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The pre_upgrade function in an install script has the option to use these two arguments.
- arg 1: the new package version
- arg 2: the old package version
What are the format specifications for the version strings?
It would help me a lot to see several different examples of these arguments being used. I haven't been able to locate any AUR packages yet that use these args in an install script.
Last edited by MountainX (2021-08-04 22:44:04)
What do you mean? The versions strings are just literally the version of the package: … versioning
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
What do you mean? The versions strings are just literally the version of the package: … versioning
OK, thanks.
EDIT: I was probably too quick to mark this solved because I still have a couple questions after reading your link:
1. will arg 1 ($1) be exactly the string value of $pkgver from the current PKGBUILD?
2. are pkgrel numbers included or not? I assume not, but please confirm.
Last edited by MountainX (2021-08-04 22:50:10)
it turns out that the parameter $1 includes the pkgrel too.