installation USB key I can easily mounting my fresh system without problem...
It is difficult to copy/paste from the computer but
lsblk -f
ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid
head /etc/default/grub
cat /etc/mkinitcpio.conf | grep "HOOKS="
Any idea what I did wrong or need other informations?
Thank for your help
Last edited by barbsbou (2021-01-05 09:18:34)
"rw" inside the CMDLINE? Try to remove resume...
After changes do
mkinitcpio -p linux
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=<your EFI dir> --bootloader-id=GRUB
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Note that you do those commands inside arch-chroot!
Last edited by equalizer876 (2021-01-04 20:31:09)
Have you read the warning that the released version of GRUB doesn't support LUKS2 format, written in official document?
Try systemd-boot to see if you have problems. As @mozurin said, grub doesn't support luks2.
Thank you equalize876 and mozurin for your replies!
No mozurin I did not notice the warning about the support of LUKS with Grub, since the examples in official document that you underline they use LUKS2
Thanks to the help of another archuser (thanks @benjarobin) it found where it was my problem EFI...but sincerely I am not sure to totaly understand :S
I reformated my sda5 which was mounted into /boot/efi into /boot and to mount my sda1 (Win efi) mount into /boot/efi!!!
Thus the ESP is the first it the reason??
Anyway thank you for your help and time!
Happy new year
I doubt it was the reason unless you messed up grub installation. At least it works now.
I undanstand a little better.
Before the important GRUB EFI file was into an ecrypted partition and no more now.
As mozurin and you told me before GRUB is not compliant with LUKS2 for the moment.
So thank you for your time.