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#1 2021-05-09 01:51:25

Registered: 2021-05-09
Posts: 1

DAC/ncmpcpp Audio Issue

Hello all,

Strange issue with my usb DAC and mpd/ncmpcpp. I was having an issue with the DAC not working after being unplugged, read around on this forum to find that unplugging and replugging in was solving the issue for some. After a few times it worked, however now I can not hear any audio coming from mpd/ncmpcpp through the DAC, further more running speaker-check does not work either. When I plug headphones into the PC itself both of these work fine. I CAN hear through the DAC when playing videos through brave and visiting websites, but can not hear them when plugged into the PC. Tried restart MPD process through systemctl, I can ID the DAC in alsamixer, no idea why brave will only play through the DAC and other sounds will only play directly from the PC. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

MPD config file

music_directory "/home/christopher/Music"
playlist_directory "/home/christopher/Music"
db_file "/home/christopher/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "/home/christopher/.mpd/mpd.log"
pid_file "/home/christopher/.mpd/"
state_file "/home/christopher/.mpd/mpdstate"

audio_output {
        type                    "alsa"
        name                    "MPD ALSA"
        mixer_type              "software"
        mixer_device            "default"
        mixer_control           "PCM"

bind_to_address ""
port "6601"

output listing the DAC when running lsusb

 Bus 001 Device 013: ID 0d8c:8808 C-Media Electronics, Inc. USB Advanced Audio Device 

output of cat /proc/asound/cards.

  0 [PCH            ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH
                      HDA Intel PCH at 0xdf240000 irq 136
 1 [NVidia         ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
                      HDA NVidia at 0xdf080000 irq 17
 2 [Device         ]: USB-Audio - USB Advanced Audio Device
                      Speed Dragon USB Advanced Audio Device at usb-0000:00:14.0-11.4, full speed
 3 [XM520          ]: USB-Audio - CMTECK XM520
                      CMTECK MICROPHONE CMTECK XM520 at usb-0000:00:14.0-11.1, full speed 


#2 2021-05-09 08:36:44

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 21,768

Re: DAC/ncmpcpp Audio Issue

Welcome to the boards

Are you sure you are using ALSA for these other "working" usecases?  What is your default device? Do you have relevant config that explicitly selects the DAC? What's your output for

aplay -lL
sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*

during this situation (i.e. MPD not having any sound, but brave playing back at the same time?


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