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I have downloaded Midnight-Blue.tar.xz from and tried to install it using pacman.
pacman -U Midnight-Blue.tar.xz
which complains that the file is corrupt.
Is there some other utility I should be using for this? Or is the package corrupt?
You can only use pacman to install actual packages, it won't work with random archives from the internet.
Please do your own research before opening threads here, a web search for 'install mate themes' should be the first thing you think of doing.
Install mate themes led me to a lot of Ubuntu doc which may be just fine but I'm looking for an arch-specific approach.
Which I was hoping for here but - here you are.
The Arch wiki for Mate has nothing on themes except a bit on how some applications ignore them.
This documentation on package installation … f_packages suggests that tar.xz is an extension that pacman understands.
I did a lot of research and experimentation before posting here. I always do.
Is Mate themes on Arch an issue you've dealt with? Or is the top-of-mind issue newb-bashing? So 1990s.
How much research did you do before accusing me I had done none.
maybe system>preferences>look and feel>appearance can help you
maybe system>preferences>look and feel>appearance can help you
Yes. Tne 'install' button on that dialog will pull in the theme tar.gz just fine.
pacman may be the only way to do this, but I'm not really sure. (that is, for installing actual packages. MATE is probably different)
Last edited by linuxfan2021 (2021-06-07 12:36:21)
btw i use arch
Pages: 1