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#1 2021-07-18 10:19:24

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

(SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Hello all,

I've installed cups to configure my printer for Uni and had already issues with the very first steps.

1) Ive installed cups:

sudo pacman -S cups cups-pdf

2) Enable it/Started it

sudo systemctl enable --now cups
sudo systemctl start --now cups

3) Restarted machine

4) Ran:

systemctl status cups

and obtained:

● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-07-18 12:01:10 CEST; 13min ago
TriggeredBy: ● cups.socket
             ● cups.path
       Docs: man:cupsd(8)
   Main PID: 39957 (cupsd)
     Status: "Scheduler is running..."
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 18906)
     Memory: 2.1M
        CPU: 59ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
             └─39957 /usr/bin/cupsd -l

Jul 18 12:01:10 archthink systemd[1]: Starting CUPS Scheduler...
Jul 18 12:01:10 archthink systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.

Which theoretically is telling me that cups is running.

If I access cups server at http://localhost:631/, whatever I click there returns me a "Internal Server Error".

If I run lpinfo -m, I also receive a "Internal Server Error"

If I run "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep cups" I receive:

root       39957  0.0  0.0  31100 10480 ?        Ss   12:01   0:00 /usr/bin/cupsd -l

Which confirms me once again it is in fact running. But whatever I do with cups gives me an internal server error. I really dont know what to do. Everything I see online, whenever someone installs cups and begins it service, it just works.

Thank you in advance for any answers.

Apparently there could’ve been an out of sync mirror where I obtained my cups package from and it could’ve been causing issues with cups running on my system.

After a system update and reinstallation of cups things worked again. smile

Last edited by cavalcantidd (2021-07-18 14:13:18)


#2 2021-07-18 10:28:14

From: Latvia
Registered: 2014-04-01
Posts: 1,853

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Output of hostnamectl and content of /etc/hosts
paru > yay | webcord > discord
pacman -S spotify-launcher
mount /dev/disk/by-...


#3 2021-07-18 10:40:22

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

ugjka wrote:

Output of hostnamectl and content of /etc/hosts

Output of /etc/hosts:

# Static table lookup for hostnames.
# See hosts(5) for details. localhost
::1	  localhost archthink.localdomain  archthink

Output of hostnamectl:

 Static hostname: archthink
       Icon name: computer-laptop
         Chassis: laptop
      Machine ID: 3b6b6a12f6244a3bb96d8c35fc35056e
         Boot ID: 96e96fc56075407bbb7a0d4462d353e1
Operating System: Arch Linux
          Kernel: Linux 5.10.50-1-lts
    Architecture: x86-64
 Hardware Vendor: Lenovo
  Hardware Model: ThinkPad T470s


Last edited by cavalcantidd (2021-07-18 10:47:43)


#4 2021-07-18 10:42:25

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,600

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Raise the debug level, restart cups and check the log. … #Debug_log

Also please use code tags when posting file contents and shell I/O,


#5 2021-07-18 10:59:32

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

seth wrote:

Raise the debug level, restart cups and check the log. … #Debug_log
1) Changed debug level. See:

sudo grep -r debug /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
# Log general information in error_log - change "warn" to "debug"
LogLevel debug

2) Restarted service through

sudo systemctl restart --now cups

3) Debug Log:

D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:25 +0200] [Client 7] Waiting for request.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:25 +0200] [Client 7] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:25 +0200] [Client 7] Closing connection.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:25 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:30 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:30 +0200] [Client 8] Server address is "".
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:30 +0200] [Client 8] Accepted from localhost:45098 (IPv4)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:30 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for request.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] GET /help/admin.html HTTP/1.1
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Read: status=200, state=3
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] No authentication data provided.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Processing GET /help/admin.html
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/run/cups"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@archthink"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/2.3.3op2"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/run/cups/cups.sock"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[18] = "LANG=en_US.UTF8"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[19] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[20] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[21] = "SERVER_NAME="
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[23] = "REMOTE_ADDR="
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[25] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/help/admin.html"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/help/admin.html"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[27] = "PATH_INFO=/admin.html"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[28] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[29] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:90.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/90.0"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_REFERER="
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[31] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] envp[32] = "QUERY_STRING="
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi (PID 202347)
I [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi" (pid=202347, file=13)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for CGI data.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] CGI data ready to be sent.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] PID 202347 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi) crashed on signal 11.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] con->http=0x5634f6b28850
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=(nil)(), pipe_pid=202347, file=13
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for CGI data.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] cupsdSendHeader: code=500, type="text/html", auth_type=0
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for request.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Closing because Keep-Alive is disabled.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Closing connection.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Not busy"
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] [Client 9] Server address is "".
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] [Client 9] Accepted from localhost:45102 (IPv4)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] [Client 9] Waiting for request.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: clients=1
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: jobs=0
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: jobs-active=0
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: printers=0
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: stringpool-string-count=333
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=5232
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:45 +0200] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=5672
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:50 +0200] [Client 9] HTTP_STATE_WAITING Closing for error 32 (Broken pipe)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:50 +0200] [Client 9] Closing connection.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:57:50 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Not busy", busy="Active clients"

Also please use code tags when posting file contents and shell I/O,

gotcha smile

Also what jumps at me is "Keep Alive" is disabled and I dont know if that makes the server have 0 tolerance for delay and just bugs out.

Last edited by cavalcantidd (2021-07-18 11:01:30)


#6 2021-07-18 11:05:45

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,600

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi (PID 202347)
I [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi" (pid=202347, file=13)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for CGI data.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] CGI data ready to be sent.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] PID 202347 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi) crashed on signal 11.

Check coredumpctl whether it left a backtrace.


Almost, use of "quote" tags is certainly improvable tongue


#7 2021-07-18 11:09:29

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

seth wrote:
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi (PID 202347)
I [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi" (pid=202347, file=13)
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] Waiting for CGI data.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] [Client 8] CGI data ready to be sent.
D [18/Jul/2021:12:56:32 +0200] PID 202347 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/help.cgi) crashed on signal 11.

Check coredumpctl whether it left a backtrace.


Almost, use of "quote" tags is certainly improvable tongue

Youre right.

Here is coredumptctl:

Sat 2021-07-17 20:35:25 CEST  554335    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:37:53 CEST  561725    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:37:53 CEST  561730    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:37:53 CEST  561723    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:37:53 CEST  561724    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:38:44 CEST  564585    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:38:44 CEST  564583    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:38:44 CEST  564586    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sat 2021-07-17 20:38:44 CEST  564584    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:07:19 CEST  858693 1000 1000 SIGABRT present      /usr/bin/python3.9                             >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:07:42 CEST  873692    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:07:19 CEST  858693 1000 1000 SIGABRT present      /usr/bin/python3.9                             >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:07:42 CEST  873692    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:12:35 CEST  888797    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:13:36 CEST  892035    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:13:36 CEST  892034    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:13:36 CEST  892033    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 00:13:36 CEST  892036    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:09:58 CEST  913592    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:13:49 CEST  924593    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:16:01 CEST  931667    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:36:08 CEST   10645    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:36:18 CEST   11101    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:45:03 CEST    6927    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:47:18 CEST   15092    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:49:41 CEST    5264    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:56:35 CEST   26306    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 11:57:30 CEST   29063    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:01:27 CEST   40974    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:01:30 CEST   41088    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:02:27 CEST   44716    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:02:29 CEST   44799    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:04:14 CEST   50194    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >
Sun 2021-07-18 12:04:22 CEST   50638    0  209 SIGSEGV inaccessible /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-exec                 >


#8 2021-07-18 11:13:58

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,600

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Now look at one of the relevant dumps, … _core_dump

Also please don't copy out of the pager - redirect the output into a file or eg. xclip for the clipboard.


#9 2021-07-18 11:53:04

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

I ran

coredumpctl info cups-exec

Here is the last PID of the failed execution of cups-exec:


#10 2021-07-18 11:58:58

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,600

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Crashes straigt away.
To rule out partial upgrades being the cause, "pacman -Syu"


#11 2021-07-18 13:14:52

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

seth wrote:

Crashes straigt away.
To rule out partial upgrades being the cause, "pacman -Syu"

Embarassingly enough, after I updated the system, uninstalled cups, deleted the cups folders in /etc, then finally reinstalled cups, started its service and restarted the machine. CUPS finally was working again.

Thank you so much for the patience and help. I was sure I had updated the system yesterday morning and just thought it couldnt be that packages were somehow outdated.


#12 2021-07-18 13:20:11

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 56,600

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

Bad (out of sync) mirror?

Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.


#13 2021-07-18 14:13:55

Registered: 2021-07-18
Posts: 7

Re: (SOLVED) Cups - Internal Server Error

seth wrote:

Bad (out of sync) mirror?

Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.

That could’ve been the issue.

Thanks again smile


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