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I've been trying to get GRUB to boot winxp. My configuration is as follows (according to BIOS):
Primary master: ATA 40GB HD which has ARCH Linux Installed and works fine
Pr.Slave: none
Sec.Master: DVD
3rd IDE Master (as BIOS reads): SATA 37GB disk that has windows XP installed
4th IDE Master (as BIOS reads): SATA 250GB disk
During Arch boot my configuration gets as follows:
hda: 40GB ATA hd
hdb: none
sda: 37GB SATA hd
sdb: 250GB SATA hd
Untill now if I want to boot into WinXp I go into BIOS first and I change the HD booting sequence. That works for me that I use winXP almost never but it's annoying for other people who use the pc and need only winXP.
I tried the following entry in Grub's menu.lst
# (2) Windows XP
title Windows Xp pro
rootnoverify (sd0,0)
map (hd0) (sd0)
map (sd0) (hd0)
chainloader +1
but I get error 23: Error while parsing number.
I read Grub's manual about this error but doeasn't help a lot. I also read that grub doesn't accept sdX type of disks but I don't know if this is right.
I also tried hd3 and hd4 instead of sd0 since BIOS reports my SATA disk as 3rd master but didn't work (Error 21: Selected disk does not exist).
Anyway, my problem is that I have ARCH on the first ATA disk and WinXP on another SATA disk.
Is there a way to have dual booting with GRUB installed on hda, like it is now?
Thanks a lot
If you only have two harddisks then it's gonna be hd1, just try it inside grub with tabcompletion: map (hd[tab]
It was so simple!
If only I kept trying different configurations before posting. I tried hd2, hd3, hd4 but never hd1 as I thought this would represent the dvd drive. :oops:
At last the configuration that works for me is
# (2) Windows XP
title Windows Xp pro
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
chainloader +1
Thank you very much byte
Pages: 1