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Hi everyone,
i'm trying in the last 2 weeks to set this up in a new installation. I always end up getting the same error. Searching for this error I only find wrong configured kernel startup parameters and IMHO mine seem to be ok. I don't know what else can be done.
This is my setup:
└─c1 crypt
├─systemVG-rootLV lvm
| └─zfs pool /mnt
└─systemVG-swapLV lvm
sdc (USB)
└─sdc1 /mnt/boot
zfs mounts:
# zfs get mountpoint
rpool mountpoint /mnt/root local
rpool/arch mountpoint none local
rpool/arch/DATA mountpoint none local
rpool/arch/DATA/default mountpoint /mnt/root local
rpool/arch/DATA/default/home mountpoint /mnt/root/home inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/nix mountpoint /mnt/root/nix inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/root mountpoint /mnt/root/root inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/srv mountpoint /mnt/root/srv inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/usr mountpoint /mnt/root/usr inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/usr/local mountpoint /mnt/root/usr/local inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var mountpoint /mnt/root/var inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/games mountpoint /mnt/root/var/games inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/lib mountpoint /mnt/root/var/lib inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/lib/docker mountpoint /mnt/root/var/lib/docker inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/log mountpoint /mnt/root/var/log inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/spool mountpoint /mnt/root/var/spool inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/DATA/default/var/www mountpoint /mnt/root/var/www inherited from rpool/arch/DATA/default
rpool/arch/ROOT mountpoint none local
rpool/arch/ROOT/default mountpoint /mnt/root local
I also set bootfs:
zpool get bootfs rpool
rpool bootfs rpool/arch/ROOT/default local
# Configuration for encrypted block devices.
# See crypttab(5) for details.
# NOTE: Do not list your root (/) partition here, it must be set up
# beforehand by the initramfs (/etc/mkinitcpio.conf).
# <name> <device> <password> <options>
# home UUID=b8ad5c18-f445-495d-9095-c9ec4f9d2f37 /etc/mypassword1
# data1 /dev/sda3 /etc/mypassword2
# data2 /dev/sda5 /etc/cryptfs.key
# swap /dev/sdx4 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256
# vol /dev/sdb7 none
c1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNEAD406956 - header=/boot/trezor/header.img
cat /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
## This is just an example config file.
## Please edit the paths and kernel parameters according to your system.
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /intel-ucode.img
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=ZFS=rpool/arch/ROOT/default
# cat /boot/loader/loader.conf
default arch
timeout 3
#console-mode keep
HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole modconf block sd-encrypt lvm2 sd-zfs filesystems)
Using all this i get this error while booting.
Failed to mount /sysroot
I don't understand why i don't get a password request before it's trying to mount /sysroot.
Before I tried to use sd-zfs I tried a custom hook and the regular 'zfs' hook but it resulted the very same situation.
Last edited by m4ks!m (2021-06-24 13:30:28)
options root=ZFS=rpool/arch/ROOT/default
In these parameters, there is nothing to specify which partition to boot, unless you labeled your root partition ZFS. For a basic setup, for instance an unencrypted ext4 partition, a parameter like this is required(these are just examples, don't copy paste them):
root=UUID=<the uuid>
You need something specifying the partition but I do not know how exactly you should do that.
What errors do you get alongside
Failed to mount /sysroot
Just in case, do you have a partition or a partitionless disk?
In these parameters, there is nothing to specify which partition to boot
I understood that crypttab has this task. I specified my disk by Id there.
do you have a partition or a partitionless disk?
Partitionless I guess, I encrypted /dev/sda without partitioning it and using a detached header.
Last edited by m4ks!m (2021-06-24 16:48:24)
At the moment you got stuck, nothing is mounted so crypttab is not accessible!
Also, the crypttab is not designed to unlock your root partition.
Note that crypttab is read after the system has booted up, therefore it is not a replacement for unlocking encrypted partitions by using mkinitcpio hooks and boot loader options as in the case of encrypting the root partition.
Yes, that slipped my eyes. It should be crypttab.initramfs.
Though the only thing that changed is I get an extra line with
[ OK ]Found device SAMSUNG_M7....
Starting cryptography setup for c1
And then it switches to emergency mode where I cannot access the console.
The failed to mount /systoot is still there.
Here's a screenshot of my boot screen since I can't copy paste it. (Sorry for the quality)
Last edited by m4ks!m (2021-06-24 21:18:51)
First, LUKS should be unlocked: … UKS_header
From the live image, plug in your USB drive and identify your USB drive and your hard drive with
ls /dev/disk/by-id/
Chroot to the ZFS.
Create the file /etc/initcpio/hooks/customencrypthook containing this:
run_hook() {
modprobe -a -q dm-crypt >/dev/null 2>&1
modprobe loop
[ "${quiet}" = "y" ] && CSQUIET=">/dev/null"
while [ ! -L '/dev/disk/by-id/[i]id of usb[/i]-part1' ]; do
echo 'Waiting for USB'
sleep 1
mkdir -p /mnt
mount /dev/disk/by-id/[i]id of usb[/i]-part1 /mnt
cryptsetup --header /mnt/boot/trezor/header.img open /dev/disk/by-id/[i]id of hard drive[/i] c1
umount /mnt
Then, run this so customencrypthook is used:
cp /usr/lib/initcpio/install/encrypt /etc/initcpio/install/customencrypthook
On /etc/mkinitcpio.conf add customencrypthook lvm2 between block and filesystems to the HOOKS array. Remove systemd from HOOKS.
Also, move /etc/crypttab.initramfs to somewhere else. It is not needed.
Regenerate the initcpio.
Secondly, LVM and ZFS should be accessed. On /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf change the options line to
options root=/dev/c1/systemVG-rootLV rootflags=zfs=rpool/arch/ROOT/default
Ok I managed to boot. With systemd and sd-zfs (zfs doesn't work with systemd). ^^
Your kernel parameters made me wondering.
Why are you specifing the roots and the pool in rootflags. Using just the root flag I got a prompt for password (wow) but gpt-auto was hanging. Same is the case when I leave 'root='.
After some tweaking it turned out that the only syntax that works is root=zfs:pool/dataset.
not zfs=Pool/dataset (like said in the wiki)
not root=ZFS=Pool/dataset (like said on sd-zfs readme)
Than I had an error with zfs-import-cache failing. Luckily the emergency shell worked from here on and I found out from the logs that the zfs modules where not loaded (guess that's a bug from sd-zfs?). I added zfs in mkinitcpio.conf and boom it boots.
The only problems I didn't figured out yet is why my root pool is mounted in read-only mode and why it fails when I set /boot in fstab as noauto. I want to be able to pull the usb after booting.
Last edited by m4ks!m (2021-06-25 15:51:49)
For readonly mount, add rw to your kernel parameters. I forgot it
For the USB, you may label your USB as "BOOT" and add a line to fstab like this so the USB is automaticly mounted.
LABEL=BOOT /boot auto nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=500ms 0 0
Manually unmount the USB before removing.
I just wonder, how exactly did you make it boot? Did you use the customencrypthook? Could you send the full list of the HOOKS in mkinitcpio? What are your kernel parameters? Giving thess info may help others in the future.
Last edited by Mr Victory (2021-06-26 08:40:56)
Sorry for the super late reply. I haven't had time to login into my installation since. I used the sd-zfs hook from here
I installed it through AUR. Interestingly the new syntax for the kernel parameter that someone states in a issue is not a problem in the aur build. Furthermore the old Syntax is indeed the only way it works. I tried to describe it in my earlier post. So again
The right/working syntax is 'zfs:'
Like in
My mkinitcpio.conf is the same like in my original post