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Since a recent update which coincided with kodi updating to 19.1 I am having playback issues with TV streams.
I am running a remote backend with mythtv and all HD channels are experiencing frame drops, stutter. These are all h.264 channels. Playing h.264 files via kodi is fine, no issues.
My kodi log is showing this message
2021-06-22 13:22:25.392 T:82471 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer
There are no messages in the corresponding mythbackend log:
2021-06-22 13:22:21.336643 I [830/850] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:4242 (TuningNewRecorder) - TVRec[1]: TuningNewRecorder - CreateRecorder()
2021-06-22 13:22:21.365311 D [830/978] DVBRead portchecker.cpp:75 (checkPort) - PortChecker::checkPort(): host localhost port 3306 timeLimit 30000 linkLocalOnly 1
2021-06-22 13:22:22.586447 I [830/944] ProcessRequest mainserver.cpp:2032 (HandleAnnounce) - MainServer: adding: frontend(55f71a34b710) as a file transfer
2021-06-22 13:22:49.535302 D [830/861] SSDP portchecker.cpp:75 (checkPort) - PortChecker::checkPort(): host localhost port 3306 timeLimit 30000 linkLocalOnly 1
2021-06-22 13:22:49.541638 D [830/861] SSDP portchecker.cpp:75 (checkPort) - PortChecker::checkPort(): host port 1900 timeLimit 5000 linkLocalOnly 0
A similar stutter/frame drop occurs when playing back via mythfrontend and I am getting these messages:
2021-06-22 13:40:06.049325 N Player(0): Waited 103ms for video buffers pAAAAAAAAAAALLLf
Other than updating I have not nade any other changes to my system so a bit stumped.
Any help would be much appreciated. Happy to provide more logs, info etc.
I just noticed the following thread and am wondering if it is related. But I don't think it would explain the playback issues with mythfrontend, unless for some reason hardware acceleration is off in mythtv, too for some reason.
You may need to supply a bit more information about your system, and a complete log file so others can identify the problem.
Thanks, here are the complete logfiles. First set is from watching with mythfrontend. I switched between HD and SD channels.
mythfrontend log:
mythbackend log:
I then did the same using kodi and the mythtv pvr plugin.
kodi log (sorry, had to use different site due to 512kb limit):
I did notice that I had high CPU (around 90%) when watching HD channels in kodi. SD was around 60%. Watching a HD file was around 70-80%.
farmerdave, are you able to share a bit more detail around how you compiled your own kodi (especially the repo cloning, I am not familiar with what you did there) ? I also only need x11
In regards to system details: I am running a separate frontend/backend setup, via wired lan. Not sure what other details I should supply.
Thanks for any help.
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