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I'm running xorg-server 1.20.12-1.
I configured my computer to use the Dvorak keyboard layout and normally everything works as expected. However, I run a KVM switch to share the keyboard with my gaming PC (windows 10) and work PC (Debian based). When I switch the KVM back to my Arch computer, the keyboard layout switches back to Qwerty, but only under X. If I go to tty2 (or 3, etc) the keyboard layout is still Dvorak. I have to run setxkbmap to reset my keyboard.
Did I not configure the keyboard properly? And why would it change like this?
I wasn't sure if this should be in the Installation or Hardware section, so I just picked one.
How exactly did you configure the dvorak layout on X? if you run setxkeymap once during xorg init then this won't be reapplied to the "new" keyboard after the switch. You'll want a config snippet that reapplies dvorak each time the keyboard is connected, which is explained in e.g.: … tion_files
Last edited by V1del (2021-07-15 23:55:10)
Offline … ard_layout
#edit: Installation is for installing the Arch system...
Last edited by jasonwryan (2021-07-15 23:56:43)