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Compiz is now officially forked by QuinnStorm - the author of compiz-quinn patchset.
Well, as is usual with these things, the cat fell out of the bag before I got a chance to announce it. Anyhow, here it is, the official announcement of the Beryl project.
Beryl is a fork of compiz, and a collection of other tools to go along with it.
CSM has become Beryl Settings Manager (beryl-settings)
CGWD has become Emerald, with its companion emerald-theme-manager.
The entire project is currently hosted in SVN at:
svn:// can check it out from there, or if you want to develop for it, get in touch with one of us and we'll set you up with an account.
All of the work that had been maintained as the community or 'quinn' tree of compiz has become Beryl. This change is necessitated by the difference in direction and vision of our community as compared with davidr/novell's approach.
The first release of Beryl is not far off, but is still pending some major bugfixes that need to be implemented. We want to close as many bugs as possible with the first release.
So some AUR packages will change their names in near future, I suppose.
to live is to die
So some AUR packages will change their names in near future, I suppose.
fork, means that there's now two projects. so the existing PKGBUILDs stand, and im sure compiz will remain developed. its now that theres a second one.
Romashka wrote:So some AUR packages will change their names in near future, I suppose.
fork, means that there's now two projects. so the existing PKGBUILDs stand, and im sure compiz will remain developed. its now that theres a second one.
I think Romashka referred to PKGBUILDs like compiz-quinn-cvs which, for example, should become beryl-svn.
I think Romashka referred to PKGBUILDs like compiz-quinn-cvs which, for example, should become beryl-svn.
to live is to die
please help to keep the wiki entries in the beryl wiki up to date: - Installation - FAQ
Maybe just add links to Arch Wiki pages there?
to live is to die
I had added them before I wrote my post ...
Sorry, I just haven't notice this because link style is very similar to text.
to live is to die
Pages: 1