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I did the pacman -Syu and updated eveything. Now all of a suddent I get a kernel panic ...
No filesystem could mount root, tried:
Kernel Panic = not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,)
I know there was problems with the mkinitrd/mkinitramfs and it not being supported...but I have no idea at all what it is nor what udev is. Is there a way to boot the old kernel from grub?
Pay more attention to pacman's output, it's all explained when you install 2.6.18.
Change your bootloader (/boot/grub/menu.lst) to load the correct images.
initrd26.img is now known as kernel26.img
initrd26-full.img is now known as kernel26-fallback.img
Code should be free and hardware should be cheap.
Pay more attention to pacman's output, it's all explained when you install 2.6.18.
Nothing in particular was said except "Generating image '/boot/kernel26.img'...SUCCESS". During 2.6.17.x upgrades it was mentioned mkinitrd will be removed in 2.6.18. I was surprised it was not removed but replaced, thereby getting the kernel panic error. And the worst part, the new update doesn't support "vga=788", so my screen got blank.
Not sure without checking but when kernel upgrades it only states check LILO ...
not grub!!!!!
Mr Green I like Landuke!
If its then LILO or Grub, what's the replacement for this line:
Nothing in particular was said
Hm, I guess I didn't notice that. Must have been an oops on our part.
And the worst part, the new update doesn't support "vga=788", so my screen got blank.
Interesting. This is unrelated to mkinitcpio - sounds like framebuffer changes...
So what do I need to do? Change the kernel that is loaded like rasat said?
I booted up D Small Linux, mounted the hard drive and went into the boot directory. The weird thing is, is there is nothing in there. I'm thinking its because of write protection. How would I fix the problem if I can't access the files? Do I need to reinstall, if so...what do I need to do to avoid this mess?
The weird thing is, is there is nothing in there. I'm thinking its because of write protection.
Your boot is probably on another partition (hda1 ?) which you need to mount.
Also note, you're not changing the kernel that you boot, you're changing the initial ramdisk that is used. If you use grub, you can do this directly from grub by hitting "e".
Awesome, thanks for you help!