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#1 2021-06-17 12:40:24

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

After fresh instalation of Archlinux  and than KDE I installed Davinci Resolve and everything was fine.
Then I start playing with nvidia drivers and I decide to reinstall Davinci Resolve. For some reason

yay -S davinci-resolve 

doesn't create GUI icon nor I cannot start it through terminal. Only icon I get is Davinci Control Panel Setup. Installation process seems to be complete.

What could be the problem? I installed it a few times and result is the same.

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 12:53:42)


#2 2021-06-17 12:53:13

From: Scotland
Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 12,596

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Mod note: moving to AUR Issues.

Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD

Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.


#3 2021-06-17 13:12:14

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,332

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

xmkx wrote:

I cannot start it through terminal.

Why can't you?  What is the output / result when you try to?

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#4 2021-06-17 13:36:42

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Trilby wrote:
xmkx wrote:

I cannot start it through terminal.

Why can't you?  What is the output / result when you try to?

Command not found. [Tab] completion doesn't work
there is an icon of Davinci Resolve that has no image at KDE desktop. Just pure text with border when focused

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 13:38:21)


#5 2021-06-17 13:55:31

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,332

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Ok, and is the "command" somewhere in your path?  Is the package installed?  Which one, specifically?

# get the package name:
pacman -Qsq davinci
# use the resulting name from the previous command in the next command
pacman -Ql $pkgname

The package davinci-resolve does not appear to install any binaries in the default PATH.  Have you ever been able to run it from a terminal?  Why would you expect the command you tried to run to work?

Last edited by Trilby (2021-06-17 13:58:50)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6 2021-06-17 14:05:55

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Ok. I found this at lnstall log

==> The file(s) 75-sdx.rules, 75-davincipanel.rules, log-conf.xml, config.dat already exist in your filesystem.
==> This can lead to a conflict and the installation will fail.
==> Please restart the installation with the --overwrite option.
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found
==> Validating source files with sha256sums... ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
==> The file(s) 75-sdx.rules, 75-davincipanel.rules, log-conf.xml, config.dat already exist in your filesystem.
==> This can lead to a conflict and the installation will fail.
==> Please restart the installation with the --overwrite option.
==> Sources are ready.
==> Making package: davinci-resolve 17.2.1-1 (Thu 17 Jun 2021 03:47:18 PM CEST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
warning: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 36: directive 'TotalDownload' in section 'options' not recognized.
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
warning: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 36: directive 'TotalDownload' in section 'options' not recognized.
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Creating missing folders...
==> Extracting from bundle...
Please wait, this take a while...

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 14:07:27)


#7 2021-06-17 14:18:55

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Trilby wrote:

Ok, and is the "command" somewhere in your path?  Is the package installed?  Which one, specifically?

# get the package name:
pacman -Qsq davinci
# use the resulting name from the previous command in the next command
pacman -Ql $pkgname

The package davinci-resolve does not appear to install any binaries in the default PATH.  Have you ever been able to run it from a terminal?  Why would you expect the command you tried to run to work?

Hmm.. I don't remember starting it through terminal. Usually I start is by clicking icon.

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 14:20:04)


#8 2021-06-17 14:39:12

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

I try to:

pacman -S --overwrite=usr/lib/udev/rules.d/* davinci-resolve
warning: config file /etc/pacman.conf, line 36: directive 'TotalDownload' in section 'options' not recognized.
error: target not found: davinci-resolve

I also need to include second path /opt/resolve/* to --overwrite

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 15:39:24)


#9 2021-06-17 15:34:20

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,332

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

I tried to investigate this, but I'm not even able to get as far as you*.  It sounds like an install script (tries to) install content to the filesystem rather than under pkgdir.  Also, the post install script in the aur is pretty broken, it echoes content for desktop associations along with the name of the file the content should be written to rather than echoing it to the file (i.e., I gather it's missing an output redirection like '>>' in the commands).  This last bit could likely explain the results you are facing - but fixing that might just reveal yet other problems.

*edit: I just realized my tmpfs was full, which would explain an error I was seeing.  Perhaps the problem really is just the bad echo commands in the post install script - and the silly assumption the PKGBUILD makes about a previous version of the package needing to be removed before the new one is built (which is not likely the case at all).  So try removing the package completely, then rebuilding (after fixing the post-install script).

Last edited by Trilby (2021-06-17 15:37:50)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#10 2021-06-17 15:37:45

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

There is also at install log

pdating icon cache

gtk-update-icon-cache: Failed to open file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.icon-theme.cache : Permission denied

I/O error : Permission denied
I/O error : Permission denied

Failed to write XML file; For permission problems, try rerunning as root

Installing udev rules

Failed to send reload request: Permission denied

LNXSYSTM:00: Failed to write 'change' to '/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/uevent': Permission denied

'try rerunning as root'

sudo yay -S davinci-resolve
 -> Avoid running yay as root/sudo.
refusing to install AUR packages as root, aborting

what about it?


#11 2021-06-17 15:48:26

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

From install log. Is it proper install location?:

Install Location : /home/luke/.cache/yay/davinci-resolve/pkg/davinci-resolve/opt/resolve 

.cache folder?

Last edited by xmkx (2021-06-17 16:03:51)


#12 2021-06-17 19:18:25

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,332

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

Yes, that's where yay builds packages.  None the messages you've pulled out of the upstream installer script are particularly surprising, and most of them may be benign.  The errors / typos in the aur-provided post_install script is almost certainly the source of your original problem, and there is not real evidence of any other problem.  So fix the post_install script, or report it to the aur maintainer to do so.

But also please don't just keep throwing new flags or 'sudo' at random commands that you don't understand or you will end up making your problems worse (and read the pacman, makepkg, and yay documentation so you might start to understand what these tools do).

Last edited by Trilby (2021-06-17 19:20:05)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#13 2021-06-17 20:40:46

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 61,111

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

We haven't seen

pacman -Qilkk davinci-resolve

yet, have we?


#14 2021-07-14 07:29:04

Registered: 2021-06-08
Posts: 19

Re: Instalation of Davinci Resolve - cannot start program; no icon

There is no icon but I can start by terminal command
I have some GPU problems/ artifacts at clip playing, but it might be other issue.

Last edited by xmkx (2021-07-14 07:33:21)


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