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Hello everybody,
this is not really a problem with arch, but for a few days now, I'm trying to figure out the name of a font which is used in the arch installer.
I really like it and I'd like to use it for my gnome-terminal.
I know it's silly to spend so much time just for a font, but i got a little hooked on it because I don't understand how it can be so hard to figure out.
I already looked through all the fonts I found here:
Maybe I missed it, but I don't think it's there.
I noticed that one of my installed systems is using the same font (I did not change anything) during password request of my encrypted system partition (see image below).
I'm not that familiar with bootup process but I assumed this "encrypt" hook should be part of the initramfs, so I extracted it (lsinitcpio -x initramfs-linux-lts.img).
But I don't know where to look for. A full "grep -rni font" delivered no results.
Does anyone have an idea how to find out?
Or does anyone maybe already know the name of this font?
Thanks for your help!
moderator edit -- replaced oversized image with link.
Pasting pictures and code
Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2021-04-24 12:45:27)
That is a bitmap font. In a desktop environment you would probably want to use scalable font instead.
Check /etc/vconsole.conf. You should find the font name there.
Look at the image he posted, is that … 6.psfu.png ?
That looks like terminus I think. The kernel uses terminus (32pixel) for HiDPI resolutions. It is available in smaller sizes for the kernel as well as formats for use in the gui here: … inus-font/
Last edited by progandy (2021-04-24 15:33:39)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Thank you all!
Now I'm much further.
progady is right, when I switch to a real console with Ctrl+F3 and enter "setfont ter-132b" I get exactly what I'm looking for.
So now I know the font. But I cannot set it in a console emulator like "gnome-terminal" or "xterm", I get "Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console." probably because it is a bitmap font as tucuxi mentioned.
I downloaded "terminus-font" packet but it seems to be incompatible with different terminals.
Gnome terminal shows a completely different, very ugly, extremely wide font.
Terminus show nothing at all, text is completely gone.
Maybe it's rather a gnome problem then, but the font is an arch package, right?
Any further ideas?
Thanks so far!
Terminus is a bitmap font no matter what.
gnome-terminal supports the otb variant (pango scrapped pcf support) but you'll have to select and restart gnome-terminal (probably the server, in doubt re-login) in order to use it (what you describe sounds like it's resorting to sans because terminus isn't found and variable width fonts in TEs are horrible)
Re-login did the job, thanks!
Seems that the "b" in "ter-132b" stands for "bold".
Selecting "Terminus Bold" loads the non bold font in gnome-terminal, so not exactly the same.
But I can live with that.
Thank you all for your help!
printf 'not \e[1mbold\e[0m anymore'
Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.
Pages: 1