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Hi, -sorry for my bad english !-
I am trying to setup an archlinux repository in a local network. I have synchronised my local repo with's one using rsync as written in the Wiki, an it works fine :shock:
I installed proftpd to host my repo, and I would like people to connect to it using a username and a password. I tried to write in pacman.conf :
Server = ftp://username:passwd@path/to/repository
But pacman says
:: Synchronizing package databases...
error: anonymous login failed
... Is it possible to use a login & passwd with pacman ? Another solution would be to allow anonymous connections. Are there ftp daemons for that?
EDIT : uncommented the line
XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
in pacman.conf and it works.
Écartelé d'azur chargé de trois lys d'or et d'or au dauphin d'azur crêté, barbé, loré, peautré et oreillé de gueules.