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My root file system is btrfs, contains several subvolume. @arch for /, @home for /home, @srv for /srv, @var for /var, and I mounted them accordingly. I also have a subvolume called “snapshots”, which contains snapshot of @arch I manually created. All five subvolumes are at same top level 5.
I try to reinstall arch after I accidentally delete @arch subv, and failed to restore from snapshots. I boot up liveCD, create new @arch subv, and mount as I mentioned above. Only @arch is new, other’s are old ones. I checked there’s empty in @arch, and I run pacstrap to install essential packages. The issue is, it’s telling me that all the package is up to date — reinstalling, but it failed to execute correctly. I run ls, there’s no bin, sbin directory. Is it because how btrfs works, or there’s package cached in /var/cache/pacman/pkg, which I didn’t remove. And how to fix this problem?
Can you post the output of
df -h
btrfs sub li /mnt
Also, check
ls /mnt
if it's not empty something's definitely wrong.
Linux comes from discontent, if something doesn't work make it better, fix it, and learn on the way.
Pages: 1