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Hello all and thanks for the hospitality.
I am trying to install Arch on my brand-new Dell 9710 laptop and I am facing some issues with first boot.
I am using systemd-boot as a boot method and everything seems to be correct.
But, when the system tries to boot I see this error;
:: running early hook [udev]
Starting version 249.4-1-arch
:: running hook [udev]
:: Triggering uevents...
:: running hook [keymap]
:: Loading keymap...done.
Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-partuuid/***** ...
ERROR: device 'PARTUUID=*****' not found. Skipping fsck.
:: mounting 'PARTUUID=****' on real root
mount: /new_root: can't find PARTUUID=*****.
You are now being dropped into an emergency shell,
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
[rootfs ]#
When I look inside the /dev folder, indeed there's no 'disk' folder -- not even the regular /dev/nvme0* entries.
I even tried to create a new entry using disk label instead and again didn't work, or even using directly the device as /dev/nvme0n1p7
Any hints?
Last edited by teras (2021-09-11 12:57:38)
Make sure that the drive is set to AHCI mode in your firmware menu.
And if it isn't and you do not have an option to change it, boot the live disk back up, chroot into your system mount all the partitions as necessary and add look for the MODULES line in your /etc/mkinitcpio and uncomment that and make it read
MODULES=( vmd )
and regenerate your linux images with
mkinitcpio -P
and retry.
Indeed that's it!
I tried the MODULES trick first and it worked!
Thank you @Slithery and @V1del