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I've been looking for a music player that won't crash every 2 minutes and can play just about anything. mplay looks like just what I want.
There seems to be no PKGBUILD. It's pretty much a bunch of perl scripts right? What is the "arch" way of installing this?
The INSTALL script puts it in /usr/local/bin
I can ln -s or put /usr/local in my path but what would be a more "correct" way of doing this?
OK I've thought about it and I'm going to post this to the Pacman part of the forum.
Please do not crosspost.
mplayer will play everything. pacman -S mplayer.
Sorry about the cross-post. I realized that I had mistakenly posted to newbie when my question might be more effectively answered in the pacman section.
I still have no information that can help me. I know that mplayer can play everything. mplay is basically a frontend to mplayer. What mplay adds is some music management facilities etc.
My question is not what music player should I use, but how should I correctly install what are basically some perl scripts in a way that makes sense to arch linux. Has anyone figured out how to do this?
All requests for new packages should be posted into AUR Package Requests category.
To forum admins: can you please move this topic to its appropriate place?
to live is to die
Pages: 1