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I am trying to install Arch Linux using the "archinstall" command and using the documentation from
Install seems successful, however after rebooting I get dropped into a "rootfs" prompt with the following error message before the prompt:
ERROR: device 'PARTUUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX" not found. Skipping fsck.
I assume it cannot find the correct partition.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong and/or know how to get an Arch installation to boot?
Hardware is a new XPS13 (9305) that does not need to be dual booted or any other fancy setup, just a booting Arch installation would be great.
Thank you.
Last edited by 002445 (2021-10-07 14:24:40)
Some newer laptops have a RAID mode enabled that isn't yet included as a default necessity for the early initramfs. One way to fix this is to change the drive from RAID to AHCI in your UEFI if it permits doing so, another is to boot the live disk back up, mounting your / and /boot partition if applicable, chrooting in and adding
MODULES=( vmd )
to your /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and regenerating the images with
mkinitcpio -P
Last edited by V1del (2021-10-07 13:57:20)
Very much appreciated for your answer V1del.
Changing the storage setting from (something akin to) "RAID" to "ACPI" in the UEFI settings of the laptop and then reinstalling did the trick. I am now booted into a (very clean) Arch installation, time to install i3 and some other necessary bloat.
Pages: 1