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I haven't find anything mentioned about the problem I'm having, so I do apologies if there is already a post. Anyway I'm trying to make a new installation of Arch Linux on a NVMe disk however once the live environment is on and going to list the disk with "fdisk -l" I can't see it listed. The "lsblk -f" command gives the following output:
sdc iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202104 2021-04-01-17-14-04-00
├─sdc1 iso9660 Joliet Extension ARCH_202104 2021-04-01-17-14-04-00
├─sdc2 vfat FAT16 ARCHISO_EFI FCFD-B5F5
When I do "# cfdisk nvme0n1" I get "cfdisk: cannot open nvme0n1: No such file or directory" probably 'cause is not under "/dev"?
I have tried a Windows installation and I can see the drive, ready to be installed.
Any help much appreciate.
Last edited by nattravnen (2021-05-04 19:48:31)
What is your bios setting for the disk controller? It could be "RAID" for instance: if so, try "AHCI" if you can.
Hi paulkerry,
Actually it's set to "AHCI"
No such file or directory" probably 'cause is not under "/dev"?
They are in dev. Have you tried cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1?
OK. Hardware info like machine make/model, desktop/laptop, nvme make/model might be useful here.
Did you search for "nvme"? old post for example … 0#p1864780
I'm not sure what the differences are, but there is a 2021.05.01 installation image.
edit: ignore my post unless @d_fajardo's post (thanks: missed that) doesn't help
Last edited by paulkerry (2021-05-04 19:12:37)
Hi d_fajardo,
Yes, it does work indeed. So the assumption I made was, if I can't see it with "fdisk -l" , so it's not under "/dev" (which is the location of special or device files) and I didn't use it in front of the command "cfdisk" as posted before as I do for every Arch Installation I have done, what's worst it's mentioned in the installation wiki too. So of course the right command to use was "cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1" and honestly I haven't thought to give a try. Such a mistake! Pardon.
Cheers guys.
I'll mark the post as solved.
Last edited by nattravnen (2021-05-04 19:43:42)
Pages: 1