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when in the terminal i type canberra-gtk-play -i complete-download theres no ding anymore when torrents are completed and it says Failed to play sound: Not available is this due to the big update from last week? it was working fine about a week ago i guess i wasn't paying attention working on another computer... also sounds are enabled in .gtk2rc and gtk3 settings.js and in lxappearance and in transmission prefrences as i am using no DE just dwm with alsa-utils can anyone point me to the right direction?maybe this should be moved to multimedia?
Last edited by pnotz17 (2021-06-14 18:31:53)
Rule 18: It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
eh just create this script in your path make it executable you can use mpv instead of aplay(needs to be .wav) command
# Sends a notification when a torrent is completed in transmission
notify-send "Transmission-gtk" "$TR_TORRENT_NAME has downloaded" && aplay /home/$USER/.local/share/sounds/fatality.wav
in transmission settings.json
"script-torrent-done-enabled": true,
"script-torrent-done-filename": "/home/whoami/.local/bin/torr_notify",
bye bye issue
Last edited by pnotz17 (2021-06-16 07:32:37)
Rule 18: It’s better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
I can confirm this issue, but I (randomly) get two different messages:
$ canberra-gtk-play -i complete-download
Failed to play sound: IO error
$ canberra-gtk-play -i complete-download
Failed to play sound: Not available
Also in Thunderbird I don't have any sound for notifications.
This occurs with 'libcanberra-0.30+2+gc0620e4-4' and is solved by downgrading to 'libcanberra-0.30+2+gc0620e4-3'. I had a look at the diff, but I don't see what might be causing this issue.
Something probably related was mentioned in this thread. I'll try to to move the discussion here.
bye bye issue
Good that you found a workaround, but that of course does not solve the actual problem.
Both of these work fine here, have you ever explicitly configured something in regards to canberra? The only thing I see that did get dropped, but it shouldn't be generally necessary is the gstreamer backend. If you set up configuration that canberra would want to use gstreamer that might explain the difference, what output do you get when running one of these through strace? What desktop environment are you on and how do you start it?
No, I never changed any canberra configuration.
I'm using the i3 window manager and basically only start it with a script calling `startx`. One other thing worth mentioning is that I only use ALSA, no pulseaudio.
Here's the strace output. "pulse" appears several times -- could it be the issue, that libcanberra-pulse got removed and this package now requries pulseaudio?
However, already in the previous version the `configure` had the `--enable-pulse` flag.
It doesn't even try to ask for an ALSA device. Which is weird as an ALSA backend should be present, maybe the canberra code doesn't do proper fallback and is hellbent on using pulse if it just finds the module...
Remove or rename /usr/lib/libcanberra-0.30/ and if that works (... it does here...) add that file to a NoExtract= directive in your pacman.conf without the leading /
Last edited by V1del (2021-06-23 09:39:35)
Yes, removing solves this. Thank you very much!
That's a good workaround for me, but it would of course be nice if it worked for every non-pulse-user. Do you have a suggestion how this could be solved on the package side?
Well split them up again (which did have the same relevant effect as what we are doing now), otherwise this seems to be something that would need a source patch and seeing as upstream appears to not have had any commits since 2012 I'm not sure whether that would happen in an official capacity.
Alright. Should I report a bug for the package or can we somehow point one of the maintainers to this thread?
I'd say report it as a regression of the package.
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