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I'm using ZSH for my terminal.
Emoji's are dispalying correctly in the browser, but when copy/pasting the emoji into my command prompt, I get a blank square instead.
It's the same when I load up my CLI email program (mutt), the subject lines that contain emoji's are coming up as blank squares. They display fine when viewing my webmail in my browser.
I know my system has emoji's installed as they are displaying fine in my browser, but my command line does not handle any.
What am I missing? Any help appreciated!
Last edited by archuser7364 (2021-04-02 12:34:53)
Your system doesn't have emojis installed, you have fonts capable of rendering them. And those fonts have to be available and configured for your browser *and* your terminal. Zsh isn't your terminal, it is your shell.
What am I missing? Any help appreciated!
You need to use a terminal emulator which supports displaying emoji, e.g. gnome-terminal. And you probably need to install a font. Browsers such as Firefox include an emoji font, but that does not help you for the terminal.
So try this:
sudo pacman -S gnome-terminal noto-fonts-emoji
Not only installing the font but also you may need to adjust the font priority so emojis actually use the target emoji font that you installed, at least in some cases.
@Morn, pretty much every TE *supports* UTF-8 and blending in variable-width glyphs, including the superfluous and silly ones.
It's mostly a matter of configuration.
Thank you very much everyone, and Jasonwryan for the quick response and correcting my definitions.
I was using urxvt for the terminal (emulator) which I believe was the crux of it - from what I have gathered does not work with emoji's. Moving to Termite solved this.
Please remember to mark your thread [SOLVED] (edit the title of your first post).
urxvt infamously doesn't use fontconfig for glyph substitution, you've to configure it.
Try eg.
urxvt -fn 'xft:Source Code Pro-9,xft:Noto Emoji-9'
And see the manpage for the corresponding xrdb resource.
As the vanilla version is very picky reg. the glyphbox size, also consider … ideglyphs/ for an easier life.