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Before atempting to install Arch on my hardware, I attempted installing Arch a couple of times in a Virtual Box. Despite having some issues, I ended up with a working Plasma & LightDM Arch install
Now my SATA disk situation is rather specific:
250 GB SSD disk with Windows 10 install
1TB HDD disk with an NTFS partition for extra windows files, and a popOS install (which doesn't load up grub, just goes straight into popOS)
500GB NVME SSD brand new, with only attempts at installing Arch
I followed the Arch wiki for installation and currently have a 550M EFI partition and a ext4 partition with 100G. I ran the following commands adapted from the wiki:
mount /dev/nvmen0p1 /boot/EFI #i think nvmen0p1 was the name I'm not 100% sure
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/EFI --bootloader-id=GRUB
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
No errors found in the grub install, and no problems seem to happen in any other commands.
I tried reinstalling grub and efibootmgr from pacman, tried using grub-git from yay instead of grub. I noticed that when I grub-mkconfig with the grub-git from yay, it detected the popOS in my system, but nothing else happened. By the way, I intend to uninstall popOS so I can go full Arch, so using popOS as an interface wouldn't be a nice solution.
Pretty much tried all possible options I could think of in BIOS, but when I load my NVME SSD (which does not appear with UEFI: tag before it), only an install menu for arch shows up (despite my bootable pendrive being a separate USB device)
Thanks for the help
Last edited by cheiroamilho (2021-02-07 02:59:52)
Sorry, I didn't realize there was a forum for Installation specific questions. I'm not sure how to delete this post now
If you want it to "come up as an EFI bootable" rerun the grub-install command but add the --removable option. Also was efibootmgr installed before invoking the grub-install command? It can't create NVRAM entries without it.
What actual motherboard are you trying to do this on? You'd usually configure EFI entries (... so rather than looking for an UEFI string on your nvme drive you'd look for a GRUB entry since that's the id you've given) but if that doesn't show up it's also likely that your MB doesn't inherently support multiple ESPs and you'd want to run the grub-install command onto the main ESP (... where your Windows lies on e.g.)
Edit: If you want a thread moved, please use the report button to notify us instead of creating cross posts. Moving to Installation issues.
Last edited by V1del (2021-02-06 17:39:32)
If you want it to "come up as an EFI bootable" rerun the grub-install command but add the --removable option. Also was efibootmgr installed before invoking the grub-install command? It can't create NVRAM entries without it.
What actual motherboard are you trying to do this on? You'd usually configure EFI entries (... so rather than looking for an UEFI string on your nvme drive you'd look for a GRUB entry since that's the id you've given) but if that doesn't show up it's also likely that your MB doesn't inherently support multiple ESPs and you'd want to run the grub-install command onto the main ESP (... where your Windows lies on e.g.)
Yes efibootmgr was installed before running the grub-install command. My motherboard is a MSI Z170A KRAIT GAMING 3X. Oh I understand, so there should only be one EFI partition? Not 1 efi partition per OS ? The thing is I believe my windows install is a dos partition, I'm not sure what that implies. All other disklabels are gpt. I will try now with the --removable option and will give feedback. Thanks for the help!
MSI are notorious for not properly implementing UEFI, you'll definitely need the --removable option.
MSI are notorious for not properly implementing UEFI, you'll definitely need the --removable option.
This solved it! Thank you so much man! Have been trying stuff out for hours now
Glad to hear, please mark as [SOLVED] by editing the title in the first post.
To answer the other question, yes you'd usually have one EFI partition that you share with all operating systems, if you have multiple disks it is indeed possible to have an ESP per disk, but wouldn't be strictly necessary (and also somewhat dependant on what the MB vendors do) , in this case you don't really have much choice as MSI doesn't implement support for multiple entries and just hardcodedly boot $esp/EFI/BOOTx64.efi (which is what the --removable option will set up)