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Well for Arch Linux ,In Legacy mode I have created 4 partitions which are as following.
1- /boot
2- /root
3- /swap
4- /home
Following are steps which I have taken.
1- For /boot I create a directory
root@archiso ~ #mkdir -p /mnt/boot
root@archiso ~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
root@archiso ~#mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
2- For “/”
root@archiso ~# mkfs.ext4 dev/sda2
root@archiso ~#mount dev/sda2 /mnt
3-For “swap”
root@archiso ~# mkfs.swap dev/sda3
root@archiso ~# swapon dev/sda3
4- for "/home "
root@archiso ~#mkdir -p /mnt/home
root@archiso ~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4
root@archiso ~#mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home
During installation I am facing problem that fstab is not adding entry automatically of my “boot” partition i.e /dev/sda1 .
The issue is when I use genfstab command and then view it by cat command I can not see /boot entry inside /mnt/etc/fstab.
Rest all three entries are inside it .
root@archiso ~#genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
root@archiso ~# cat /mnt/etc/fstab
UUID=8ecfkb1a-55fd-4432-7w5t-9197ofg8e7f5 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1
UUID= 8ecfkb5r-ddb12-4480-8dcr-3a97of7837f5 /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
UUID=897a08r5t-091e-4477-afb1-9197ofg8e7f5 none swap default 0 0
What is the reason behind it ? If I proceed the installation steps then i get an error message.
[root@archiso /]# grub-install /dev/sda
It generate an error message i.e /dev/sda1 not found .
I again start the installation step and this time I add entry manually "/dev/sda1" in /mnt/tc/fstab then at grub installation it shows "installation finished.No error reported.
UUID=8ecfkb1a-55fd-4432-7w5t-9197ofg8e7f5 / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1
/dev/sda1 /boot ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
UUID=8ecfkb5r-ddb12-4480-8dcr-3a97of7837f5 /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
UUID=97a08r5t-091e-4477-afb1-9197ofg8e7f5 none swap default 0 0
kindly guide me why genfstab not add /boot entry inside /mnt/etc/fstab ?
In the GUI interface ( XFCE) I can see both boot folder and home folder are mounted on the desktop .Is it right ?
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Last edited by WorMzy (2021-08-24 21:22:48)
Try mount root partition first, *then* mkdir /mnt/boot and mount boot partition to it.
Also you might want to install gvfs (something like that) and your partitions won't be showing up like this on desktop anymore.
These are not files so you're not going to see them just by ls'ing on Desktop folder.
Last edited by Ammako (2021-08-22 15:13:53)
Thanks "Ammako" for the reply.Does the order counts in Arch Linux ? So it means that my sequence order is nor correct for it? Well I shall try according to your instructions ,lets see why it do it.
Well like xfce because it is light and work smooth.
It matters not just for Arch. You want your boot partition to be mounted to a folder inside your root partition, to do that the root partition has to be mounted first.
Well if I remember in other distro like "Debian" during installation I just use / and root is mouted .For boot partition i doesn't mount it inside /mnt . /boot means boot partition and it mounts.I even check after installation there is no folder inside /mnt .
Yes if we want to mount usb from terminal then we create a folder inside /mnt/usb then mount it.
In Arch Linux the installation process is all in terminal windows so all things are upto the user how he players with it.Well in terminal windows we have to follow it and mount the partitions inside /mnt I learn a lot from Arch installation but I doesn't found any technique in Arch wiki for how to create a separate /home partition.
even if I want to create separate /var then it will also goes inside /mnt/var ? I think yes.
On my Arch xfce desktop I create an empty file then on the terminal i write ls command but it does 't show any file which is very strange for me. ~ mean home dir. As my prompt is showing me. If it is home then where is my file ? Yes If i go inside pc@testpc ~ $ cd Desktop then inside it I use the ls command which shows my file .
Need your valuable guidance and suggestions.
Last edited by gardenair (2021-08-22 17:36:37)
That's because Debian's installer just handles everything automatically as needed. Also as far as I know Debian uses /target at installation instead of /mnt, it doesn't really matter what you mount your partitions to though. What matters is that the right data gets written to the correct partitions. You could create a /foobar folder instead, and as long as you mount your partitions into /foobar and use /foobar in place of /mnt in your pacstrap, genfstab and arch-chroot, you'd be fine.
For what it's worth, you could install Debian manually via command line in the same way you do Arch, using debootstrap.
Splitting /home into its own partition is done the same way as you do for /boot
Last edited by Ammako (2021-08-22 17:13:25)
Thanks "Ammako" for your guideline. I install Ach according to your technique and now fstab shows all entries.
Though my problem has been solved. With your due respect, I want to ask one more thing that if I want to install Arch Linux on "EFI Boot" then
My Partition formation will be
1- / root partition
2- /boot partition
3- /swap partition
4- /home partition
root@archiso ~ # mkdir –p /mnt/boot/efi
root@archiso ~ # mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
root@archiso ~ # mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
Rest steps should be the same as I did on "Legacy mode".Am I correct?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by gardenair (2021-08-24 17:30:18)
Should be fine, but it's possible you might have to call grub-install with --efi-directory=/boot. I usually have efi system partiton mounted at /boot/efi, with a separate partition for regular /boot, and I'm not actually sure if it's necessary to specify the path if you choose to mount ESP at /boot instead. Doesn't hurt to specify it, either way.
Last edited by Ammako (2021-08-24 17:37:11)
Thanks, So it should be like what I have understood is
[root@archiso /] # pacman -S grub efibootmgr
Install GRUB
[root@archiso /] # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --efi-directory=/boot/efi
If you're mounting EFI system partition at /boot/efi, yes
(Remember that you have to do this while chrooted into the installed system. Can't do this in the archiso itself.)
Last edited by Ammako (2021-08-24 18:10:19)