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I am installing arch linux in virtualbox I have the following disk partition:
/root: 16G mount /mnt
/EFI 580M mount /mnt/boot/EFI
/boot: 200M mount /mnt/boot
/var: 9G 9G mount /mnt/var
/swap: 4G (mkswap,swapon)
/home 5.2G mount /mnt/home
It turns out that when I install grub it does not identify the /boot/EFI folder. Help.
What is "it"? You pick the command mentioned in and use --esp=/boot/EFI
But seeing this partition scheme, what was your mount order? If you want to do it like that you need to mount /boot before mounting /boot/EFI otherwise you mask the path.
Last edited by V1del (2021-08-17 15:29:14)
Thank you very much, I am a noob at this and it is very new to me. I will try as you say to see if it works.
If you're a 'noob' then I'd suggest not attempting such a complicated partitioning scheme, especially as it's a virtual installation.
All you need is a 500MB EFI partiton at /boot and the rest as /
For what it's worth, I have boot at /boot, efi at /boot/efi, and I never needed to do anything fancy to get grub to figure it out. Just grub-install. It's a pretty standard partitioning scheme used by basically every noob-friendly linux distro.
It's possible that you might just need to change the mount point to /boot/efi rather than /boot/EFI, because caps matter on Linux and that might lead to grub-install not being able to find it on its own. You would need to specify with --efi-directory=/boot/EFI as mentioned.
Last edited by Ammako (2021-08-17 20:27:36)
Thank you very much, it works now! (happy noob)