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Hello. I just truing create usb which will be loading ipxe.lkrn running the guide "Neetboot - ArchWiki. And it's not work. I was look Search on forum and other people also can't do it with using this guide. Maybe some of you managed to do it. Please tell what need to do else what would it work. Or maybe someone know some othe guide about it, please share it. Thnx.
I solved the issue as follows. Created a bootable USB stick with grub4dos.
Registered in the menu:
title linux
kernel (link to the ipxe-arch.lkrn file from the root of the flash drive, for example /boot/linux/ipxe.lkrn)
For UEFI I renamed the ipxe.efi file to bootx64.efi, put it in the /efi/boot folder.
Last edited by TaTuKoMa (2021-11-16 10:59:34)