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Hi all,
I've recently installed Archlinux on my new Thinkpad T14 Gen 1 AMD. I'm using i3wm and everything seems to work fine, except I've run into issues with the audio (Pulseaudio + ALSA):
99% of the time the audio works without a hitch for music. But roughly once every few hours, upon changing the volume using the laptop vol up/down keys, it appears that something gets stuck in a loop and the volume either gets sent to 0% or over 200%. Simultaneously, the system locks up (cannot see or move cursor, or otherwise interact with open panes). Interestingly, however, the i3 controls for changing focus between panes still work.
I found that I could unfreeze the system by doing a Ctrl-Alt-Fn into a console and then going back.
To investigate this issue, I ran `pulseaudio -vvvvv > ~/pulseaudio.log 2>& 1` to record debug output. After several hours of playing music, the issue manifested. I've included part of the logfile here.
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Created 441 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Client added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/client441
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 34, local 34
I: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=1000 gid=1000 success=1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Memfd possible: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM type: shared memfd
D: [pulseaudio] memblock.c: Using shared memfd memory pool with 1024 slots of size 64.0 KiB each, total size is 64.0 MiB, maximum usable slot size is 65472
D: [pulseaudio] srbchannel.c: SHM block is 65472 bytes, ringbuffer capacity is 2 * 32712 bytes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Enabling srbchannel...
D: [pulseaudio] module-augment-properties.c: Looking for .desktop file for pactl
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Client enabled srbchannel.
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Client pactl changes volume of sink alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink.
D: [pulseaudio] sink.c: The reference volume of sink alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink changed from front-left: 112466 / 172% / 14.07 dB, front-right: 112466 / 172% / 14.07 dB to front-left: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB, front-right: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Requested volume: front-left: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB, front-right: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Got hardware volume: front-left: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB, front-right: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Calculated software volume: front-left: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB, front-right: 119019 / 182% / 15.55 dB (accurate-enough=no)
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: Volume not changing
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 172872 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Limited to 165164 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: before: 41291
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: after: 41291
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Rewound 165164 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: Processing rewind...
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: latency = 2166
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink-input.c: Have to rewind 165164 bytes on render memblockq.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] source.c: Processing rewind...
I: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Storing volume/mute for device+port sink:alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink:[Out] Speaker.
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Client removed from object /org/pulseaudio/core1/client441
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Freed 441 "pactl"
I: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Connection died.
The interesting line to me is `sink.c: Volume not changing`, despite the fact that the above code occurs 5-6 times and eventually pushes the volume to ~200%. Perhaps for some reason, a volume increase is not being registered, and Pulseaudio is repeatedly requesting the increase?
For comparison, I also logged debug output for a 'normal' volume change, which looks pretty normal: 'Volume going up to ...'
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Created 44 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Client added for object /org/pulseaudio/core1/client44
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 34, local 34
I: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=1000 gid=1000 success=1
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Memfd possible: yes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM type: shared memfd
D: [pulseaudio] memblock.c: Using shared memfd memory pool with 1024 slots of size 64.0 KiB each, total size is 64.0 MiB, maximum usable slot size is 65472
D: [pulseaudio] srbchannel.c: SHM block is 65472 bytes, ringbuffer capacity is 2 * 32712 bytes
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Enabling srbchannel...
D: [pulseaudio] module-augment-properties.c: Looking for .desktop file for pactl
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Client enabled srbchannel.
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Client pactl changes volume of sink alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink.
D: [pulseaudio] sink.c: The reference volume of sink alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink changed from front-left: 33803 / 52% / -17.25 dB, front-right: 33803 / 52% / -17.25 dB to front-left: 40356 / 62% / -12.63 dB, front-right: 40356 / 62% / -12.63 dB.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Requested volume: front-left: 40356 / 62% / -12.63 dB, front-right: 40356 / 62% / -12.63 dB
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Got hardware volume: front-left: 41350 / 63% / -12.00 dB, front-right: 41350 / 63% / -12.00 dB
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Calculated software volume: front-left: 63961 / 98% / -0.63 dB, front-right: 63961 / 98% / -0.63 dB (accurate-enough=no)
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: Volume going up to 41350 at 51420178485
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 4096 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Limited to 3104 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: before: 776
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: after: 776
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] alsa-sink.c: Rewound 3104 bytes.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: Processing rewind...
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink.c: latency = 2148
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] sink-input.c: Have to rewind 3104 bytes on render memblockq.
D: [alsa-sink-ALC257 Analog] source.c: Processing rewind...
I: [pulseaudio] module-device-restore.c: Storing volume/mute for device+port sink:alsa_output.pci-0000_07_00.6.HiFi___ucm0003.hw_Generic_1__sink:[Out] Speaker.
D: [pulseaudio] protocol-dbus.c: Interface org.PulseAudio.Core1.Client removed from object /org/pulseaudio/core1/client44
I: [pulseaudio] client.c: Freed 44 "pactl"
I: [pulseaudio] protocol-native.c: Connection died.
Edit: for reference, the config for volup/down in ~/.config/i3/config is the default i3 config, as far as I'm aware
# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
# set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +10% && $refresh_i3status
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -10% && $refresh_i3status
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && $refresh_i3status
bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec --no-startup-id pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle && $refresh_i3status
Any input would be much appreciated here -- since the issue only shows up once every few hours, it's difficult for me to reproduce. I'm happy to provide more log files if needed.
Last edited by syz (2021-07-20 04:21:13)