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Question about the ~800Mb installation iso (archlinux-2021.06.01-x86_64)
With the install on a flash drive I can use iPhone data tethering with no issues and complete an install. The issue I'm having is not knowing what packages and necessary services (after reading through many of the pages of wiki) are included with the install media which allow the data connection using iPhone tethering. It would be better to use the wired connection as my phone is my access point. Any help would be appreciated, please let me know if there is a more appropriate section for this post.
Did you read ?
There was something odd to it --
When using the flash media the phone was connected to the USB port prior to powering on then it prompted to pair with the computer.
In order for a new pairing key to go on the phone for the hdd install, the phone needed to be connected after boot/login. Then create the .network file described in the wiki with services enabled and reboot.
Basically the phone needs a new pairing key
This was successful, although I performed the steps in a troubleshooting approach
/•During initial pacstrap include:
networkmanager usbmuxd libimobiledevice
/•enable/start systemd-networkd NetworkManager
**caps are required for N and M**
/•write file to /etc/systemd/network/
**use networkctl list to get phone info
/•idevicepair pair (a la pin number)
Last edited by plaidLS (2021-06-26 04:44:52)