You are not logged in. provides pre-built images for docker, VM, etc. (see:
Though I am unable to use any of them because when booting them I'm met with a login prompt and I don't know how to login.
I've tried searching wiki and github/gitlab pages for info on how to login using these images but to no avail.
What am I missing?
How do I login to a pre-built image?
Last edited by Svinto (2021-11-23 01:33:38)
How do I login to a pre-built image?
Try the VM images README link from the downloads page.
The basic image is meant for local usage and comes preconfigured with the user arch (pw: arch) and sshd running.
Thank you.
I expected I had missed something obvious and I was right.
I am also not surprised to see this question popping up here before. I tried searching the forum for "vm" and "credentials" but did only get irrelevant results.
Thanks again.
Last edited by Svinto (2021-11-23 01:34:06)