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#1 2021-03-10 23:01:42

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

I've tried to set up PRIME offloading so that I can launch things with


if they need the discrete GPU. It seems to work according to glxinfo:

$ glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics (CML GT2)

$ prime-run glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"
OpenGL renderer string: Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2

However when I have the second monitor attached via HDMI (laptop is Precision 5550), I see pretty bad tearing scrolling in Chrome. No tearing on the laptop display even when external monitor is attached AFAICT. Some of the commands listed on the wiki don't seem to work for me so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. Running 5.10.20 via the lts kernel package.

$ xrandr --listproviders
Providers: number : 2
Provider 0: id: 0x46 cap: 0xf, Source Output, Sink Output, Source Offload, Sink Offload crtcs: 3 outputs: 4 associated providers: 0 name:modesetting
Provider 1: id: 0x2dc cap: 0x0 crtcs: 0 outputs: 0 associated providers: 0 name:NVIDIA-G0

$ xrandr --setprovideroutputsource 1 0
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  35 (RRSetProviderOutputSource)
  Value in failed request:  0x2dc
  Serial number of failed request:  16
  Current serial number in output stream:  17

$ xrandr --prop | grep -i prime
# Nothing output
$ xrandr --prop | grep -i synchronize
# Nothing output

$ xrandr --listmonitors
Monitors: 2
 0: +*eDP-1 3840/336x2400/210+1+2160  eDP-1
 1: +DP-2 3840/609x2160/349+0+0  DP-2

$ xrandr --output eDP-1 --set "Prime Synchronization" 1
X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  11 (RRQueryOutputProperty)
  Serial number of failed request:  36
  Current serial number in output stream:  36

$ xrandr --output DP-2 --set "Prime Synchronization" 1
X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  11 (RRQueryOutputProperty)
  Serial number of failed request:  36
  Current serial number in output stream:  36

I have nvidia-drm.modeset=1 on my boot entry kernel options (verified via cat /proc/cmdline that I'm running it).

One weird artifact (perhaps irrelevant) I did notice is that vulkaninfo prints the same thing, regardless of running under prime-run or not, & it seems to point Nvidia as the GPU (maybe because the Intel driver doesn't provide Vulkan support?).

$ vulkaninfo

Vulkan Instance Version: 1.2.171

Instance Extensions: count = 17
	VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display            : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_debug_report                    : extension revision 9
	VK_EXT_debug_utils                     : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_direct_mode_display             : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_display_surface_counter         : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_device_group_creation           : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_display                         : extension revision 23
	VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities    : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_get_display_properties2         : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 : extension revision 2
	VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_surface                         : extension revision 25
	VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities  : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_xcb_surface                     : extension revision 6
	VK_KHR_xlib_surface                    : extension revision 6

Layers: count = 1
VK_LAYER_NV_optimus (NVIDIA Optimus layer) Vulkan version 1.2.155, layer version 1:
	Layer Extensions: count = 0
	Devices: count = 1
		GPU id = 0 (Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design)
		Layer-Device Extensions: count = 0

Presentable Surfaces:
GPU id : 0 (Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design):
	Surface types: count = 2
	Formats: count = 2
			format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
			format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB
	Present Modes: count = 3
		minImageCount       = 2
		maxImageCount       = 8
			width  = 256
			height = 256
			width  = 256
			height = 256
			width  = 256
			height = 256
		maxImageArrayLayers = 1
		supportedTransforms: count = 1
		supportedCompositeAlpha: count = 1
		supportedUsageFlags: count = 6
		supportedSurfaceCounters: count = 0
		supportsProtected = false

Device Groups:
Group 0:
		physicalDevices: count = 1
			Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design (ID: 0)
		subsetAllocation = 0

	Present Capabilities:
		Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design (ID: 0):
			Can present images from the following devices: count = 1
				Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design (ID: 0)
		Present modes: count = 1

Device Properties and Extensions:
	apiVersion     = 4202651 (1.2.155)
	driverVersion  = 1930297344 (0x730e0000)
	vendorID       = 0x10de
	deviceID       = 0x1fb8
	deviceName     = Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design

	maxImageDimension1D                             = 32768
	maxImageDimension2D                             = 32768
	maxImageDimension3D                             = 16384
	maxImageDimensionCube                           = 32768
	maxImageArrayLayers                             = 2048
	maxTexelBufferElements                          = 134217728
	maxUniformBufferRange                           = 65536
	maxStorageBufferRange                           = 4294967295
	maxPushConstantsSize                            = 256
	maxMemoryAllocationCount                        = 4294967295
	maxSamplerAllocationCount                       = 4000
	bufferImageGranularity                          = 0x00000400
	sparseAddressSpaceSize                          = 0xffffffffff
	maxBoundDescriptorSets                          = 32
	maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers                   = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers             = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers             = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages              = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages              = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments           = 1048576
	maxPerStageResources                            = 4294967295
	maxDescriptorSetSamplers                        = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers                  = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic           = 15
	maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers                  = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic           = 16
	maxDescriptorSetSampledImages                   = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetStorageImages                   = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments                = 1048576
	maxVertexInputAttributes                        = 32
	maxVertexInputBindings                          = 32
	maxVertexInputAttributeOffset                   = 2047
	maxVertexInputBindingStride                     = 2048
	maxVertexOutputComponents                       = 128
	maxTessellationGenerationLevel                  = 64
	maxTessellationPatchSize                        = 32
	maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents  = 128
	maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents = 128
	maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents  = 120
	maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents     = 4216
	maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents        = 128
	maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents       = 128
	maxGeometryShaderInvocations                    = 32
	maxGeometryInputComponents                      = 128
	maxGeometryOutputComponents                     = 128
	maxGeometryOutputVertices                       = 1024
	maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents                = 1024
	maxFragmentInputComponents                      = 128
	maxFragmentOutputAttachments                    = 8
	maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments                   = 1
	maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources              = 16
	maxComputeSharedMemorySize                      = 49152
	maxComputeWorkGroupCount: count = 3
	maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations                  = 1024
	maxComputeWorkGroupSize: count = 3
	subPixelPrecisionBits                           = 8
	subTexelPrecisionBits                           = 8
	mipmapPrecisionBits                             = 8
	maxDrawIndexedIndexValue                        = 4294967295
	maxDrawIndirectCount                            = 4294967295
	maxSamplerLodBias                               = 15
	maxSamplerAnisotropy                            = 16
	maxViewports                                    = 16
	maxViewportDimensions: count = 2
	viewportBoundsRange: count = 2
	viewportSubPixelBits                            = 8
	minMemoryMapAlignment                           = 64
	minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment                   = 0x00000010
	minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment                 = 0x00000040
	minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment                 = 0x00000010
	minTexelOffset                                  = -8
	maxTexelOffset                                  = 7
	minTexelGatherOffset                            = -32
	maxTexelGatherOffset                            = 31
	minInterpolationOffset                          = -0.5
	maxInterpolationOffset                          = 0.4375
	subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits                 = 4
	maxFramebufferWidth                             = 32768
	maxFramebufferHeight                            = 32768
	maxFramebufferLayers                            = 2048
	framebufferColorSampleCounts: count = 4
	framebufferDepthSampleCounts: count = 4
	framebufferStencilSampleCounts: count = 5
	framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts: count = 5
	maxColorAttachments                             = 8
	sampledImageColorSampleCounts: count = 4
	sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts: count = 4
	sampledImageDepthSampleCounts: count = 4
	sampledImageStencilSampleCounts: count = 5
	storageImageSampleCounts: count = 4
	maxSampleMaskWords                              = 1
	timestampComputeAndGraphics                     = true
	timestampPeriod                                 = 1
	maxClipDistances                                = 8
	maxCullDistances                                = 8
	maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances                 = 8
	discreteQueuePriorities                         = 2
	pointSizeRange: count = 2
	lineWidthRange: count = 2
	pointSizeGranularity                            = 0.0625
	lineWidthGranularity                            = 0.0625
	strictLines                                     = true
	standardSampleLocations                         = true
	optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment                = 0x00000001
	optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment              = 0x00000001
	nonCoherentAtomSize                             = 0x00000040

	residencyStandard2DBlockShape            = true
	residencyStandard2DMultisampleBlockShape = true
	residencyStandard3DBlockShape            = true
	residencyAlignedMipSize                  = false
	residencyNonResidentStrict               = true

	advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments      = 8
	advancedBlendIndependentBlend         = false
	advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor = true
	advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor = true
	advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap        = true
	advancedBlendAllOperations            = true

	primitiveOverestimationSize                 = 0.00195312
	maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize         = 0.75
	extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity = 0.25
	primitiveUnderestimation                    = true
	conservativePointAndLineRasterization       = true
	degenerateTrianglesRasterized               = true
	degenerateLinesRasterized                   = true
	fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable     = true
	conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage  = true

	maxCustomBorderColorSamplers = 4000

	supportedDepthResolveModes: count = 4
	supportedStencilResolveModes: count = 3
	independentResolveNone = true
	independentResolve     = true

	maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools              = 4294967295
	shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative     = true
	shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative      = true
	shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative     = true
	shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative      = true
	shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative   = true
	robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind                    = true
	quadDivergentImplicitLod                             = true
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers         = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers   = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers   = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages    = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages    = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments = 1048576
	maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources                  = 4294967295
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers              = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers        = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic = 15
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers        = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic = 16
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages         = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages         = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments      = 1048576

	maxDiscardRectangles = 8

	driverName         = NVIDIA
	driverInfo         = 460.56
	conformanceVersion =

	minImportedHostPointerAlignment = 0x00001000

	denormBehaviorIndependence            = SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_ALL
	roundingModeIndependence              = SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_ALL
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16 = true
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32 = true
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64 = true
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat16           = true
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat32           = false
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat64           = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16        = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32        = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64        = false
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16          = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32          = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64          = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16          = false
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32          = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64          = true

		width  = 16
		height = 16
		width  = 16
		height = 16
	maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio = 1
	primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports    = false
	layeredShadingRateAttachments                        = true
	fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps             = true
		width  = 4
		height = 4
	maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio                           = 2
	maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples                = 16
	maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples           = SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT
	fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites      = true
	fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask                    = true
	fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask              = true
	fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization     = true
	fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock       = true
	fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations         = true
	fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner            = true

	deviceUUID      = c2e2aaa7-b541-d4e0-bb8e-8ac7b2e2f1c9
	driverUUID      = 6707f1b9-a5cf-6a2c-3a3c-fe90dc733228
	deviceNodeMask  = 1
	deviceLUIDValid = false

	maxInlineUniformBlockSize                               = 256
	maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks                = 32
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks = 32
	maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks                     = 32
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks      = 32

	lineSubPixelPrecisionBits = 8

	maxPerSetDescriptors    = 4294967295
	maxMemoryAllocationSize = 0xffe00000

	maxMultiviewViewCount     = 32
	maxMultiviewInstanceIndex = 134217727

	pciDomain   = 0
	pciBus      = 1
	pciDevice   = 0
	pciFunction = 0


	protectedNoFault = false

	maxPushDescriptors = 32

	robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment = 0x00000001
	robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment = 0x00000010

	sampleLocationSampleCounts: count = 5
		width  = 1
		height = 1
	sampleLocationCoordinateRange: count = 2
	sampleLocationSubPixelBits       = 4
	variableSampleLocations          = true

	filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats = true
	filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping  = true

	subgroupSize              = 32
	supportedStages: count = 10
	supportedOperations: count = 9
	quadOperationsInAllStages = true

	minSubgroupSize              = 32
	maxSubgroupSize              = 32
	maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups = 2097152
	requiredSubgroupSizeStages: count = 10

	storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes       = 0x00000010
	storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment = true
	uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes       = 0x00000010
	uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment = true

	maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference = 18446744073709551615

	maxTransformFeedbackStreams                = 4
	maxTransformFeedbackBuffers                = 4
	maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize             = 0xffffffffffffffff
	maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize         = 2048
	maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize         = 512
	maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride       = 2048
	transformFeedbackQueries                   = true
	transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles     = false
	transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect = true
	transformFeedbackDraw                      = true

	maxVertexAttribDivisor = 4294967295

	deviceUUID                        = c2e2aaa7-b541-d4e0-bb8e-8ac7b2e2f1c9
	driverUUID                        = 6707f1b9-a5cf-6a2c-3a3c-fe90dc733228
	deviceNodeMask                    = 1
	deviceLUIDValid                   = false
	subgroupSize                      = 32
	subgroupSupportedStages: count = 10
	subgroupSupportedOperations: count = 9
	subgroupQuadOperationsInAllStages = true
	pointClippingBehavior             = POINT_CLIPPING_BEHAVIOR_USER_CLIP_PLANES_ONLY
	maxMultiviewViewCount             = 32
	maxMultiviewInstanceIndex         = 134217727
	protectedNoFault                  = false
	maxPerSetDescriptors              = 4294967295
	maxMemoryAllocationSize           = 0xffe00000

	driverID                                             = DRIVER_ID_NVIDIA_PROPRIETARY
	driverName                                           = NVIDIA
	driverInfo                                           = 460.56
	conformanceVersion                                   =
	denormBehaviorIndependence                           = SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_ALL
	roundingModeIndependence                             = SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_ALL
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16                = true
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32                = true
	shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64                = true
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat16                          = true
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat32                          = false
	shaderDenormPreserveFloat64                          = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16                       = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32                       = false
	shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64                       = false
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16                         = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32                         = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64                         = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16                         = false
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32                         = true
	shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64                         = true
	maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools              = 4294967295
	shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative     = true
	shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative      = true
	shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative     = true
	shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative      = true
	shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative   = true
	robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind                    = true
	quadDivergentImplicitLod                             = true
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers         = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers   = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers   = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages    = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages    = 1048576
	maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments = 1048576
	maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources                  = 4294967295
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers              = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers        = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic = 15
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers        = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic = 16
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages         = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages         = 1048576
	maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments      = 1048576
	supportedDepthResolveModes: count = 4
	supportedStencilResolveModes: count = 3
	independentResolveNone                               = true
	independentResolve                                   = true
	filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats                   = true
	filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping                    = true
	maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference                  = 18446744073709551615
	framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts: count = 4

Device Extensions: count = 121
	VK_EXT_4444_formats                       : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced           : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_buffer_device_address              : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps              : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_conditional_rendering              : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization         : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_custom_border_color                : extension revision 12
	VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable                  : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted           : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing                : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_discard_rectangles                 : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_display_control                    : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state             : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_external_memory_host               : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock          : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_global_priority                    : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_host_query_reset                   : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_image_robustness                   : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_index_type_uint8                   : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block               : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_line_rasterization                 : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_memory_budget                      : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_pci_bus_info                       : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control    : extension revision 3
	VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback         : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage                : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_private_data                       : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_robustness2                        : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_sample_locations                   : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax              : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout                : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage             : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float                : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64          : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot             : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote               : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer        : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control              : extension revision 2
	VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment             : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_tooling_info                       : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_transform_feedback                 : extension revision 1
	VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor           : extension revision 3
	VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays                 : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_16bit_storage                      : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_8bit_storage                       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_bind_memory2                       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_buffer_device_address              : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_copy_commands2                     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_create_renderpass2                 : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation               : extension revision 3
	VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve              : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template         : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_device_group                       : extension revision 4
	VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count                : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_driver_properties                  : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_fence                     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_fence_fd                  : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_memory                    : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_memory_fd                 : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_semaphore                 : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd              : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate              : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2           : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_image_format_list                  : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer              : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_maintenance1                       : extension revision 2
	VK_KHR_maintenance2                       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_maintenance3                       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_multiview                          : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_push_descriptor                    : extension revision 2
	VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout               : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge       : extension revision 3
	VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion           : extension revision 14
	VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64                : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_clock                       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters             : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8                : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_float_controls              : extension revision 4
	VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info           : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation        : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_spirv_1_4                          : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class       : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_swapchain                          : extension revision 70
	VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format           : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore                 : extension revision 2
	VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout     : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_variable_pointers                  : extension revision 1
	VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model                : extension revision 3
	VK_NVX_binary_import                      : extension revision 1
	VK_NVX_image_view_handle                  : extension revision 2
	VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes      : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling                : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives          : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_corner_sampled_image                : extension revision 2
	VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode             : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch                  : extension revision 2
	VK_NV_dedicated_allocation                : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints       : extension revision 2
	VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config           : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_device_generated_commands           : extension revision 3
	VK_NV_fill_rectangle                      : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color          : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric         : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums         : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples           : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough         : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_mesh_shader                         : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_representative_fragment_test        : extension revision 2
	VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage       : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_scissor_exclusive                   : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_shader_image_footprint              : extension revision 2
	VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins                  : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned         : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_shading_rate_image                  : extension revision 3
	VK_NV_viewport_array2                     : extension revision 1
	VK_NV_viewport_swizzle                    : extension revision 1

		minImageTransferGranularity = (1,1,1)
		queueCount                  = 16
		timestampValidBits          = 64
		present support             = true

		minImageTransferGranularity = (1,1,1)
		queueCount                  = 2
		queueFlags                  = QUEUE_TRANSFER | QUEUE_SPARSE_BINDING
		timestampValidBits          = 64
		present support             = false

		minImageTransferGranularity = (1,1,1)
		queueCount                  = 8
		timestampValidBits          = 64
		present support             = true

memoryHeaps: count = 3
		size   = 4294967296 (0x100000000) (4.00 GiB)
		budget = 4099145728 (0xf4540000) (3.82 GiB)
		usage  = 0 (0x00000000) (0.00 B)
		flags: count = 1
		size   = 25048756224 (0x5d505b000) (23.33 GiB)
		budget = 25048756224 (0x5d505b000) (23.33 GiB)
		usage  = 0 (0x00000000) (0.00 B)
		flags: count = 0
		size   = 257949696 (0x0f600000) (246.00 MiB)
		budget = 254935040 (0x0f320000) (243.12 MiB)
		usage  = 3014656 (0x002e0000) (2.88 MiB)
		flags: count = 1
memoryTypes: count = 11
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
				color images
				(non-sparse, non-transient)
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
				color images
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0000: count = 0
		usable for:
		heapIndex     = 0
		propertyFlags = 0x0001: count = 1
		usable for:
				color images
				color images
				(non-sparse, non-transient)
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x0006: count = 2
		usable for:
				color images
				(non-sparse, non-transient)
		heapIndex     = 1
		propertyFlags = 0x000e: count = 3
		usable for:
				color images
				(non-sparse, non-transient)
		heapIndex     = 2
		propertyFlags = 0x0007: count = 3
		usable for:

	robustBufferAccess                      = true
	fullDrawIndexUint32                     = true
	imageCubeArray                          = true
	independentBlend                        = true
	geometryShader                          = true
	tessellationShader                      = true
	sampleRateShading                       = true
	dualSrcBlend                            = true
	logicOp                                 = true
	multiDrawIndirect                       = true
	drawIndirectFirstInstance               = true
	depthClamp                              = true
	depthBiasClamp                          = true
	fillModeNonSolid                        = true
	depthBounds                             = true
	wideLines                               = true
	largePoints                             = true
	alphaToOne                              = true
	multiViewport                           = true
	samplerAnisotropy                       = true
	textureCompressionETC2                  = false
	textureCompressionASTC_LDR              = false
	textureCompressionBC                    = true
	occlusionQueryPrecise                   = true
	pipelineStatisticsQuery                 = true
	vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics          = true
	fragmentStoresAndAtomics                = true
	shaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize  = true
	shaderImageGatherExtended               = true
	shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats       = true
	shaderStorageImageMultisample           = true
	shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat     = true
	shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat    = true
	shaderUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = true
	shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing  = true
	shaderStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = true
	shaderStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing  = true
	shaderClipDistance                      = true
	shaderCullDistance                      = true
	shaderFloat64                           = true
	shaderInt64                             = true
	shaderInt16                             = true
	shaderResourceResidency                 = true
	shaderResourceMinLod                    = true
	sparseBinding                           = true
	sparseResidencyBuffer                   = true
	sparseResidencyImage2D                  = true
	sparseResidencyImage3D                  = true
	sparseResidency2Samples                 = true
	sparseResidency4Samples                 = true
	sparseResidency8Samples                 = true
	sparseResidency16Samples                = true
	sparseResidencyAliased                  = true
	variableMultisampleRate                 = true
	inheritedQueries                        = true

	storageBuffer16BitAccess           = true
	uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess = true
	storagePushConstant16              = true
	storageInputOutput16               = false

	formatA4R4G4B4 = true
	formatA4B4G4R4 = true

	storageBuffer8BitAccess           = true
	uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess = true
	storagePushConstant8              = true

	advancedBlendCoherentOperations = true

	bufferDeviceAddress              = true
	bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay = false
	bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice   = true

	bufferDeviceAddress              = true
	bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay = false
	bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice   = true

	conditionalRendering          = true
	inheritedConditionalRendering = true

	customBorderColors             = true
	customBorderColorWithoutFormat = true

	depthClipEnable = true

	shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing          = true
	shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = true
	shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = true
	shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = true
	shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = true
	shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = true
	shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = true
	shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing       = true
	shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = true
	shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = true
	descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind      = true
	descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind       = true
	descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind       = true
	descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind      = true
	descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = true
	descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = true
	descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending          = true
	descriptorBindingPartiallyBound                    = true
	descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount           = true
	runtimeDescriptorArray                             = true

	extendedDynamicState = true

	fragmentShaderSampleInterlock      = true
	fragmentShaderPixelInterlock       = true
	fragmentShaderShadingRateInterlock = true

	pipelineFragmentShadingRate   = true
	primitiveFragmentShadingRate  = true
	attachmentFragmentShadingRate = true

	hostQueryReset = true

	robustImageAccess = true

	imagelessFramebuffer = true

	indexTypeUint8 = true

	inlineUniformBlock                                 = true
	descriptorBindingInlineUniformBlockUpdateAfterBind = true

	rectangularLines         = true
	bresenhamLines           = true
	smoothLines              = true
	stippledRectangularLines = true
	stippledBresenhamLines   = true
	stippledSmoothLines      = true

	multiview                   = true
	multiviewGeometryShader     = true
	multiviewTessellationShader = true

	pipelineCreationCacheControl = true

	pipelineExecutableInfo = true

	privateData = true

	protectedMemory = false

	robustBufferAccess2 = true
	robustImageAccess2  = true
	nullDescriptor      = true

	samplerYcbcrConversion = true

	scalarBlockLayout = true

	separateDepthStencilLayouts = true

	shaderBufferFloat32Atomics   = true
	shaderBufferFloat32AtomicAdd = true
	shaderBufferFloat64Atomics   = true
	shaderBufferFloat64AtomicAdd = true
	shaderSharedFloat32Atomics   = true
	shaderSharedFloat32AtomicAdd = true
	shaderSharedFloat64Atomics   = true
	shaderSharedFloat64AtomicAdd = true
	shaderImageFloat32Atomics    = true
	shaderImageFloat32AtomicAdd  = true
	sparseImageFloat32Atomics    = true
	sparseImageFloat32AtomicAdd  = true

	shaderBufferInt64Atomics = true
	shaderSharedInt64Atomics = true

	shaderSubgroupClock = true
	shaderDeviceClock   = true

	shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation = true

	shaderDrawParameters = true

	shaderFloat16 = true
	shaderInt8    = true

	shaderImageInt64Atomics = true
	sparseImageInt64Atomics = true

	shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes = true

	shaderTerminateInvocation = true

	subgroupSizeControl  = true
	computeFullSubgroups = true

	texelBufferAlignment = true

	timelineSemaphore = true

	transformFeedback = true
	geometryStreams   = true

	uniformBufferStandardLayout = true

	variablePointersStorageBuffer = true
	variablePointers              = true

	vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor     = true
	vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor = true

	storageBuffer16BitAccess           = true
	uniformAndStorageBuffer16BitAccess = true
	storagePushConstant16              = true
	storageInputOutput16               = false
	multiview                          = true
	multiviewGeometryShader            = true
	multiviewTessellationShader        = true
	variablePointersStorageBuffer      = true
	variablePointers                   = true
	protectedMemory                    = false
	samplerYcbcrConversion             = true
	shaderDrawParameters               = true

	samplerMirrorClampToEdge                           = true
	drawIndirectCount                                  = true
	storageBuffer8BitAccess                            = true
	uniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess                  = true
	storagePushConstant8                               = true
	shaderBufferInt64Atomics                           = true
	shaderSharedInt64Atomics                           = true
	shaderFloat16                                      = true
	shaderInt8                                         = true
	descriptorIndexing                                 = true
	shaderInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexing          = true
	shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = true
	shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexing       = true
	shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = true
	shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = true
	shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing         = true
	shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexing          = true
	shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexing       = true
	shaderUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = true
	shaderStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexing    = true
	descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind      = true
	descriptorBindingSampledImageUpdateAfterBind       = true
	descriptorBindingStorageImageUpdateAfterBind       = true
	descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind      = true
	descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = true
	descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind = true
	descriptorBindingUpdateUnusedWhilePending          = true
	descriptorBindingPartiallyBound                    = true
	descriptorBindingVariableDescriptorCount           = true
	runtimeDescriptorArray                             = true
	samplerFilterMinmax                                = true
	scalarBlockLayout                                  = true
	imagelessFramebuffer                               = true
	uniformBufferStandardLayout                        = true
	shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes                        = true
	separateDepthStencilLayouts                        = true
	hostQueryReset                                     = true
	timelineSemaphore                                  = true
	bufferDeviceAddress                                = true
	bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay                   = false
	bufferDeviceAddressMultiDevice                     = true
	vulkanMemoryModel                                  = true
	vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope                       = true
	vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains      = true
	shaderOutputViewportIndex                          = true
	shaderOutputLayer                                  = true
	subgroupBroadcastDynamicId                         = true

	vulkanMemoryModel                             = true
	vulkanMemoryModelDeviceScope                  = true
	vulkanMemoryModelAvailabilityVisibilityChains = true

	ycbcrImageArrays = true

Xorg log:

[   117.961] (--) Log file renamed from "/var/log/" to "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"
[   117.963] 
X.Org X Server 1.20.10
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[   117.963] Build Operating System: Linux Arch Linux
[   117.963] Current Operating System: Linux vlovich 5.10.20-1-lts #1 SMP Thu, 04 Mar 2021 12:02:02 +0000 x86_64
[   117.963] Kernel command line: initrd=\intel-ucode.img initrd=\initramfs-linux-lts.img root=/dev/Arch/OS rw nvidia-drm.modeset=1
[   117.963] Build Date: 14 December 2020  12:10:29PM
[   117.963]  
[   117.963] Current version of pixman: 0.40.0
[   117.963] 	Before reporting problems, check
	to make sure that you have the latest version.
[   117.963] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
	(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
	(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[   117.963] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Tue Mar  9 14:23:09 2021
[   117.964] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
[   117.964] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.
[   117.964] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
[   117.964] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
[   117.964] (**) |   |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
[   117.964] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
	Using a default monitor configuration.
[   117.964] (==) Automatically adding devices
[   117.964] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[   117.964] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices
[   117.964] (==) Automatically binding GPU devices
[   117.964] (==) Max clients allowed: 256, resource mask: 0x1fffff
[   117.966] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/misc".
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] 	(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/misc").
[   117.966] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/TTF".
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] 	(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/TTF").
[   117.966] (WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/OTF".
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] 	(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/OTF").
[   117.966] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/Type1" does not exist.
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi" does not exist.
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi" does not exist.
[   117.966] 	Entry deleted from font path.
[   117.966] (==) FontPath set to:
[   117.966] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[   117.966] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
	If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[   117.966] (II) Module ABI versions:
[   117.966] 	X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[   117.966] 	X.Org Video Driver: 24.1
[   117.966] 	X.Org XInput driver : 24.1
[   117.966] 	X.Org Server Extension : 10.0
[   117.966] (++) using VT number 1

[   117.966] (II) systemd-logind: logind integration requires -keeptty and -keeptty was not provided, disabling logind integration
[   117.967] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
[   117.967] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card1)
[   117.984] (**) OutputClass "nvidia" ModulePath extended to "/usr/lib/nvidia/xorg,/usr/lib/xorg/modules,/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
[   117.985] (--) PCI:*(0@0:2:0) 8086:9bc4:1028:097e rev 5, Mem @ 0x604a000000/16777216, 0x4000000000/268435456, I/O @ 0x00004000/64, BIOS @ 0x????????/131072
[   117.985] (--) PCI: (1@0:0:0) 10de:1fb8:1028:097e rev 161, Mem @ 0xb3000000/16777216, 0x70000000/268435456, 0x80000000/33554432, I/O @ 0x00003000/128
[   117.985] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
[   117.985] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
[   117.986] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[   117.992] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   117.992] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.0.0
[   117.992] 	ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 10.0
[   117.992] (II) Applying OutputClass "nvidia" to /dev/dri/card0
[   117.992] 	loading driver: nvidia
[   117.992] (==) Matched intel as autoconfigured driver 0
[   117.992] (==) Matched nvidia as autoconfigured driver 1
[   117.992] (==) Matched nouveau as autoconfigured driver 2
[   117.992] (==) Matched nv as autoconfigured driver 3
[   117.992] (==) Matched modesetting as autoconfigured driver 4
[   117.992] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 5
[   117.992] (==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 6
[   117.992] (==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
[   117.992] (II) LoadModule: "intel"
[   117.992] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module intel
[   117.992] (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module does not exist, 0)
[   117.992] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
[   117.992] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
[   117.995] (II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
[   117.995] 	compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[   117.995] 	Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[   117.995] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
[   117.995] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nouveau
[   117.995] (EE) Failed to load module "nouveau" (module does not exist, 0)
[   117.995] (II) LoadModule: "nv"
[   117.995] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nv
[   117.995] (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)
[   117.995] (II) LoadModule: "modesetting"
[   117.995] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
[   117.997] (II) Module modesetting: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   117.997] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.20.10
[   117.997] 	Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[   117.997] 	ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 24.1
[   117.997] (II) LoadModule: "fbdev"
[   117.997] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fbdev
[   117.997] (EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)
[   117.997] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
[   117.997] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module vesa
[   117.997] (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)
[   117.997] (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver  460.56  Tue Feb 23 23:25:58 UTC 2021
[   117.997] (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
[   117.997] (II) modesetting: Driver for Modesetting Kernel Drivers: kms
[   118.017] (II) modeset(0): using drv /dev/dri/card1
[   118.017] (II) Loading sub module "fb"
[   118.017] (II) LoadModule: "fb"
[   118.018] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[   118.019] (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   118.019] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.0.0
[   118.019] 	ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[   118.019] (II) Loading sub module "wfb"
[   118.019] (II) LoadModule: "wfb"
[   118.019] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[   118.020] (II) Module wfb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   118.020] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.0.0
[   118.020] 	ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[   118.020] (II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
[   118.020] (II) LoadModule: "ramdac"
[   118.020] (II) Module "ramdac" already built-in
[   118.118] (II) modeset(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
	"Default Screen Section" for depth/fbbpp 24/32
[   118.118] (==) modeset(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
[   118.118] (==) modeset(0): RGB weight 888
[   118.118] (==) modeset(0): Default visual is TrueColor
[   118.118] (II) Loading sub module "glamoregl"
[   118.118] (II) LoadModule: "glamoregl"
[   118.119] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[   118.127] (II) Module glamoregl: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   118.127] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.0.1
[   118.127] 	ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[   118.269] (II) modeset(0): glamor X acceleration enabled on Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics (CML GT2)
[   118.269] (II) modeset(0): glamor initialized
[   118.270] (II) modeset(0): Output eDP-1 has no monitor section
[   118.270] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-1 has no monitor section
[   118.325] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-2 has no monitor section
[   118.325] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-3 has no monitor section
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): EDID for output eDP-1
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer: SHP  Model: 14d0  Serial#: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Year: 2020  Week: 3
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): EDID Version: 1.4
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Digital Display Input
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 10 bits per channel
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Digital interface is DisplayPort
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 34  vert.: 21
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Gamma: 2.20
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): No DPMS capabilities specified
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Supported color encodings: RGB 4:4:4 YCrCb 4:4:4 
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Preferred mode is native pixel format and refresh rate
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): redX: 0.660 redY: 0.327   greenX: 0.201 greenY: 0.730
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): blueX: 0.145 blueY: 0.054   whiteX: 0.311 whiteY: 0.331
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): clock: 592.5 MHz   Image Size:  336 x 210 mm
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 3840  h_sync: 3888  h_sync_end 3920 h_blank_end 4000 h_border: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 2400  v_sync: 2403  v_sync_end 2409 v_blanking: 2469 v_border: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): clock: 474.0 MHz   Image Size:  336 x 210 mm
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 3840  h_sync: 3888  h_sync_end 3920 h_blank_end 4000 h_border: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 2400  v_sync: 2403  v_sync_end 2409 v_blanking: 2469 v_border: 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0):  90T02LQ156R1
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Unknown vendor-specific block 0
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Number of EDID sections to follow: 1
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): EDID (in hex):
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00ffffffffffff004d10d01400000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	031e0104b52215780a383ba95333bb25
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	0d4f5400000001010101010101010101
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	01010101010172e700a0f06045903020
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	360050d21000001828b900a0f0604590
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	3020360050d210000018000000fe0039
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	30543032814c51313536523100000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	0002410332011200000b010a2020014f
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	02030f00e3058000e606050160602800
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	00000000000000000000000000000000
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): 	000000000000000000000000000000aa
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Printing probed modes for output eDP-1
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2400"x60.0  592.50  3840 3888 3920 4000  2400 2403 2409 2469 -hsync -vsync (148.1 kHz eP)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2400"x48.0  474.00  3840 3888 3920 4000  2400 2403 2409 2469 -hsync -vsync (118.5 kHz e)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x120.0  1446.25  3840 4188 4616 5392  2160 2161 2164 2235 doublescan -hsync +vsync (268.2 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x120.0  1044.88  3840 3864 3880 3920  2160 2161 2164 2221 doublescan +hsync -vsync (266.5 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x60.0  712.75  3840 4160 4576 5312  2160 2163 2168 2237 -hsync +vsync (134.2 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x60.0  533.00  3840 3888 3920 4000  2160 2163 2168 2222 +hsync -vsync (133.2 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3200x1800"x60.0  492.00  3200 3456 3800 4400  1800 1803 1808 1865 -hsync +vsync (111.8 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3200x1800"x59.9  373.00  3200 3248 3280 3360  1800 1803 1808 1852 +hsync -vsync (111.0 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2880x1620"x60.0  396.25  2880 3096 3408 3936  1620 1623 1628 1679 -hsync +vsync (100.7 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2880x1620"x60.0  303.75  2880 2928 2960 3040  1620 1623 1628 1666 +hsync -vsync (99.9 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1600"x60.0  348.50  2560 2760 3032 3504  1600 1603 1609 1658 -hsync +vsync (99.5 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1600"x60.0  268.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1600 1603 1609 1646 +hsync -vsync (98.7 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x120.0  638.25  2560 2780 3064 3568  1440 1441 1444 1491 doublescan -hsync +vsync (178.9 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x120.0  469.12  2560 2584 2600 2640  1440 1441 1444 1481 doublescan +hsync -vsync (177.7 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x60.0  312.25  2560 2752 3024 3488  1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync (89.5 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x60.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1536"x60.0  266.95  2048 2200 2424 2800  1536 1537 1540 1589 -hsync +vsync (95.3 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1440"x60.0  234.00  1920 2048 2256 2600  1440 1441 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync (90.0 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1856x1392"x60.0  218.30  1856 1952 2176 2528  1392 1393 1396 1439 -hsync +vsync (86.4 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1792x1344"x60.0  204.80  1792 1920 2120 2448  1344 1345 1348 1394 -hsync +vsync (83.7 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1152"x120.0  406.50  2048 2220 2444 2840  1152 1153 1156 1193 doublescan -hsync +vsync (143.1 kHz d)
[   118.326] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1152"x120.0  302.50  2048 2072 2088 2128  1152 1153 1156 1185 doublescan +hsync -vsync (142.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1152"x59.9  197.00  2048 2184 2400 2752  1152 1155 1160 1195 -hsync +vsync (71.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1152"x59.9  156.75  2048 2096 2128 2208  1152 1155 1160 1185 +hsync -vsync (71.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1200"x59.9  193.25  1920 2056 2256 2592  1200 1203 1209 1245 -hsync +vsync (74.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1200"x60.0  154.00  1920 1968 2000 2080  1200 1203 1209 1235 +hsync -vsync (74.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x120.0  356.38  1920 2080 2288 2656  1080 1081 1084 1118 doublescan -hsync +vsync (134.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x119.9  266.50  1920 1944 1960 2000  1080 1081 1084 1111 doublescan +hsync -vsync (133.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync (67.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9  138.50  1920 1968 2000 2080  1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync (66.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x60.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9  119.00  1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x60.0  122.00  1400 1488 1640 1880  1050 1052 1064 1082 +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x120.0  246.00  1600 1728 1900 2200  900 901 904 932 doublescan -hsync +vsync (111.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x119.9  186.50  1600 1624 1640 1680  900 901 904 926 doublescan +hsync -vsync (111.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x59.9  118.25  1600 1696 1856 2112  900 903 908 934 -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x59.8   97.50  1600 1648 1680 1760  900 903 908 926 +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1400x900"x60.0  103.50  1400 1480 1624 1848  900 903 913 934 -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1400x900"x59.9   86.50  1400 1448 1480 1560  900 903 913 926 +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0  108.00  1280 1376 1488 1800  960 961 964 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x810"x120.0  198.12  1440 1548 1704 1968  810 811 814 839 doublescan -hsync +vsync (100.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x810"x119.9  151.88  1440 1464 1480 1520  810 811 814 833 doublescan +hsync -vsync (99.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1368x768"x59.9   85.25  1368 1440 1576 1784  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync (47.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1368x768"x59.9   72.25  1368 1416 1448 1528  768 771 781 790 +hsync -vsync (47.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x800"x120.0  174.25  1280 1380 1516 1752  800 801 804 829 doublescan -hsync +vsync (99.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x800"x119.9  134.25  1280 1304 1320 1360  800 801 804 823 doublescan +hsync -vsync (98.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.8   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803 809 831 -hsync +vsync (49.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.9   71.00  1280 1328 1360 1440  800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x120.0  156.12  1280 1376 1512 1744  720 721 724 746 doublescan -hsync +vsync (89.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x120.0  120.75  1280 1304 1320 1360  720 721 724 740 doublescan +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync (44.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.7   63.75  1280 1328 1360 1440  720 723 728 741 +hsync -vsync (44.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x120.1  133.47  1024 1100 1212 1400  768 768 770 794 doublescan -hsync +vsync (95.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x720"x120.0  117.00  960 1024 1128 1300  720 720 722 750 doublescan -hsync +vsync (90.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "928x696"x120.1  109.15  928 976 1088 1264  696 696 698 719 doublescan -hsync +vsync (86.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "896x672"x120.0  102.40  896 960 1060 1224  672 672 674 697 doublescan -hsync +vsync (83.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x576"x119.9   98.50  1024 1092 1200 1376  576 577 580 597 doublescan -hsync +vsync (71.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x576"x119.9   78.38  1024 1048 1064 1104  576 577 580 592 doublescan +hsync -vsync (71.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x576"x59.9   46.50  1024 1064 1160 1296  576 579 584 599 -hsync +vsync (35.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x576"x59.8   42.00  1024 1072 1104 1184  576 579 584 593 +hsync -vsync (35.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x600"x119.9   96.62  960 1028 1128 1296  600 601 604 622 doublescan -hsync +vsync (74.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x600"x120.0   77.00  960 984 1000 1040  600 601 604 617 doublescan +hsync -vsync (74.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x540"x119.9   86.50  960 1024 1124 1288  540 541 544 560 doublescan -hsync +vsync (67.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x540"x120.0   69.25  960 984 1000 1040  540 541 544 555 doublescan +hsync -vsync (66.6 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x540"x59.6   40.75  960 992 1088 1216  540 543 548 562 -hsync +vsync (33.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "960x540"x59.8   37.25  960 1008 1040 1120  540 543 548 556 +hsync -vsync (33.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x120.0   81.00  800 832 928 1080  600 600 602 625 doublescan +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x56.2   36.00  800 824 896 1024  600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "840x525"x120.0   73.12  840 892 980 1120  525 526 529 544 doublescan -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "840x525"x119.8   59.50  840 864 880 920  525 526 529 540 doublescan +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "864x486"x59.9   32.50  864 888 968 1072  486 489 494 506 -hsync +vsync (30.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "864x486"x59.6   30.50  864 912 944 1024  486 489 494 500 +hsync -vsync (29.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "700x525"x120.0   61.00  700 744 820 940  525 526 532 541 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x450"x119.9   59.12  800 848 928 1056  450 451 454 467 doublescan -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x450"x119.6   48.75  800 824 840 880  450 451 454 463 doublescan +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x512"x120.0   54.00  640 664 720 844  512 512 514 533 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "700x450"x119.9   51.75  700 740 812 924  450 451 456 467 doublescan -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "700x450"x119.8   43.25  700 724 740 780  450 451 456 463 doublescan +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x120.0   54.00  640 688 744 900  480 480 482 500 doublescan +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x405"x59.5   22.50  720 744 808 896  405 408 413 422 -hsync +vsync (25.1 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x405"x59.0   21.75  720 768 800 880  405 408 413 419 +hsync -vsync (24.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "684x384"x119.8   42.62  684 720 788 892  384 385 390 399 doublescan -hsync +vsync (47.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "684x384"x119.7   36.12  684 708 724 764  384 385 390 395 doublescan +hsync -vsync (47.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x400"x119.8   41.75  640 676 740 840  400 401 404 415 doublescan -hsync +vsync (49.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x400"x120.0   35.50  640 664 680 720  400 401 404 411 doublescan +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x360"x119.7   37.25  640 672 736 832  360 361 364 374 doublescan -hsync +vsync (44.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x360"x119.7   31.88  640 664 680 720  360 361 364 370 doublescan +hsync -vsync (44.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x360"x59.8   18.00  640 664 720 800  360 363 368 376 -hsync +vsync (22.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x360"x59.3   17.75  640 688 720 800  360 363 368 374 +hsync -vsync (22.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "512x384"x120.0   32.50  512 524 592 672  384 385 388 403 doublescan -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "512x288"x120.0   23.25  512 532 580 648  288 289 292 299 doublescan -hsync +vsync (35.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "512x288"x119.8   21.00  512 536 552 592  288 289 292 296 doublescan +hsync -vsync (35.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "480x270"x119.3   20.38  480 496 544 608  270 271 274 281 doublescan -hsync +vsync (33.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "480x270"x119.6   18.62  480 504 520 560  270 271 274 278 doublescan +hsync -vsync (33.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "400x300"x120.6   20.00  400 420 484 528  300 300 302 314 doublescan +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "400x300"x112.7   18.00  400 412 448 512  300 300 301 312 doublescan +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "432x243"x119.8   16.25  432 444 484 536  243 244 247 253 doublescan -hsync +vsync (30.3 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "432x243"x119.1   15.25  432 456 472 512  243 244 247 250 doublescan +hsync -vsync (29.8 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "320x240"x120.1   12.59  320 328 376 400  240 245 246 262 doublescan -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "360x202"x119.0   11.25  360 372 404 448  202 204 206 211 doublescan -hsync +vsync (25.1 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "360x202"x118.3   10.88  360 384 400 440  202 204 206 209 doublescan +hsync -vsync (24.7 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "320x180"x119.7    9.00  320 332 360 400  180 181 184 188 doublescan -hsync +vsync (22.5 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "320x180"x118.6    8.88  320 344 360 400  180 181 184 187 doublescan +hsync -vsync (22.2 kHz d)
[   118.327] (II) modeset(0): EDID for output DP-1
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): EDID for output DP-2
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer: DEL  Model: a0e9  Serial#: 810041676
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Year: 2019  Week: 16
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): EDID Version: 1.3
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Digital Display Input
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 61  vert.: 35
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Gamma: 2.20
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy Suspend Off
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported color encodings: RGB 4:4:4 YCrCb 4:4:4 
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Default color space is primary color space
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): redX: 0.640 redY: 0.330   greenX: 0.300 greenY: 0.600
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): blueX: 0.150 blueY: 0.060   whiteX: 0.313 whiteY: 0.329
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported established timings:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 720x400@70Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 640x480@60Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 640x480@75Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 800x600@60Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 800x600@75Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 1024x768@60Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 1024x768@75Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 1280x1024@75Hz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported standard timings:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #0: hsize: 1152  vsize 864  refresh: 75  vid: 20337
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #1: hsize: 1280  vsize 1024  refresh: 60  vid: 32897
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #2: hsize: 1600  vsize 900  refresh: 60  vid: 49321
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #3: hsize: 1600  vsize 1200  refresh: 60  vid: 16553
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #4: hsize: 1920  vsize 1080  refresh: 60  vid: 49361
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): #5: hsize: 2048  vsize 1280  refresh: 60  vid: 225
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): clock: 527.9 MHz   Image Size:  609 x 349 mm
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 3840  h_sync: 3872  h_sync_end 3888 h_blank_end 3910 h_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 2160  v_sync: 2168  v_sync_end 2178 v_blanking: 2250 v_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Serial No: 4K8X794E0HAL
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Monitor name: DELL U2718Q
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Ranges: V min: 49 V max: 86 Hz, H min: 10 H max: 137 kHz, PixClock max 605 MHz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): clock: 241.5 MHz   Image Size:  609 x 349 mm
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 2560  h_sync: 2608  h_sync_end 2640 h_blank_end 2720 h_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 1440  v_sync: 1443  v_sync_end 1448 v_blanking: 1481 v_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): clock: 297.0 MHz   Image Size:  609 x 349 mm
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 3840  h_sync: 4016  h_sync_end 4104 h_blank_end 4400 h_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 2160  v_sync: 2168  v_sync_end 2178 v_blanking: 2250 v_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Supported detailed timing:
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): clock: 58.2 MHz   Image Size:  609 x 349 mm
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): h_active: 2048  h_sync: 2096  h_sync_end 2128 h_blank_end 2208 h_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): v_active: 1080  v_sync: 1083  v_sync_end 1093 v_blanking: 1099 v_border: 0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Number of EDID sections to follow: 1
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): EDID (in hex):
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	00ffffffffffff0010ace9a04c414830
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	101d0103803d2378eeee95a3544c9926
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	0f5054a54b00714f8180a9c0a940d1c0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	e1000101010131ce0046f0705a802010
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	8a00615d2100001a000000ff00344b38
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	58373934453048414c0a000000fc0044
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	454c4c205532373138510a20000000fd
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	0031560a893c000a202020202020015f
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	02033ef15800005f5e5d100504020716
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	01141f1213272021220306111523091f
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	07830100006d030c0010003078200060
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	03020167d85dc40178c003e20f03565e
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	00a0a0a0295030203500615d2100001a
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	04740030f2705a80b0588a00615d2100
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	001ebf1600a08038134030203a00615d
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): 	2100001a0000000000000000000000ef
[   118.382] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Printing probed modes for output DP-2
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x30.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x25.0  297.00  3840 4896 4984 5280  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x24.0  297.00  3840 5116 5204 5500  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (54.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x30.0  296.70  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.4 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x24.0  296.70  3840 5116 5204 5500  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (53.9 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x60.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x24.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 -hsync -vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x50.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9  148.35  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.4 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x60.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x50.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x25.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x59.9   74.18  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x30.0   74.18  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x24.0   74.18  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x50.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x60.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  108.00  1600 1624 1704 1800  900 901 904 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x75.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x75.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x50.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9   74.18  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x75.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x75.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x50.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0   27.03  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x59.9   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x75.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0   25.20  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x70.1   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): EDID for output DP-3
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output eDP-1 connected
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-1 disconnected
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-2 connected
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-3 disconnected
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Using fuzzy aspect match for initial modes
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output eDP-1 using initial mode 1600x1200 +0+0
[   118.382] (II) modeset(0): Output DP-2 using initial mode 1600x1200 +0+0
[   118.382] (==) modeset(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[   118.382] (==) modeset(0): DPI set to (96, 96)
[   118.382] (II) Loading sub module "fb"
[   118.382] (II) LoadModule: "fb"
[   118.383] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[   118.383] (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   118.383] 	compiled for 1.20.10, module version = 1.0.0
[   118.383] 	ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[   118.383] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
[   118.383] (==) NVIDIA(G0): RGB weight 888
[   118.383] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Default visual is TrueColor
[   118.383] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[   118.383] (II) Applying OutputClass "nvidia" options to /dev/dri/card0
[   118.383] (**) NVIDIA(G0): Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration"
[   118.383] (**) NVIDIA(G0): Enabling 2D acceleration
[   118.383] (II) Loading sub module "glxserver_nvidia"
[   118.383] (II) LoadModule: "glxserver_nvidia"
[   118.383] (II) Loading /usr/lib/nvidia/xorg/
[   118.406] (II) Module glxserver_nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
[   118.406] 	compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[   118.406] 	Module class: X.Org Server Extension
[   118.406] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  460.56  Tue Feb 23 23:23:21 UTC 2021
[   118.406] (II) NVIDIA: The X server supports PRIME Render Offload.
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0): NVIDIA GPU Quadro T2000 with Max-Q Design (TU117GL-A) at
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
[   118.408] (--) NVIDIA(G0): Memory: 4194304 kBytes
[   118.408] (--) NVIDIA(G0): VideoBIOS:
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0): Validated MetaModes:
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     "NULL"
[   118.408] (II) NVIDIA(G0): Virtual screen size determined to be 640 x 480
[   118.408] (WW) NVIDIA(G0): Unable to get display device for DPI computation.
[   118.408] (==) NVIDIA(G0): DPI set to (75, 75); computed from built-in default
[   118.419] (==) modeset(0): Backing store enabled
[   118.419] (==) modeset(0): Silken mouse disabled
[   118.717] (II) modeset(0): Initializing kms color map for depth 24, 8 bpc.
[   118.717] (==) modeset(0): DPMS enabled
[   118.718] (II) modeset(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
[   118.718] (II) modeset(0): [DRI2]   DRI driver: iris
[   118.718] (II) modeset(0): [DRI2]   VDPAU driver: va_gl
[   118.718] (II) NVIDIA: Using 24576.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory
[   118.718] (II) NVIDIA:     access.
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     may not be running or the "AcpidSocketPath" X
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     configuration option may not be set correctly.  When the
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     ACPI event daemon is available, the NVIDIA X driver will
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     try to use it to receive ACPI event notifications.  For
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     details, please see the "ConnectToAcpid" and
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     "AcpidSocketPath" X configuration options in Appendix B: X
[   118.739] (II) NVIDIA(G0):     Config Options in the README.
[   118.782] (II) NVIDIA(G0): Setting mode "NULL"
[   118.789] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Disabling shared memory pixmaps
[   118.789] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Backing store enabled
[   118.789] (==) NVIDIA(G0): Silken mouse disabled
[   118.789] (==) NVIDIA(G0): DPMS enabled
[   118.789] (II) Loading sub module "dri2"
[   118.789] (II) LoadModule: "dri2"
[   118.789] (II) Module "dri2" already built-in
[   118.789] (II) NVIDIA(G0): [DRI2] Setup complete
[   118.789] (II) NVIDIA(G0): [DRI2]   VDPAU driver: nvidia
[   118.789] (II) Initializing extension Generic Event Extension
[   118.789] (II) Initializing extension SHAPE
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SHM
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension XInputExtension
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension XTEST
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension BIG-REQUESTS
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension SYNC
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension XKEYBOARD
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension XC-MISC
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension SECURITY
[   118.790] (II) Initializing extension XFIXES
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension RENDER
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension RANDR
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension COMPOSITE
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension DAMAGE
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension RECORD
[   118.791] (II) Initializing extension DPMS
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension Present
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension DRI3
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension X-Resource
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension XVideo
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension GLX
[   118.792] (II) Initializing extension GLX
[   118.792] (II) Indirect GLX disabled.
[   118.800] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized iris
[   118.800] (II) GLX: Initialized DRI2 GL provider for screen 0
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-DGA
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-DRI
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension DRI2
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension NV-GLX
[   118.800] (II) Initializing extension NV-CONTROL
[   118.804] (II) modeset(0): Damage tracking initialized
[   118.804] (II) modeset(0): Setting screen physical size to 423 x 317
[   118.836] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Video Bus (/dev/input/event13)
[   118.836] (**) Video Bus: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   118.836] (II) LoadModule: "libinput"
[   118.836] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
[   118.839] (II) Module libinput: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   118.839] 	compiled for 1.20.8, module version = 0.30.0
[   118.839] 	Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
[   118.839] 	ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 24.1
[   118.839] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Video Bus'
[   118.839] (**) Video Bus: always reports core events
[   118.839] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event13"
[   118.839] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   118.843] (II) event13 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   118.843] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[   118.843] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device removed
[   119.035] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/LNXVIDEO:01/input/input39/event13"
[   119.035] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Video Bus" (type: KEYBOARD, id 6)
[   119.037] (II) event13 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.037] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[   119.038] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Video Bus (/dev/input/event12)
[   119.038] (**) Video Bus: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.038] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Video Bus'
[   119.038] (**) Video Bus: always reports core events
[   119.038] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event12"
[   119.038] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.040] (II) event12 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.040] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[   119.040] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device removed
[   119.175] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:00/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input38/event12"
[   119.175] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Video Bus" (type: KEYBOARD, id 7)
[   119.176] (II) event12 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.177] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[   119.178] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event1)
[   119.178] (**) Power Button: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.178] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Power Button'
[   119.178] (**) Power Button: always reports core events
[   119.178] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
[   119.178] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.179] (II) event1  - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.179] (II) event1  - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[   119.179] (II) event1  - Power Button: device removed
[   119.265] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input1/event1"
[   119.265] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Power Button" (type: KEYBOARD, id 8)
[   119.266] (II) event1  - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.267] (II) event1  - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[   119.268] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Lid Switch (/dev/input/event0)
[   119.268] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   119.268] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   119.270] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate (/dev/input/event10)
[   119.270] (**) Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.270] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate'
[   119.270] (**) Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: always reports core events
[   119.270] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event10"
[   119.270] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.272] (II) event10 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.272] (II) event10 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device is a keyboard
[   119.272] (II) event10 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device removed
[   119.425] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/input/input36/event10"
[   119.425] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate" (type: KEYBOARD, id 9)
[   119.427] (II) event10 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.427] (II) event10 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device is a keyboard
[   119.428] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate (/dev/input/event11)
[   119.428] (**) Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.428] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate'
[   119.428] (**) Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: always reports core events
[   119.428] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event11"
[   119.428] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.430] (II) event11 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.430] (II) event11 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device is a keyboard
[   119.431] (II) event11 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device removed
[   119.534] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.2/input/input37/event11"
[   119.534] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate" (type: KEYBOARD, id 10)
[   119.537] (II) event11 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.537] (II) event11 - Integrated_Webcam_HD: Integrate: device is a keyboard
[   119.538] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID (/dev/input/event3)
[   119.538] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.538] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID'
[   119.538] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: always reports core events
[   119.538] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3"
[   119.538] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.540] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.540] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[   119.540] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device removed
[   119.645] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/0003:1050:0407.0001/input/input4/event3"
[   119.645] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" (type: KEYBOARD, id 11)
[   119.647] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.647] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[   119.647] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech Performance MX (/dev/input/event5)
[   119.647] (**) Logitech Performance MX: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   119.647] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech Performance MX'
[   119.647] (**) Logitech Performance MX: always reports core events
[   119.647] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event5"
[   119.647] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.648] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   119.648] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: device set to 1000 DPI
[   119.648] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: device is a pointer
[   119.649] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: device removed
[   119.744] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:101A.0007/input/input31/event5"
[   119.744] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech Performance MX" (type: MOUSE, id 12)
[   119.745] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   119.745] (**) Logitech Performance MX: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   119.745] (**) Logitech Performance MX: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   119.745] (**) Logitech Performance MX: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   119.747] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   119.748] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: device set to 1000 DPI
[   119.748] (II) event5  - Logitech Performance MX: device is a pointer
[   119.749] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech Performance MX (/dev/input/mouse0)
[   119.749] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   119.749] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   119.751] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech K350 (/dev/input/event7)
[   119.751] (**) Logitech K350: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.751] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech K350'
[   119.751] (**) Logitech K350: always reports core events
[   119.751] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event7"
[   119.751] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.753] (II) event7  - Logitech K350: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.754] (II) event7  - Logitech K350: device is a keyboard
[   119.754] (II) event7  - Logitech K350: device removed
[   119.815] (II) libinput: Logitech K350: needs a virtual subdevice
[   119.815] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:200A.0009/input/input33/event7"
[   119.815] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech K350" (type: MOUSE, id 13)
[   119.815] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   119.815] (**) Logitech K350: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   119.815] (**) Logitech K350: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   119.815] (**) Logitech K350: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   119.818] (II) event7  - Logitech K350: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.818] (II) event7  - Logitech K350: device is a keyboard
[   119.820] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech K800 (/dev/input/event4)
[   119.820] (**) Logitech K800: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   119.820] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech K800'
[   119.820] (**) Logitech K800: always reports core events
[   119.820] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4"
[   119.820] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.823] (II) event4  - Logitech K800: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.823] (II) event4  - Logitech K800: device is a keyboard
[   119.823] (II) event4  - Logitech K800: device removed
[   119.875] (II) libinput: Logitech K800: needs a virtual subdevice
[   119.875] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:2010.0006/input/input30/event4"
[   119.875] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech K800" (type: MOUSE, id 14)
[   119.875] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   119.875] (**) Logitech K800: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   119.875] (**) Logitech K800: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   119.875] (**) Logitech K800: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   119.878] (II) event4  - Logitech K800: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   119.878] (II) event4  - Logitech K800: device is a keyboard
[   119.880] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech M705 (/dev/input/event6)
[   119.880] (**) Logitech M705: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   119.880] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech M705'
[   119.880] (**) Logitech M705: always reports core events
[   119.880] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event6"
[   119.880] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.882] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   119.882] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: device set to 1000 DPI
[   119.883] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: device is a pointer
[   119.883] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: device removed
[   119.974] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:406D.0008/input/input32/event6"
[   119.975] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech M705" (type: MOUSE, id 15)
[   119.975] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   119.975] (**) Logitech M705: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   119.975] (**) Logitech M705: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   119.975] (**) Logitech M705: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   119.978] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   119.978] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: device set to 1000 DPI
[   119.978] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: device is a pointer
[   119.980] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech M705 (/dev/input/mouse1)
[   119.980] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   119.980] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   119.981] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 (/dev/input/event25)
[   119.981] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: Applying InputClass "libinput touchscreen catchall"
[   119.981] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2'
[   119.981] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: always reports core events
[   119.981] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event25"
[   119.981] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   119.983] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
[   119.983] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device is a touch device
[   119.984] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device removed
[   120.105] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.0/i2c_designware.0/i2c-5/i2c-ELAN29E2:00/0018:04F3:29E2.000A/input/input59/event25"
[   120.105] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2" (type: TOUCHSCREEN, id 16)
[   120.105] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   120.105] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   120.105] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   120.105] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   120.107] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
[   120.107] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device is a touch device
[   120.109] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 (/dev/input/mouse5)
[   120.109] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.109] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.110] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event26)
[   120.110] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.110] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.110] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event27)
[   120.110] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.110] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.110] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse (/dev/input/event18)
[   120.110] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   120.110] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse'
[   120.110] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: always reports core events
[   120.110] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event18"
[   120.110] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.111] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse Pointingstick
[   120.111] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device is a pointer
[   120.112] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device removed
[   120.205] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-10/i2c-DELL097E:00/0018:04F3:311C.000B/input/input56/event18"
[   120.205] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse" (type: MOUSE, id 17)
[   120.205] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   120.205] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   120.205] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   120.205] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   120.207] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse Pointingstick
[   120.208] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device is a pointer
[   120.211] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse (/dev/input/mouse3)
[   120.211] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.211] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.212] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad (/dev/input/event22)
[   120.212] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: Applying InputClass "libinput touchpad catchall"
[   120.212] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad'
[   120.212] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: always reports core events
[   120.212] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event22"
[   120.212] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.214] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[   120.217] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[   120.217] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device removed
[   120.335] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-10/i2c-DELL097E:00/0018:04F3:311C.000B/input/input57/event22"
[   120.335] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad" (type: TOUCHPAD, id 18)
[   120.337] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   120.338] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   120.338] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   120.338] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   120.339] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[   120.342] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[   120.344] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad (/dev/input/mouse4)
[   120.344] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.344] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.345] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH Headphone Mic (/dev/input/event17)
[   120.345] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.345] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.345] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 (/dev/input/event15)
[   120.345] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.345] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.346] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 (/dev/input/event16)
[   120.346] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.346] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.347] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=8 (/dev/input/event21)
[   120.347] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.347] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.347] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=9 (/dev/input/event23)
[   120.347] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.347] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.348] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=10 (/dev/input/event24)
[   120.348] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.348] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.349] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Intel HID events (/dev/input/event8)
[   120.349] (**) Intel HID events: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.349] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Intel HID events'
[   120.349] (**) Intel HID events: always reports core events
[   120.349] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event8"
[   120.349] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.350] (II) event8  - Intel HID events: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.350] (II) event8  - Intel HID events: device is a keyboard
[   120.350] (II) event8  - Intel HID events: device removed
[   120.415] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/INT33D5:00/input/input34/event8"
[   120.415] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Intel HID events" (type: KEYBOARD, id 19)
[   120.416] (II) event8  - Intel HID events: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.417] (II) event8  - Intel HID events: device is a keyboard
[   120.418] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Intel HID 5 button array (/dev/input/event9)
[   120.418] (**) Intel HID 5 button array: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.418] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Intel HID 5 button array'
[   120.418] (**) Intel HID 5 button array: always reports core events
[   120.418] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event9"
[   120.418] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.419] (II) event9  - Intel HID 5 button array: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.419] (II) event9  - Intel HID 5 button array: device is a keyboard
[   120.420] (II) event9  - Intel HID 5 button array: device removed
[   120.464] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/INT33D5:00/input/input35/event9"
[   120.465] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Intel HID 5 button array" (type: KEYBOARD, id 20)
[   120.466] (II) event9  - Intel HID 5 button array: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.466] (II) event9  - Intel HID 5 button array: device is a keyboard
[   120.468] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Dell WMI hotkeys (/dev/input/event20)
[   120.468] (**) Dell WMI hotkeys: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.468] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Dell WMI hotkeys'
[   120.468] (**) Dell WMI hotkeys: always reports core events
[   120.468] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event20"
[   120.468] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.469] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.470] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[   120.470] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device removed
[   120.574] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/PNP0C14:03/wmi_bus/wmi_bus-PNP0C14:03/9DBB5994-A997-11DA-B012-B622A1EF5492/input/input49/event20"
[   120.574] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Dell WMI hotkeys" (type: KEYBOARD, id 21)
[   120.577] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.577] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[   120.579] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AT Translated Set 2 keyboard (/dev/input/event2)
[   120.579] (**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.579] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'AT Translated Set 2 keyboard'
[   120.579] (**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: always reports core events
[   120.579] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event2"
[   120.579] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.580] (II) event2  - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.580] (II) event2  - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device is a keyboard
[   120.583] (II) event2  - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device removed
[   120.625] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input2/event2"
[   120.625] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD, id 22)
[   120.627] (II) event2  - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   120.627] (II) event2  - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device is a keyboard
[   120.631] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (/dev/input/event14)
[   120.631] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   120.631] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse'
[   120.631] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: always reports core events
[   120.631] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event14"
[   120.631] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   120.632] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   120.633] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device is a pointer
[   120.633] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device removed
[   120.755] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input48/event14"
[   120.755] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse" (type: MOUSE, id 23)
[   120.755] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   120.755] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   120.755] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   120.755] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   120.757] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   120.757] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device is a pointer
[   120.758] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (/dev/input/mouse2)
[   120.758] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.758] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.759] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PC Speaker (/dev/input/event19)
[   120.759] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   120.759] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   120.819] (**) Logitech K350: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.820] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech K350'
[   120.820] (**) Logitech K350: always reports core events
[   120.820] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event7"
[   120.820] (**) Option "_source" "_driver/libinput"
[   120.820] (II) libinput: Logitech K350: is a virtual subdevice
[   120.820] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:200A.0009/input/input33/event7"
[   120.820] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech K350" (type: KEYBOARD, id 24)
[   120.820] (**) Logitech K800: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   120.820] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Logitech K800'
[   120.820] (**) Logitech K800: always reports core events
[   120.820] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event4"
[   120.820] (**) Option "_source" "_driver/libinput"
[   120.820] (II) libinput: Logitech K800: is a virtual subdevice
[   120.820] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-5/1-5.1/1-5.1:1.2/0003:046D:C52B.0005/0003:046D:2010.0006/input/input30/event4"
[   120.820] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech K800" (type: KEYBOARD, id 25)
[   121.031] (II) config/udev: removing device Dell WMI hotkeys
[   121.031] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device removed
[   121.125] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[   121.125] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Dell WMI hotkeys (/dev/input/event20)
[   121.125] (**) Dell WMI hotkeys: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[   121.125] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Dell WMI hotkeys'
[   121.125] (**) Dell WMI hotkeys: always reports core events
[   121.125] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event20"
[   121.126] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   121.127] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   121.127] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[   121.128] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device removed
[   121.215] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/PNP0C14:03/wmi_bus/wmi_bus-PNP0C14:03/9DBB5994-A997-11DA-B012-B622A1EF5492/input/input49/event20"
[   121.215] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Dell WMI hotkeys" (type: KEYBOARD, id 21)
[   121.217] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[   121.217] (II) event20 - Dell WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[   121.221] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=10 (/dev/input/event24)
[   121.221] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.221] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.221] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=8 (/dev/input/event21)
[   121.221] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.221] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.222] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=9 (/dev/input/event23)
[   121.222] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.222] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.224] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (/dev/input/mouse2)
[   121.224] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.224] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.225] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 (/dev/input/mouse5)
[   121.226] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.226] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.227] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse (/dev/input/mouse3)
[   121.227] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.227] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.228] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad (/dev/input/mouse4)
[   121.228] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.228] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.229] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 (/dev/input/event15)
[   121.229] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.229] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.230] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event27)
[   121.230] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.230] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.230] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 (/dev/input/event16)
[   121.230] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.230] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.237] (II) config/udev: removing device PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse
[   121.238] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device removed
[   121.385] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[   121.385] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (/dev/input/event14)
[   121.385] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   121.385] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse'
[   121.385] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: always reports core events
[   121.385] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event14"
[   121.385] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   121.387] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   121.387] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device is a pointer
[   121.388] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device removed
[   121.475] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input48/event14"
[   121.475] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse" (type: MOUSE, id 23)
[   121.475] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   121.475] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   121.475] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   121.475] (**) PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   121.477] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[   121.477] (II) event14 - PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse: device is a pointer
[   121.480] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH Headphone Mic (/dev/input/event17)
[   121.480] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.480] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.480] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 UNKNOWN (/dev/input/event26)
[   121.480] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[   121.480] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[   121.480] (II) config/udev: removing device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse
[   121.480] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device removed
[   121.584] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[   121.585] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse (/dev/input/event18)
[   121.585] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: Applying InputClass "libinput pointer catchall"
[   121.585] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse'
[   121.585] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: always reports core events
[   121.585] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event18"
[   121.585] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   121.585] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse Pointingstick
[   121.586] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device is a pointer
[   121.586] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device removed
[   121.755] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-10/i2c-DELL097E:00/0018:04F3:311C.000B/input/input56/event18"
[   121.755] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse" (type: MOUSE, id 17)
[   121.755] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   121.755] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   121.755] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   121.755] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   121.757] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse Pointingstick
[   121.758] (II) event18 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Mouse: device is a pointer
[   121.762] (II) config/udev: removing device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2
[   121.762] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device removed
[   121.874] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[   121.875] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2 (/dev/input/event25)
[   121.875] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: Applying InputClass "libinput touchscreen catchall"
[   121.875] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2'
[   121.875] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: always reports core events
[   121.875] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event25"
[   121.875] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   121.875] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
[   121.875] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device is a touch device
[   121.875] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device removed
[   122.015] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.0/i2c_designware.0/i2c-5/i2c-ELAN29E2:00/0018:04F3:29E2.000A/input/input59/event25"
[   122.015] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2" (type: TOUCHSCREEN, id 16)
[   122.015] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   122.015] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   122.015] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   122.015] (**) ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   122.017] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: is tagged by udev as: Touchscreen
[   122.017] (II) event25 - ELAN29E2:00 04F3:29E2: device is a touch device
[   122.028] (II) config/udev: removing device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad
[   122.028] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device removed
[   122.175] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[   122.176] (II) config/udev: Adding input device DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad (/dev/input/event22)
[   122.176] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: Applying InputClass "libinput touchpad catchall"
[   122.176] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad'
[   122.176] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: always reports core events
[   122.176] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event22"
[   122.176] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[   122.178] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[   122.181] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[   122.181] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device removed
[   122.295] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.1/i2c_designware.1/i2c-10/i2c-DELL097E:00/0018:04F3:311C.000B/input/input57/event22"
[   122.295] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad" (type: TOUCHPAD, id 18)
[   122.298] (**) Option "AccelerationScheme" "none"
[   122.298] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[   122.298] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[   122.298] (**) DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[   122.299] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[   122.300] (II) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Using EDID range info for horizontal sync
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Using EDID range info for vertical refresh
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[   134.292] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[   134.292] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[   135.432] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[   135.432] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[   135.475] (II) modeset(0): Allocate new frame buffer 3841x4560 stride
[  1742.223] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 14ms, your system is too slow
[  1839.589] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[  2250.200] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 13ms, your system is too slow
[  2436.317] (II) config/udev: removing device Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID
[  2436.318] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device removed
[  2436.379] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[  2515.970] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[  2516.924] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 13ms, your system is too slow
[  2516.924] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[  2922.402] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[  2922.403] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[  3048.344] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 29ms, your system is too slow
[  3092.168] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 33ms, your system is too slow
[  3104.032] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 27ms, your system is too slow
[  3438.550] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 35ms, your system is too slow
[  3967.763] (EE) client bug: timer event6 debounce short: scheduled expiry is in the past (-5ms), your system is too slow
[  4292.474] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 29ms, your system is too slow
[  4292.474] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[  5901.932] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[  5907.584] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[  6013.986] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 13ms, your system is too slow
[  6180.634] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 16ms, your system is too slow
[  6364.068] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[  6364.068] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[  6658.682] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 17ms, your system is too slow
[  7048.004] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 49ms, your system is too slow
[  7643.659] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 24ms, your system is too slow
[  8170.793] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 19ms, your system is too slow
[  8172.048] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 33ms, your system is too slow
[  8172.048] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[  8696.384] (II) event6  - Logitech M705: Enabling spurious button debouncing, see for details
[ 11067.418] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 38ms, your system is too slow
[ 11067.615] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[ 11071.663] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 28ms, your system is too slow
[ 11082.018] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 34ms, your system is too slow
[ 11113.766] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 53ms, your system is too slow
[ 11113.766] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 11251.030] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 55ms, your system is too slow
[ 11437.862] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 27ms, your system is too slow
[ 11491.026] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 31ms, your system is too slow
[ 11765.231] (EE) client bug: timer event6 debounce short: scheduled expiry is in the past (-3ms), your system is too slow
[ 12102.286] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 31ms, your system is too slow
[ 12638.427] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID (/dev/input/event3)
[ 12638.427] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 12638.427] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID'
[ 12638.427] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: always reports core events
[ 12638.427] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3"
[ 12638.427] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 12638.430] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 12638.431] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[ 12638.432] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device removed
[ 12638.505] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/0003:1050:0407.000D/input/input63/event3"
[ 12638.505] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" (type: KEYBOARD, id 11)
[ 12638.509] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 12638.509] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[ 12694.360] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[ 12694.360] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 15134.532] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 57ms, your system is too slow
[ 15611.506] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 26ms, your system is too slow
[ 15794.535] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 13ms, your system is too slow
[ 15850.443] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 18ms, your system is too slow
[ 15954.361] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 36ms, your system is too slow
[ 15989.431] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 26ms, your system is too slow
[ 16040.009] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 24ms, your system is too slow
[ 16040.009] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 16373.040] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 16806.361] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 17ms, your system is too slow
[ 18906.866] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 17ms, your system is too slow
[ 18959.047] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[ 18993.351] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 19023.030] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 13ms, your system is too slow
[ 19042.362] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 19042.362] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 63864.345] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AirPod Pro (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event28)
[ 63864.345] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 63864.345] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'AirPod Pro (AVRCP)'
[ 63864.345] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): always reports core events
[ 63864.345] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event28"
[ 63864.345] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 63864.347] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 63864.347] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 63864.347] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 63864.464] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/virtual/input/input64/event28"
[ 63864.464] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AirPod Pro (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 26)
[ 63864.465] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 63864.465] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 64181.747] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[ 64611.665] (II) config/udev: removing device Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID
[ 64611.665] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device removed
[ 64611.766] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[ 64641.896] (II) config/udev: removing device AirPod Pro (AVRCP)
[ 64641.896] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 64641.977] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[ 64667.115] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 39ms, your system is too slow
[ 64852.382] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 33ms, your system is too slow
[ 64861.882] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 32ms, your system is too slow
[ 67103.762] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 24ms, your system is too slow
[ 67103.762] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 70205.813] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 18ms, your system is too slow
[ 70315.803] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 48ms, your system is too slow
[ 70360.217] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 32ms, your system is too slow
[ 70424.825] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 30ms, your system is too slow
[ 70511.937] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 32ms, your system is too slow
[ 70511.937] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 70743.553] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 71445.767] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[ 71479.268] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 73836.336] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 31ms, your system is too slow
[ 73939.800] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 25ms, your system is too slow
[ 74020.417] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 12ms, your system is too slow
[ 74448.195] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 30ms, your system is too slow
[ 74588.487] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 42ms, your system is too slow
[ 74588.487] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 75329.570] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[ 77049.948] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[ 77123.050] (EE) event6  - Logitech M705: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[ 77549.247] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 42ms, your system is too slow
[ 77586.085] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 40ms, your system is too slow
[ 77669.229] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 24ms, your system is too slow
[ 77679.071] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 46ms, your system is too slow
[ 78027.692] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 17ms, your system is too slow
[ 78027.692] (EE) event7  - Logitech K350: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 79333.366] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID (/dev/input/event3)
[ 79333.366] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 79333.366] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID'
[ 79333.366] (**) Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: always reports core events
[ 79333.366] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3"
[ 79333.366] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 79333.369] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 79333.370] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[ 79333.371] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device removed
[ 79333.435] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/0003:1050:0407.000F/input/input65/event3"
[ 79333.435] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID" (type: KEYBOARD, id 11)
[ 79333.439] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 79333.439] (II) event3  - Yubico YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID: device is a keyboard
[ 79465.633] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AirPod Pro (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event28)
[ 79465.633] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 79465.633] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'AirPod Pro (AVRCP)'
[ 79465.633] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): always reports core events
[ 79465.633] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event28"
[ 79465.633] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 79465.635] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 79465.635] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 79465.635] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 79465.695] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/virtual/input/input66/event28"
[ 79465.695] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AirPod Pro (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 26)
[ 79465.697] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 79465.697] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 79737.675] (II) config/udev: removing device AirPod Pro (AVRCP)
[ 79737.676] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 79737.747] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[ 79751.418] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 20ms, your system is too slow
[ 80599.957] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AirPod Pro (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event28)
[ 80599.957] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 80599.957] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'AirPod Pro (AVRCP)'
[ 80599.957] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): always reports core events
[ 80599.957] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event28"
[ 80599.957] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 80599.957] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 80599.957] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 80599.958] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 80600.044] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/virtual/input/input67/event28"
[ 80600.044] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AirPod Pro (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 26)
[ 80600.045] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 80600.045] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 81002.256] (II) config/udev: removing device AirPod Pro (AVRCP)
[ 81002.256] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 81002.296] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[ 81029.317] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AirPod Pro (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event28)
[ 81029.317] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
[ 81029.317] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'AirPod Pro (AVRCP)'
[ 81029.317] (**) AirPod Pro (AVRCP): always reports core events
[ 81029.317] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event28"
[ 81029.317] (**) Option "_source" "server/udev"
[ 81029.317] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 81029.317] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 81029.318] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 81029.404] (**) Option "config_info" "udev:/sys/devices/virtual/input/input68/event28"
[ 81029.404] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AirPod Pro (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 26)
[ 81029.405] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 81029.405] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device is a keyboard
[ 81034.085] (II) config/udev: removing device AirPod Pro (AVRCP)
[ 81034.086] (II) event28 - AirPod Pro (AVRCP): device removed
[ 81034.186] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"
[ 83892.829] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 16ms, your system is too slow
[ 83916.265] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 15ms, your system is too slow
[ 83982.319] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 11ms, your system is too slow
[ 84101.784] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 18ms, your system is too slow
[ 84552.783] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 17ms, your system is too slow
[ 84552.783] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 60min). Discarding future messages.
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.062] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.063] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 86577.122] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 86739.801] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
See for details
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87052.124] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87052.125] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.576] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.577] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87073.638] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87073.639] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87093.096] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87093.097] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87095.939] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87095.940] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87097.397] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87097.398] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87097.399] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.376] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87206.440] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87206.441] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87213.584] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87213.585] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87213.586] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.463] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.464] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87349.522] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.345] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87380.346] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.192] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 87563.193] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88312.571] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88312.572] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88314.911] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88314.912] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88314.912] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88316.892] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88316.893] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.529] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.530] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.530] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.590] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.591] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88321.591] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88321.591] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88321.591] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.503] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.504] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): EDID vendor "DEL", prod id 41193
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  527.85  3840 3872 3888 3910  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync -vsync (135.0 kHz eP)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x0.0  241.50  2560 2608 2640 2720  1440 1443 1448 1481 +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "3840x2160"x0.0  297.00  3840 4016 4104 4400  2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1080"x0.0   58.23  2048 2096 2128 2208  1080 1083 1093 1099 +hsync -vsync (26.4 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1390 1430 1650  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x480"x0.0   27.00  720 736 798 858  480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x480i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1478 1602 1716  480 488 494 525 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.7 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1440x576i"x0.0   27.00  1440 1464 1590 1728  576 580 586 625 interlace -hsync -vsync (15.6 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   25.18  640 656 752 800  480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0  148.50  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x576"x0.0   27.00  720 732 796 864  576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x720"x0.0   74.25  1280 1720 1760 1980  720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x0.0   72.00  1920 1952 2120 2304  1080 1126 1136 1250 interlace +hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2558 2602 2750  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (27.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2448 2492 2640  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0   74.25  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   40.00  800 840 968 1056  600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "640x480"x0.0   31.50  640 656 720 840  480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "720x400"x0.0   28.32  720 738 846 900  400 412 414 449 -hsync +vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  135.00  1280 1296 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   78.75  1024 1040 1136 1312  768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1024x768"x0.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "800x600"x0.0   49.50  800 816 896 1056  600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1152x864"x0.0  108.00  1152 1216 1344 1600  864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x0.0  108.00  1280 1328 1440 1688  1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0  119.00  1600 1696 1864 2128  900 901 904 932 -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x0.0  162.00  1600 1664 1856 2160  1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (II) modeset(0): Modeline "2048x1280"x60.0  221.33  2048 2192 2416 2784  1280 1281 1284 1325 -hsync +vsync (79.5 kHz e)
[ 88368.563] (--) modeset(0): HDMI max TMDS frequency 600000KHz
[ 88612.295] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
See for details
[ 88612.295] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
See for details
[ 88612.762] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
See for details
[ 88614.228] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded.
See for details
[ 88614.228] (EE) event22 - DELL097E:00 04F3:311C Touchpad: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 2h). Discarding future messages.

Last edited by vlovich (2021-03-12 17:54:17)


#2 2021-03-11 07:30:25

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,149

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

The nvidia chip is just a 3d controller and provides no crtc. Both outputs hang on the intel chip.
So unless you're explicitly running prime-run'ning chromium, this isn't an issue of prime sync (which also would affect both outputs, since neither is on the nvidia chip)

a) the external output only runs at 30Hz
b) … flickering
c) … cs#Tearing (and the following paragraphs, esp. see DRI3 & chromium)
d) Is the tearing limited to chromium? Is glxgears affected?
e) Do you use a compositor? (which? config?)
f) please describe "tearing" as you see it (sanity check, because ppl. call all sorts of random artifacts "tearing")


#3 2021-03-11 18:14:42

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

a) Yeah I know. I'm waiting on IT to get back to me with a thunderbolt hub (I don't have a C-DP cable handy). They gave me a displaylink hub initially but the latency & CPU usage was abysmal.
b) & c) - those don't sound like they explain the tearing I see.
e) Using KWin as the compositor. Stock config I think (Automatic vsync, opengl 2.0, accurate scale).
f) The tearing was like a diagonal line (think backslash) when scrolling in Chrome with the lower left quadrant showing seemingly slightly stale content during the scroll & catching up when scrolling stops. Firefox did not show this effect & unfortunately I need clang 12 & the mesa demo binaries are built against I'd swap it out for the test but building clang 12 & all its dependencies takes *forever* and I'm not sure if removing the package will result in needing to redo that (+ the AUR package appears to have some bugs that make it an even bigger pain to swap things out).

I think I found the issue though. I had vblank_mode=0 in /etc/environment at one point & had removed it but for some reason it keeps popping up (e.g. opening a new terminal it's there). I'm assuming I must have not rebooted since then since that's the only thing that makes sense (I've grepped my user bash settings & /etc & that variable isn't anywhere). I swear I must have rebooted since I removed that variable though but must be not. Running chrome from a terminal with that variable unset fixes the issue. I'll double-check what happens when I just reboot.

What's strange though is that only Chrome was affected & only on the external display (with vblank_mode=0 on the laptop display it's fine). Firefox doesn't have tearing scrolling on this forum for example on either display. Maybe Chrome has a bug running on a 30hz display without vsync or the tearing it has just isn't as noticeable at 60hz?

Never mind. Even with vblank_mode unset I can reproduce tearing (although it's more difficult).

Last edited by vlovich (2021-03-11 18:29:45)


#4 2021-03-11 21:42:41

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,149

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

That's not "tearing".

Try to suspend the compositor, but I think this and the general vblank setting only hide it and I also think that it's on your internal display as well, just at twice the Hz much harder to spot.

Please try to disable DRI3, at least for chromium, as described in the 2nd link I posted earlier and see whether it still happens.
Make sure there's no chromium process left before exporting the variable and ensure to export it in the shell that you're than launching chromium from (ie. if you "export LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1" in some konsole and then use the plasma runner to click-start chromium, the variable won't have any effect)


#5 2021-03-12 17:52:24

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

Did this:

pkill -9 chrome
pkill -9 google-chat

tearing still happens so that. You're right that vsync_blank & the double Hz only helps to hide it. If by suspend you mean

qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend

, that does seem to have fixed the issue. Does this mean there's a bug in KWin, Chrome, or Intel GPU driver?

Last edited by vlovich (2021-03-12 17:54:58)


#6 2021-03-12 18:23:28

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

Interesting about://gpu on Chrome. It seems like maybe HW acceleration is disabled. I've noticed though that Firefox has the same issue even though I've force enabled the override of the software blocklist on both. Maybe the software rendering path in Chrome has a tearing bug when it's composited, but maybe getting HW acceleration working might just kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Disabled
WebGL2: Disabled
Problems Detected
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
Disabled Features: all
Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing
Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_decode
Version Information
Data exported	2021-03-12T18:23:23.149Z
Chrome version	Chrome/89.0.4389.82
Operating system	Linux 5.10.20-1-lts
Software rendering list URL
Driver bug list URL
ANGLE commit id	f25a0b5b404b
2D graphics backend	Skia/89 109bfc9052ce1bde7acf07321d605601d7b7ec24
Command Line	/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds --ignore-cpu-blocklist --origin-trial-disabled-features=SecurePaymentConfirmation --password-store=kwallet5 --flag-switches-begin --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-zero-copy --ignore-gpu-blocklist --flag-switches-end
Driver Information
Initialization time	0
In-process GPU	false
Passthrough Command Decoder	false
Sandboxed	true
GPU0	VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000
Optimus	false
AMD switchable	false
Driver vendor	
Driver version	
GPU CUDA compute capability major version	0
Pixel shader version	
Vertex shader version	
Max. MSAA samples	
Machine model name	
Machine model version	
GL_VENDOR	Disabled
Disabled Extensions	
Disabled WebGL Extensions	
Window system binding vendor	
Window system binding version	
Window system binding extensions	
Window manager	KWin
Compositing manager	Yes
System visual ID	0
RGBA visual ID	0
Direct rendering version	unknown
Reset notification strategy	0x0000
GPU process crash count	6
gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing	R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported
Compositor Information
Tile Update Mode	Zero-copy
Partial Raster	Enabled
GpuMemoryBuffers Status
R_8	Software only
R_16	Software only
RG_88	Software only
BGR_565	Software only
RGBA_4444	Software only
RGBX_8888	Software only
RGBA_8888	Software only
BGRX_8888	Software only
BGRA_1010102	Software only
RGBA_1010102	Software only
BGRA_8888	Software only
RGBA_F16	Software only
YVU_420	Software only
YUV_420_BIPLANAR	Software only
P010	Software only
Display(s) Information
Info	Display[21691165392764994] bounds=[1,1235 2193x1370], workarea=[0,1234 2195x1372], scale=1.75, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 external.
Color space (all)	{primaries:BT709, transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
Buffer format (all)	BGRA_8888
SDR white level in nits	100
Bits per color component	8
Bits per pixel	24
Refresh Rate in Hz	59
Info	Display[4693103934313796] bounds=[0,0 2194x1234], workarea=[0,0 2195x1235], scale=1.75, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 external.
Color space (all)	{primaries:BT709, transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
Buffer format (all)	BGRA_8888
SDR white level in nits	100
Bits per color component	8
Bits per pixel	24
Refresh Rate in Hz	30
Video Acceleration Information
Vulkan Information
Device Performance Information
Driver Information for Hardware GPU
Initialization time	0
In-process GPU	false
Passthrough Command Decoder	false
Sandboxed	true
GPU0	VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000
Optimus	false
AMD switchable	false
Driver vendor	
Driver version	
GPU CUDA compute capability major version	0
Pixel shader version	
Vertex shader version	
Max. MSAA samples	
Machine model name	
Machine model version	
GL_VENDOR	Disabled
Disabled Extensions	
Disabled WebGL Extensions	
Window system binding vendor	
Window system binding version	
Window system binding extensions	
Window manager	KWin
Compositing manager	Yes
System visual ID	0
RGBA visual ID	0
Direct rendering version	unknown
Reset notification strategy	0x0000
GPU process crash count	6
gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing	R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported
Graphics Feature Status for Hardware GPU
Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Disabled
WebGL2: Disabled
Problems Detected for Hardware GPU
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
Disabled Features: all
Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing
Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_decode
Log Messages
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
[1427565:1427565:0312/] : VAAPI video acceleration not available for disabled


Graphics Feature Status
Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Disabled
WebGL2: Disabled
Problems Detected
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
Disabled Features: all
Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing
Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_decode
Version Information
Data exported	2021-03-12T18:16:47.689Z
Chrome version	Chrome/89.0.4389.82
Operating system	Linux 5.10.20-1-lts
Software rendering list URL
Driver bug list URL
ANGLE commit id	f25a0b5b404b
2D graphics backend	Skia/89 109bfc9052ce1bde7acf07321d605601d7b7ec24
Command Line	/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --password-store=kwallet5 --ignore-cpu-blocklist --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-zero-copy --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds --flag-switches-begin --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-gpu-service-logging --enable-zero-copy --ignore-gpu-blocklist --flag-switches-end --origin-trial-disabled-features=SecurePaymentConfirmation
Driver Information
Initialization time	0
In-process GPU	false
Passthrough Command Decoder	false
Sandboxed	true
GPU0	VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000
Optimus	false
AMD switchable	false
Driver vendor	
Driver version	
GPU CUDA compute capability major version	0
Pixel shader version	
Vertex shader version	
Max. MSAA samples	
Machine model name	
Machine model version	
GL_VENDOR	Disabled
Disabled Extensions	
Disabled WebGL Extensions	
Window system binding vendor	
Window system binding version	
Window system binding extensions	
Window manager	KWin
Compositing manager	Yes
System visual ID	0
RGBA visual ID	0
Direct rendering version	unknown
Reset notification strategy	0x0000
GPU process crash count	6
gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing	R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported
Compositor Information
Tile Update Mode	Zero-copy
Partial Raster	Enabled
GpuMemoryBuffers Status
R_8	Software only
R_16	Software only
RG_88	Software only
BGR_565	Software only
RGBA_4444	Software only
RGBX_8888	Software only
RGBA_8888	Software only
BGRX_8888	Software only
BGRA_1010102	Software only
RGBA_1010102	Software only
BGRA_8888	Software only
RGBA_F16	Software only
YVU_420	Software only
YUV_420_BIPLANAR	Software only
P010	Software only
Display(s) Information
Info	Display[21691165392764994] bounds=[1,1235 2193x1370], workarea=[0,1234 2195x1372], scale=1.75, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 external.
Color space (all)	{primaries:BT709, transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
Buffer format (all)	BGRA_8888
SDR white level in nits	100
Bits per color component	8
Bits per pixel	24
Refresh Rate in Hz	59
Info	Display[4693103934313796] bounds=[0,0 2194x1234], workarea=[0,0 2195x1235], scale=1.75, rotation=0, panel_rotation=0 external.
Color space (all)	{primaries:BT709, transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
Buffer format (all)	BGRA_8888
SDR white level in nits	100
Bits per color component	8
Bits per pixel	24
Refresh Rate in Hz	30
Video Acceleration Information
Vulkan Information
Device Performance Information
Driver Information for Hardware GPU
Initialization time	0
In-process GPU	false
Passthrough Command Decoder	false
Sandboxed	true
GPU0	VENDOR= 0x0000, DEVICE=0x0000
Optimus	false
AMD switchable	false
Driver vendor	
Driver version	
GPU CUDA compute capability major version	0
Pixel shader version	
Vertex shader version	
Max. MSAA samples	
Machine model name	
Machine model version	
GL_VENDOR	Disabled
Disabled Extensions	
Disabled WebGL Extensions	
Window system binding vendor	
Window system binding version	
Window system binding extensions	
Window manager	KWin
Compositing manager	Yes
System visual ID	0
RGBA visual ID	0
Direct rendering version	unknown
Reset notification strategy	0x0000
GPU process crash count	6
gfx::BufferFormats supported for allocation and texturing	R_8: not supported, R_16: not supported, RG_88: not supported, BGR_565: not supported, RGBA_4444: not supported, RGBX_8888: not supported, RGBA_8888: not supported, BGRX_8888: not supported, BGRA_1010102: not supported, RGBA_1010102: not supported, BGRA_8888: not supported, RGBA_F16: not supported, YVU_420: not supported, YUV_420_BIPLANAR: not supported, P010: not supported
Graphics Feature Status for Hardware GPU
Canvas: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Compositing: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
OpenGL: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Skia Renderer: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only. Hardware acceleration disabled
Vulkan: Disabled
WebGL: Disabled
WebGL2: Disabled
Problems Detected for Hardware GPU
GPU process was unable to boot: GPU process crashed too many times with SwiftShader.
Disabled Features: all
Gpu compositing has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line. The browser will fall back to software compositing and hardware acceleration will be unavailable.
Disabled Features: gpu_compositing
Accelerated video decode has been disabled, either via blocklist, about:flags or the command line.
Disabled Features: video_decode
Log Messages
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
GpuProcessHost: The GPU process crashed!
[1420324:1420324:0312/] : VAAPI video acceleration not available for disabled

Interestingly when I reinstalled the libraries the HW acceleration for Firefox started working (I needed something from llvm-rc) & the "tearing" started for it too (what's the name you would call this kind of artifact?). Interestingly Google still reports GPU as disabled even after reinstalling the LLVM-11 libraries so something else is getting in its way & the tearing is likely unrelated.

Last edited by vlovich (2021-03-12 18:29:24)


#7 2021-03-12 21:08:47

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,149

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

If you restart kwin w/ "export LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1" (or export it in /etc/profile as temporary test), do the artifacts still appear w/ the compositor?


#8 2021-03-13 02:25:29

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

If by restarting you mean

kwin_x11 --replace

then the tearing is the same as before.


#9 2021-03-13 08:39:45

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,149

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

Then it's probably only the vsync in kwin that exposed the artifact.
Do you get them for "prime-run firefox"?


#10 2021-03-16 22:50:57

Registered: 2021-03-05
Posts: 21

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU

prime-run still has the same problem. Setting these environment variables gets HW acceleration working Chrome & (seemingly) fixes the tearing:


Could never get these settings to work properly for Nvidia though.


#11 2021-03-17 08:00:36

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 51,149

Re: Tearing in KWin + Chrome on Intel GPU


But that's hw accelerated video playback, not general browser artifacts?


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