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I have version 5.15.2-arch1-1 and I'm dual booting with Windows.
It never finishes shutting down, and I don't know what causes it. I removed quiet splash from the grub configuration, so I see
[OK] Reached target System Shutdown.
[OK] Reached target Late Shutdown Services.
[OK] Finished System Reboot
[OK] Reached target System Reboot
kauditd_printk_skb: 16 callbacks suppressed
watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
The the screen goes black, but it never actually powers off.
I apologize in advance if I'm missing important information.
Last edited by Moises (2021-11-14 16:19:09)
I'm dual booting with Windows
3rd link below, rule that out.
3rd link below, rule that out.
Thank you! It's disabled and it hasn't fixed the problem. I can mount the windows partition without getting a message that I have to mount it in write only mode.
However, rereading that link I've realized that I'm not supposed to have two EFI system partitions, so I messed up the installation. Maybe this is an extremely dumb question, but can I get away with not formatting and reinstalling? I'm really hoping that eventually (soon) I'll convince myself that I don't need windows and that I'm capable of using Linux without breaking everything, and then I won't have dual booting problems.
If you can boot the system then having two ESPs shouldn't be a problem and it's almost certainly not the reason for the issue you're experiencing.
Can you suspend to RAM?
Can you suspend to RAM?
I don't think so. I ran
sudo rtcwake --mode mem --seconds 10 --verbose
and then screen went black and didn't come back.
ACPI issue, did you check whether there're comments for your notebook model, ?
There's a comment about "Annoying messages about AMD-Vi", but that's it. Power management is "not tested".
I'm confused about well, what acpi is, but also what brought this problem. I think the first time it happened was after upgrading from version 5.14.16-arch1-1 to 5.15.2, but I've already tried undoing that upgrade and it didn't fix the issue.
Offline … _Interface - the way the OS tells the BIOS to power off etc.
What's the exact notebook model? (The wiki has the brand labels and I'm in no mood to research the BIOS version string ;-)
It's Ideapad 320-15ABR, and inside /sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version is 5QCN21WW.
Progress/I did something stupid: It shuts down correctly with 5.14.16. The last time I tried it I rebooted only once, and then thought that it hadn't worked, but now I've realized I'm probably supposed to reboot twice to check, and indeed it works.
I apologize, I didn't mean to ask for a lesson about hardware, I was just trying to set the expectations about my (lack of) understanding of things.
The last time I tried it I rebooted only once
You mean after disabling windows fast-start?
Yeah, rebooting both OS a couple of times (well, twice) can be required to straighten the ACPI table.
If the problem doesn't re-emerge, please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.
FRT: The specific model has btw. complaints on similar power state control issues all across the interwebz - including this forum …
So it *might* have worked by fluke…
You mean after disabling windows fast-start?
I'll explain myself better: windows fast-start was disabled all along. The problem is still there if I upgrade to Linux 5.15, but it is gone if I go back to Linux 5.14.
One last question: where do I go from here? Should I keep my package database frozen in time, while periodically checking if a new update fixes the problem? Should I report a bug?
You could try the LTS kernel, use that, keep the linux kernel updating and if the problem doesn't go away, you should file an upstream bug.
You may also want to bisect the issue, … egressions &
Thank you so much for the help!!!