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#1 2021-04-13 19:06:55

Registered: 2020-01-18
Posts: 100

How would you have parsed this Web page?

A while ago I uploaded to Neocities a list of games. Recently I discovered this template system called Mustache, so I decided to put all the data onto a JSON and let the C implementation of it generate the Web page for me. It produced a visually identical version with this:

$ cat list-of-vehicle-building-games.mustache
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="./logo.svg">
		<title>{{title}} - aqueduct1</title>
				{{#resources}}[<a href="{{url}}">{{name}}{{#index}}<sup>{{.}}</sup>{{/index}}</a>{{#index}}<sup>{{/index}}{{#archive}} (archive){{/archive}}{{#mention}} (mention){{/mention}}{{#index}}</sup>{{/index}}{{#alts}}
				<sup><a href="{{url}}">{{index}}</a>{{#archive}} (archive){{/archive}}{{#mention}} (mention){{/mention}}</sup>{{/alts}}]

But to get the JSON... I suffered. This cursed Bash script using html-xml-utils, grep and sed sput a broken JSON that saved me a lot time, but also required a lot of manual corrections until jq stopped complaining:

$ cat extract-games-to-json

shopt -s extglob


IFS=$'\n' resources=($(cat list-of-vehicle-building-games.html | hxremove sup | hxselect -s "\n" -c ul li a | sort | uniq))
IFS=$'\136'   games=($(cat list-of-vehicle-building-games.html | hxselect -c -s $'\136' li ))

echo -en "{\n"
echo -en "\t\"title\" : \"$(cat list-of-vehicle-building-games.html | hxselect -c h1)\",\n"
echo -en '\t"games" : ['

for game_i in "${!games[@]}"; do
        IFS=$'\n' game=($(echo "${games[game_i]}"))
        unset "game[${#game[@]} - 1]"

        notes="${game[${#game[@]} - 1]##*([[:space:]])}"
        unset "game[0]"

        json_games[game_i]="\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"name\" : \"$name\""

        if [[ "$notes" =~ ^\(.*\)$ ]]; then
                json_games[game_i]+=",\n\t\t\t\"notes\" : \"$(echo "$notes" | sed 's/"/\\"/g')\""
                unset "game[${#game[@]} - 1]"

        if [[ ${#game[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
                json_games[game_i]+=",\n\t\t\t\"resources\" : ["


                for resource in "${game[@]}"; do
                        if [[ "$resource" =~ [.*] ]]; then
                                resources+=" {\"url\" : $(echo "$resource" | grep -o '".*"'), \"name\" : \"$(echo "$resource" | grep -o '>.*<')\"}"

                json_games[game_i]+=$(IFS=, echo -n "${resources[*]}")


(IFS=,; echo -en "${json_games[*]}")

echo -en '\n\t]\n}'

At this point I contemplated Python... I think I'll give it a shot. Sample of the hairiest parts of the JSON:

$ jq '.games[] | select(.name == "Fraxy")' list-of-vehicle-building-games.json
  "name": "Fraxy",
  "resources": [
      "url": "",
      "name": "site",
      "archive": true,
      "index": 1,
      "alts": [
          "index": 2,
          "url": "",
          "archive": false
      "url": "",
      "name": "wiki",
      "index": 1,
      "alts": [
          "index": 2,
          "url": ""
          "index": 3,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
          "index": 4,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
          "index": 5,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
          "index": 6,
          "url": ""
          "index": 7,
          "url": ""
      "url": "",
      "name": "forum",
      "index": 1,
      "alts": [
          "index": 2,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
          "index": 3,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
          "index": 4,
          "url": "",
          "archive": true
      "url": "",
      "name": "YouTube"
      "url": "",
      "name": "TV Tropes"
$ jq '.games[] | select(.name == "Block Tech Sandbox")' list-of-vehicle-building-games.json
  "name": "Block Tech Sandbox",
  "notes": "(aka Block Tech: Epic Sandbox, or Block Tech: Epic Sandbox Craft Simulator Online)",
  "resources": [
      "url": "",
      "name": "Play Store",
      "index": "free",
      "alts": [
          "index": "gold",
          "url": ""
      "url": "",
      "name": "App Store"
      "url": "",
      "name": "Crazy Games"
      "url": "",
      "name": "Silver Games"

Maybe I could've learned some of those Python libraries. Maybe I missed some program that could've been more useful. Maybe I need to learn more Bash. What do you think?

Behemoth, wake up!


#2 2021-04-13 19:41:14

Registered: 2012-09-02
Posts: 886

Re: How would you have parsed this Web page?

I would have entered this data in a spreadsheet, exported it as CSV or TSV and then created the HTML with Python. You are making it unnecessarily difficult by storing data in JSON that is basically just a big table.

And I don't think bash is ever the correct answer to any programming problem. smile


#3 2021-04-14 02:50:07

From: US/Eastern
Registered: 2020-06-21
Posts: 696

Re: How would you have parsed this Web page?

By muscle memory, I like python for managing json, since the concepts of it translate nicely to python, at least for my personal experience.

My reposSome snippets

Heisenberg might have been here.


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