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I am working on pacman hooks that use btrbk to create pre/post btrfs snapshots. I've been using snapper and snap-pac previously, but I prefer btrbk over snapper. I do not find any btrbk package for pacman hooks, so I am working on something.
Assume this package will be named btrbk-pac. (Although btrbk-pacman-hook is another option.)
In the case where btrbk-pac is being uninstalled, it might be best to not run the pre-hook. I'm not sure how to accomplish that. Can anyone suggest how?
The normal pre-hook and post hook look like the following:
# cat /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/05-btrbk-pac-pre.hook
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Install
Operation = Remove
Type = Package
Target = *
Description = Performing btrbk pre-pacman snapshots for the following configurations...
Depends = btrbk-pac
When = PreTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/btrbk run root --preserve --override=snapshot_create=always
# cat /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/zz-btrbk-pac-post.hook
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Install
Operation = Remove
Type = Package
Target = *
Description = Performing btrbk post-pacman snapshots for the following configurations...
Depends = btrbk-pac
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/btrbk run root --preserve --override=snapshot_create=always
How does that look?
The btrbk command in the hooks filters on "root". It depends upon the btrbk.conf file having a "root" item defined. That config item that matches the filter can be a group-name, volume-directory, etc. as per the btrbk man page. (I would recommend configuring a "root" group in the btrbk.conf file for this hook.)
Last edited by MountainX (2021-09-06 22:08:33)
Have you tried a second target line for the negation? I.e.
Target = *
Target = !btrbk-pac
Last edited by V1del (2021-09-06 20:45:13)
Have you tried a second target line for the negation? I.e.
Target = * Target = !btrbk-pac
I thought about that, but the inverted target !btrbk-pac needs to affect only the Remove operation and that's the issue that I got stuck on.
In case anybody wants to try it out:
filename: PKGBUILD
# Maintainer: TODO
# Contributor: TODO
pkgdesc="pacman hooks that use btrbk to create pre/post btrfs snapshots"
package() {
cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}"
install -m 0755 -d $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname
install -m 0644 LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname
install -m 0755 -d $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname
install -m 0644 $pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname
install -m 0755 -d $pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks
install -m 0644 05-btrbk-pac-pre.hook $pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks
install -m 0644 zz-btrbk-pac-post.hook $pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks
filename: 05-btrbk-pac-pre.hook
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Install
Operation = Remove
Type = Package
Target = *
Description = Performing btrbk pre-pacman snapshots for the following configurations...
Depends = btrbk-pac
When = PreTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/btrbk run root --preserve --override=snapshot_create=always
filename: zz-btrbk-pac-post.hook
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Install
Operation = Remove
Type = Package
Target = *
Description = Performing btrbk post-pacman snapshots for the following configurations...
Depends = btrbk-pac
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/btrbk run root --preserve --override=snapshot_create=always
# btrbk-pac
pacman hooks that use btrbk to create pre/post btrfs snapshots on Arch Linux
filename: LICENSE
Any license can be used afaic, but a file by this name is required by the PKGBUILD
Note: I am thinking of adding the `--quiet` option to the `Exec` command in the hooks. Currently, the btrbk output is shown in the pacman stdout. That was nice during testing, but it may be a bit much on continued use.
I will come back to address the issue of uninstalling btrbk-pac itself as soon as I understand how to do it.
Last edited by MountainX (2021-09-06 22:39:40)